Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: There's a few reasons. Hermione thinks Ron is over-reacting about it and that he is only trying to blame her for something. She's also being a bit insensitive to the situation, ignoring any real concerns Ron has. It's part of their simmering personality conflict, which they eventually overcome.


Question: How come Hermione never receives a Weasley jumper? She'd earn one to cancel a trip with her parents after never seeing them to stay with the Weasleys and make sure Arthur was OK, surely?


Answer: Molly wasn't ignoring Hermione. She knew Hermione's parents always gave her nice gifts for her birthday, Christmas, etc. Molly gave Harry a sweater because she knew his Aunt and Uncle never gave him any gifts. She simply didn't want Harry to be left out when everyone else got something. Also, Molly knitted the sweaters herself, taking some time to make them. She did not anticipate Hermione being there.


Question: At the end of the movie George Knox adopts PJ, and Roger. Wouldn't George have had to meet with a social worker before adopting them?

Answer: Maybe he did offscreen?


I meant that as a yes or no question.

Question: When McClane and his boss are in the van with the FBI agents and Gruber guesses who of the FBI is in the van there is a man sitting in the back. Who is he and why doesn't Gruber guess he is in the car as well?


Answer: He is actor Richard Russell Ramos and he's credited as FBI Chief. Simon does allude he's there because he uses the plural "FBI agents" and Jarvis is not from the FBI. However, it seems Simon's point is made that he knows who is in the van because he's watching them. There was just no need to identify everyone in the van.


Answer: It's reckless and irresponsible and it's not something that he does normally. But, it is something that Marcus would do.

Question: Jerry turned Evil into a vampire but he was actually a werewolf when he attacked Peter? So how did that work?

Answer: Traditionally, vampires could turn into wolves. Dracula uses a wolf form throughout the original novel by Bram Stoker, so it isn't completely unheard of. Ed is definitely a vampire but he is one who can also turn into a wolf. Whether or not he can also turn into a bat like Jerry is unknown. Whether or not Jerry can also turn into a wolf is unknown.


Answer: After Charlie stabs Jerry with the pencil, Peter Vincent appears on the Fright Night TV show and says, "Do you know, there are some people who don't believe in Vampires? I do, because I know they exist. I have fought them in all their guises: MAN. BAT. WOLF. And I have always WON..."


Question: Every time the otherworld comes, a siren blares in the distance. If Alessa wants revenge why would a siren be on the church and why would it go off? Unless Alessa wanted something to warn Rose when danger is near.


Answer: The implication in the film is that the Church blares the siren or has it rigged to blare when the "darkness" is coming. Basically to warn anyone outside to seek shelter. In the original game (on which the movie is very loosely based), the siren is more abstract, and seems to be a sort-of supernatural warning of the impending transition between the "fog" and "dark" worlds. There is no 100% agreed upon reason for the sirens in the games, only fan-theories.

Answer: In the context of the movie, the air around the area is toxic due to the coal-mine fires underground. Therefore, it's a prohibited area. Additionally, there had been illegal activity in the past (like Cybil says, a child-abductor once used the area to store the boy he kidnapped), which is also likely a factor as to why it's completely fenced in.


Question: I am having trouble finding this online. Although the 3 main characters are from the 4th movie with the same names, the main guy is upset that his uncle died, even though he tried to kill him and his friends in the prior movie. They all act like this is all new to them. My question is, does this follow the events from the prior movie and they are aware of those events, or is this just paying homage to the 1st and 2nd movie where Frank and Freddy were killed off but returned as different, although similar, characters?


Answer: This movie is actually off task like the fourth film. Both 4 and Rave to the grave feature zombies that are supposed to be indestructible like in the first three films, but are not indestructible and the only people aware of the chemical's nature are the main characters, police, and military from the first film and the main characters and military from the second and third films. So although the fourth and fifth installments in the franchise are sequels to the previous films, they aren't really connected with the three installments as the fourth installment takes place in the future and the fifth installment takes time somewhere between the third and fourth film and the chemical's effects are shown to have changed after the third film.


Question: Did Omar Shariff make it out of the collapsing rock canyon alive? I missed the ending.

Answer: Colorado and MacKenna both make it out of the canyon alive and then go their separate ways. The gold was buried in the collapse, but McKenna is seen riding off on Sgt. Tibbs horse. The saddle bag is stuffed with gold nuggets.


Question: When Harry became the champion, why did Dumbledore get mad? I know in the book, he doesn't get mad, he asks Harry calmly. Why did the screenwriters change this?


Answer: It's typical for scenes taken from a book to be depicted a bit differently in a film adaptation. Movies are visual and in this instance, the filmmakers were going for a more dramatic, ramped-up effect. Dumbledore was never mad at Harry, but upset by the turn of events and he had to be certain Harry was not in any way involved.


Answer: He's not mad per se, he is concerned that Harry did it himself and that he put himself in danger. He felt it was careless of him to do that, that's why he asked so furiously.


Question: At the end, during the battle with Lotto, Rabbit tells him to "Pay attention. You're saying the same shit he said" while pointing to Lyckety-Splyt. Lotto's insults were all racist, while Lyckety (whose only racial comment was calling Rabbit a Nazi), focused his insults towards beating Rabbit and insulting his friends. Therefore how was Lotto repeating Lickety's insults?


Answer: Lyckety made several racial insults in addition to calling Rabbit a Nazi: "You the New Kid on the Block about to get smacked back to the boondocks", "form a squad with Vanilla Ice", "this guy's a hillbilly, this ain't Willie Nelson music", "you'll get dropped so hard that Elvis will start turnin' in his grave", "need to take your white a** back across 8 Mile to the trailer park." Cleverly, all of Lyckety's racial insults refer specifically to white recording artists besides his final insult. Lotto does essentially the same thing, saying generic things about Rabbit's race. This is why Rabbit says "you see how far the white jokes get you" when he battles Lotto.


Question: When Rachel and Ray were down in the basement, how did that tentacle with the flashlight know that they were down there?

Answer: It didn't. It was checking to see if the place had anyone in it. The only way it would know is if it was following them the whole time, which it wasn't.

Question: Why didn't the prisoners just walk through the tunnel to Switzerland on the other side?

Answer: The majority of prisoners were heading towards Switzerland through the tunnel, only a few prisoners with weapons were acting as a rear guard to hold off the German troops chasing them and buy the prisoners time to escape.


All the prisoners were on the train. I've contended before, they didn't need to fix the track. Just leave the train on the bridge and go straight through the tunnel. That route HAD to be shorter than going around on the walkway, and they would have had a much larger head start than waiting to fix the track.


Question: What happened to that Asian nurse in the hospital that was last seen sliding down and scratching a sort of metal wall?

Answer: It's implied that all the doctors and nurses in that scene were killed. And she wasn't scratching a metal wall. She was being dragged across the floor and her fingernails were peeling up the floor surface in a desperate attempt to cling to safety.


Dead Man Dating - S1-E4

Question: Does anyone know the song that is played right after the intro? Not Secret Smile, but the one played on the Netflix version.

Answer: The song is a studio band original song and not available. I think they didn't even name it. Many of the licensed songs used in "Charmed" originally that Netflix can't or won't pay for have been replaced with similar sounding songs from a studio band. This is one of the few completely different sounding songs.


Question: How could Shen know that Po would be the baby panda from the village attacked by Shen's army?

Bunch Son

Answer: Since Po's father was presumably the only panda to attack Shen's wolves head-on, there's a chance Shen could have seen him. Plus in the flashback, Shen orders his wolves to attack Po and his mother before Po's father defends them both with his mallet.

Answer: You could assume that Pascal was attached to Rapunzel's hair during the whole scene/musical number, but since he's not visible it's likely that the animators didn't draw him into every shot to reduce costs, plus putting such a small 3D model on Rapunzel's shoulders/within her hair would have been very difficult and too time-consuming to animate.

Question: At the end when Tom Hanks is going over the map and the woman drives up, where exactly is the crossroads location?

Answer: The credits mention Canadian, TX. Canadian is on Hwy 83 in the Texas panhandle. The directions given mention Hwy 83 south and I-40 east. I-40 is roughly 30 miles or so south of Canadian on 83. Texas road signs are visible at the intersection. The ranch, a bed and breakfast and museum are at 9760 County Road 5, Canadian, TX. It looks like the crossroads was actually filmed maybe eight or ten miles south at the intersection of Z and 5.

Answer: Somewhere in the Great Plains, you heard the Woman's vague directions, "Whole lotta nothing 'till you get to Canada", and from the looks of things, it's not important anyway, the generic nature seems to be a plot device.


She also mentions that the next town heading west is Amarillo, so probably close to there.


True enough, but "close" is a relative term in the Great Plains, like I said, the location is broad and generic.


Question: In the scene on the stairs with the chocolate cake when he pushes cake in Kate's face - was that supposed to happen? I ask because she is laughing so hard, and after a second or 2, Nicolas looks up as if to look at the director.

Answer: Http://, -The.html ///// In section 69 /// jack (out of breath) I want it... She looks at him, then takes the whole piece in her hand and smooshes it right in his mouth... Beat. Then, Jack starts laughing... jack (CONT'D) Thank you... KATE It's good, right? He takes a big clump of it and smooshes it in her mouth. They stay there a moment, lying on the stairs, feeding each other cake, laughing. Jack leans back on the stairs. He looks at Kate's face, practically covered in cake, smiling, and realises... ...he hasn't laughed like this in thirteen years. Then.


Is it clear if that's a transcript of the film or the original shooting script? Because if the former it doesn't really answer the question.

Jon Sandys

That's the original script. A transcript of the film after it has come out does not contain blocking information or information about the character's mindset. Those only contain dialogue and the name of the music scores playing similar to movie subtitles. An original script contains blocking and the character's mindset to give the actors/film crew an idea of what to do and the meaning of the scene.

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