Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: I am positive I remember a scene in Annie from when I was little where they took her shopping and then another scene maybe with the shopping packages piled in the car. I can't find this anywhere now. Did I dream this?

Answer: I pretty sure I've seen that scene too, when I first saw the movie, but haven't seen it in broadcast airings. They always edit scenes for time. When they air "Scream 3," they cut out the scene where Patrick Dempsey says, "All I know about movie trilogies is in the third film. All bets are off."

The Caddy - S7-E12

Question: When Elaine pointed out that her gift for Sue Ellen was a bra, not a top, Sue Ellen said she knew that. So why was she wearing it as a top anyway - and not wearing bras underneath her clothes before?

Answer: She's a woman utterly unashamed of her body, not afraid to go braless or to wear a bra in lieu of a top.

Brian Katcher

The Junk Mail - S9-E5

Question: When Kramer is at the post office, Newman tells his co-worker to take her three-hour break, and she walks away. Is she really going to take a break for three hours?

Answer: This is probably riffing on a stereotype that postal workers are lazy, and taking a break for three hours is not unusual for them.


Question: After Frank survives the Buxton fire, John rings his mom and goes through to her voicemail. The next day he tries again and gets through to a Deli (obviously because his mom has been killed and therefore someone else has what would've been her phone number). How did this work exactly? His mom died a long time ago from his perspective, one day isn't going to make a difference since it happened in the past. Can anyone explain this or is it a plot hole?

Answer: There are 30 years separating Frank and John, but it seems that the timelines are parallel and unfolding at the same time. Example: if something happens on October 10th 1969 at noon for Frank, any repercussions from that will unfold for John at October 10th 1999 at noon. We see evidence of this when Frank burns the desk, when he survives the fire, when he shoots Jack's hand off, etc. After Frank survives the fire, he comes home and has a conversation with John. After they talk, John calls his mother (Julia) and gets her answering machine. Then, keeping in mind this is happening in a parallel sense, young Julia in 1969 saves the life of her killer, setting in motion a new future in which she is killed. It is then when a sleeping John in 1999 starts getting memories of his mother's funeral. So, when he called and got her machine earlier, she had not yet saved her killer's life in her timeline. After she does save his life, John wakes up and tries to call her, but gets the deli instead.


Answer: John calls his mom, which goes to voicemail, before he uses the ham radio where he ends up talking to his dad. At that point, the timeline hadn't changed, his mom was still alive and his dad still died when he was a kid. The timeline changes (along with getting new memories) after his dad decided to listen to John's advice and make different choices.


Answer: Adidas.

Question: Who actually sent RALF to take David to the ship? The ship tells him to get in RALF but later on we see Carolyn looking shifty when they're questioning how he escaped?

Answer: Carolyn wouldn't have wanted David anywhere near the UFO as it could've been dangerous, so it's safe to assume that "Max" programmed the R.A.L.F robot. Although Carolyn didn't have anything to do with with David's escape, it wouldn't have escaped unnoticed that the R.A.L.F robot was in the hanger where the UFO was. Given that she's always the one with the R.A.L.F. robot, it's safe to assume she was acting worried that she'd be blamed rather than acting "shifty"

Show generally

Question: Throughout the whole show Gomer Pyle's rank stays as Private First Class. With how long he had been in the Marines, why was he never given a promotion to a higher rank?

Answer: If you saw the whole series run, you know that Gomer was a country bumpkin. He fumbled, stumbled and tumbled his way into one disaster after another. There was an episode that questioned why he was never promoted. However, a few years before Jim Nabors died, the real Marine Corps, gave him a ceremonial promotion to the rank of Lance Corporal, which Jim gladly accepted.

Unfortunately, I never saw all the episodes. Only a few episodes and a clip of the episode where he sings "The Impossible Dream" which made me wonder why he was still a PFC. Thanks so much for the info.

Question: If the shooter's plan was to be a good person and take down the scum of society then why did he slit the pizza man's throat?

Answer: He said it, but didn't mean it. He's a psychopath, they have warped minds, believing in their own lies.

Question: In the divination class where Hermione walks out, what exactly is she up to when she says "The Grim, possibly"?

Answer: She was being sarcastic to the professor about her predictions, thinking that it's all just guesswork. She doesn't believe in divination and walks out because she feels it is wasting her time. And she was insulted, of course.


Question: Why did Vince say "Don't be a slob don't get a job"? How does that make sense for high schoolers? Isn't it a good thing for them to get a job?

Answer: On the radio we hear Vince Fontaine say, "Get out of bed. It's the first day of school. Don't be a slob. Don't get a job. Go back to class. You can pass!" Vince is advising his teen listeners to go back to class on the first day of school. That they should not be a high school drop-out and get a job (full-time), but instead to stay in school and they can pass their classes. Vince doesn't mean the teenagers who have part-time jobs while they're going to high school.

Super Grover

The Mural - S3-E12

Question: When James is arguing with Mr. Hewitt over his decision not to pay JJ, at one point James says "You're gonna pay him Boojie." I never understood who or what is a "Boojie"?

Answer: He says "bourgie", from the word bourgeois. Basically it's a derogatory term or insult for someone who is or acts middle class and acts like they're better than the working class or blue collar people. He's saying just because you can't relate to The Mural doesn't mean it doesn't have value.


Question: When the movie shows the two at the pool jumping in, from where do they jump off? I didn't see any diving board at the pool.

Answer: It was a simple jump into the pool, it was filmed to make more elaborate.

Question: Why did Michael take his mask off and show the picture of them, not wanting to hurt her? Can someone explain?

Answer: Michael is trying to show Laurie that they are siblings and that he (presumably) means her no harm. Since Laurie was a baby, she didn't mistreat him like everyone else does, so she seems to be the only person he is not driven to kill. (Similar to his mother, who treated him well.) However, Laurie doesn't understand and tries to kill him, causing him to then interpret her as an enemy.


Question: If these were the best of the best, going on a mission crucial to world peace, why were they in aircraft that were outdated and outgunned? It mentioned several times they would never stand a chance against the dreaded "5th generation" enemy fighters. Why not use the F-35?

Answer: The real-world answer is that F-35s only come in single-seat configuration, so there was no way to put the actors in one seat for filming while pilots flew the plane. It would also make for less of an "underdog" feel of going up against overwhelming odds. The in-universe answer is that F-18s are better suited for the kind of mission it is.

Answer: Just my observation, but I got the sense that the F-35 was too fast to make the adjustment to do the steep climb out, and as much as the plane needed to be fast, but it was more important it be capable to throttle lower enough to maneuver through the course, and make the climb...and that the F-35 could do one or the other...just my guess, but that's how I understood it from Maverick's initial analysis, from when he was called in to "Teach".

Answer: They were scared of him and probably had no other choice to follow the rules. It's kill or be killed.

Show generally

Question: In the episodes where Hogan or the others tell Schultz what they're planning, why doesn't Schultz report to Klink immediately and tell him? Why claim he sees nothing, hears nothing or knows nothing?

Answer: Essentially, because if Schultz reported what he saw, it would mean admitting that Hogan and his men's very elaborate schemes were happening on his watch, which would get him into very serious trouble. His greatest fear is being sent to the Russian Front, and he's in far too deep with Hogan (e.g, accepting bribes of food) to escape punishment if it all came to light. What may have started as small acts of "looking the other way" (Schultz is a generally friendly person, who may have let things slide a bit early on) has become self-preservation. For their part, Hogan et al. try to avoid getting Schultz into trouble, because if a stricter guard were to replace him, they'd come under much greater scrutiny, which they want to avoid.

Answer: But if Schultz told Klink what Hogan was planning, wouldn't that help Klink catch Hogan in the act?

Invasion - S4-E1

Question: Why in the episode of the unexploded bomb in a children's playground was the bomb referred to in weight using kilograms? Did they refer to bombs in the 1940s in kilograms or pounds? (01:14:34)

Answer: They are using the accepted names of the bombs. During World War 2 the Germans used the metric system and produced bombs ranging from 50kg to 2500kg. Referring to the weight of the bombs in pounds (or fractions of tons) risked confusing the situation and would require someone to understand how to convert from imperial measures to metric, not an easy thing to do when under stress.

Show generally

Question: Has there been any explanation (in-show or by show creators) about the inconsistency of what attracts Walkers? They've shown that people who cover themselves in Walker guts aren't detected or attacked. When it rained, the rain washed off the guts and then the Walkers do try to attack. But if people hide under cars or don't make noises, the Walkers don't detect them. But it's also been shown that people under a pile of "dead" walkers are still attacked. So what causes a Walker to attack?


Answer: Walkers are attracted to noise, they can tell who's dead and who isn't dead, in S1 when Rick and Glenn cover themselves in walkers' guts they're able to get far by walking through the herd of walkers because they smell like they're dead, but as soon as the guts get washed off by the rain the walkers immediately attack them, if you draw attention to yourself they will attack you which we've seen that many times throughout the series that it's not always successful. Whether you're covered in guts hiding under dead corpses or under a car.

Answer: Walkers use sight and sound to find their prey, with sound being their first choice. When the characters cover themselves in guts, they aren't attacking because they can't "see" them and they're not making any noise. The same goes for when they're hiding under cars - walkers can't hear or see them. They'll go for anything that makes a noise, regardless of what it is. It's also very likely that walkers don't have the ability to smell, since they can't find people hiding under cars. Nor can they smell the Whispers who walk amongst them.

Question: Why does Amy whack herself in the face with a hammer? Her plan is working at this point. She's achieved anonymity and escaped her life. What possible good could cover from hitting herself in the face with a hammer? (01:13:04)


Answer: To my knowledge, the purpose of hitting herself was two-fold. First of all, a facial injury would support the idea that she was abused or in some sort of bad situation. And secondly, to help mildly alter her appearance, so she could blend in more. (Especially considering people were looking for her).


Question: How come the horse didn't get struck by the laser along with the armored knight by the Sphinx?


Answer: It most likely was aimed to hit only human intruders, not animals.

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