Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Do any important events happen between the end of Episode III and the beginning of Episode IV?

Sir William

Chosen answer: It depends on whether you choose to view the Expanded Universe (non-movie) stuff as part of the proper Star Wars "universe", but some important events include the start of the Rebellion, Han Solo rescuing Chewbacca from Imperial capture, Lando Calrissian losing the Millennium Falcon to Han, and of course, the capture of the Death Star plans by the Alliance. As of 2016 the events of Rogue One are documented on film, together with other new canonical novels, comics, TV series, etc., and the Expanded Universe has been disregarded.


Question: Where and/or when are we told that Rose has actually died at the end when she returns to the Titanic?

Answer: While its never confirmed she has died, it seems like she died in her sleep after throwing the necklace back into the ocean. After we see her in bed, she is on the Titanic and everyone who died is standing around implying she is now seeing all these people again now that she has died. This could also just be a dream.


Question: After the opening credits, during the short dialogue between Trinity and Tank, they talk about Neo and he says, "We're gonna kill him, understand that". Why are they going to kill him?

Answer: They're not going to kill him themselves, the statement is meant to refer to the fact that the course of action that they're going to take is likely to lead to his death - possibly because he's really too old to be freed, or because he'll do something stupid because he believes that he's the One, something that the rest of the crew seem less than convinced about.


Question: When Jack Crawford is explaining to his team about the Tooth Fairy's note to Lecktor, there is, very prominently in the foreground, what looks like a paperweight on his desk. What exactly is it, and why is it so important as to be in the foreground? (00:43:20)

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: It's the plaster cast of the Tooth Fairy's teeth made from the bite impressions he left on past victims.


Question: What is a Balrog, why is it there, and how did it get into Moria?

Answer: Balrogs (or "Valaraukar") are demons of fire. In the really ancient times, shortly after the creation of Middle-earth, they were created as spirits of fire but were corrupted by Morgoth (the "Evil God" of Middle-Earth, if you will, Sauron's boss) and became evil. Most of them were destroyed in the wars between Morgoth and the other Vala, but some escaped into the mountains and went into hiding. The Balrog of Moria had hidden in slumber under the Misty Mountains for many years, until the dwarves dug to deep down and awoke it. It then destroyed the Dwarven settlement in Moria so utterly that no-one knew precisely what had caused it, it was just known as "Durin's Bane". Later, Balin attempted to create a new settlement, but were overrun by the Orcs of the mountains before they could figure out or send word about what "Durin's Bane" was.


Question: During the bank heist, where did the three men's large weapons come from? They could have tucked them in their suits as they did while leaving after the robbery, but the weapons would have been very visible. Where did they come from?

Answer: The CAR-15 type rifles the bank robbers have can be fitted with telescopic stocks. With the stock collapsed and a 11.5 inch barrel (which is what it looked like DeNiro had when he used his rifle to shoot through the windshield of the car he was in) it is relatively easy to conceal the rifle beneath a normal suit jacket. The only thing visible may have been the flash suppressor at the end of the barrel, but most people wouldn't recognize that anyway.


Answer: They have the rifles slung over their shoulders underneath their jackets. You can see the impression if you look closely.

Kyle G.

Answer: No, that's a mistake. A carbine style rifle with an 11.5" barrel still has too much length, even once the stock is collapsed. See imagine here: It's a long, heavy piece of machinery that would easily profile under a sport coat.

Question: Is "Captain Antilles" (the officer whom Senator Organa orders to wipe C3PO's memory) the character "Wedge Antilles" in the original trilogy, or is he Wedge's father?

Answer: He's definitely not Wedge and most likely not his father. According to George Lucas "Antilles" is like the "Smith" of the Star Wars universe, it's very common. The interesting this is that in A New Hope C-3P0 says that his last master was Captain Antilles. This is most likely the man that we saw. He is also captain of the same model ship as the one that C-3P0 and R2-D2 escape from in A New Hope. It's probably the same ship, the Tantive IV.

Charles Fraser

Question: Spoiler: If I remember correctly, in "Return of the Jedi" when Luke asks Leia if she remembers her mother, she says she does and that she was very beautiful but very sad. The assumption is that she is speaking of her birth mother and Luke's mother as well. How is that possible if Padme dies in childbirth? Was she talking about Bail Organa's wife?

Answer: The question is not answered in the movies. Leia is either mistaken (possibly remembering her adoptive mother) or, Jedi heritage that she has, she is remembering things from visions of the past: things she did not participate in.

K.C. Sierra

Question: Obviously there's some background on the Sith Lords that isn't explained in the movie. There is the implication that they ruled before the Republic was established. Is there more to this backstory?


Chosen answer: The best place for this is the official Star Wars Databank: There's also a lot of information in Wikipedia:

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: This is untrue. Read the reason at


Question: In the Attack of the Clones DVD commentary, Lucas promised that in this third movie we would finally find out who Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas is, and how he managed to place the order for the clone army without the Council's authorization. I didn't notice any explanation at all - was there one given?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: There was no explanation in the film. An explanation appears in the (authorised) book called, I think, Labyrinth of Evil, which was released shortly before the film and deals with events leading up to the events of the film. To sum it up, Sifo-Dyas was a respected Jedi who had become disaffected with the policies of the Jedi Council. Encouraged by his colleague, Count Dooku (by then secretly studying the Sith arts), he placed the order for the clone army before being killed by Dooku to prevent anyone from finding out about it.


Question: Don't the impregnated hosts have to be alive in order to incubate the aliens to term? Lex kills the impregnated Italian guy to prevent him have the Alien rip out of his chest, which would imply that the Alien needs to be in a living environment to survive. Not the case with the Alien/Predator hybrid that emerges at the end of the movie, when it's clear that the Predator had died some time ago . . .

Answer: Killing the host doesn't necessarily kill the Alien. Its like human fetuses - if it is far enough along in its development, it can survive even if the host (mother) dies.


Question: In the film, at the theater house, everyone was watching "Faust or the Devil's Bargain." What was the deal that Faust made with the devil?

Answer: 1. To serve Dr. Faustus for as long as he should live, 2. To provide Dr. Faustus with whatever information he might request, 3. Never to utter an untruth to Dr. Faustus. The Devil agreed to these particulars, on the condition that Dr. Faustus would promise that after twenty-four years to surrender his body and soul to the Devil, to confirm the pact with a signature written in his own blood, and to renounce his Christian faith.


Question: This question applies to most of the Star Wars films: why do Light sabres turn themselves off when they are dropped, thrown etc?

Answer: Normally the on/off switch is pressure sensitive. So when someone lets go of the switch, the blade shuts off, for safety. However, most lightsabers also have a lockable switch, meaning the switch can be locked in the "on" position, so someone can thrown the saber to cut things (with the blade on). Of course, they are also Jedi, so they can use the on/off switch with the Force.

Bruce Minnick

Question: I've always been bothered by the pronunciation of Raoul's name. Based on the spelling, I would have thought that it would be pronounced "Ra-ool", but for the most part in the movie, it's pronounced "Ral" (like 'Ralph' without the 'ph'). Which way is correct?

Answer: It all depends on the native language and dialectual region of the person with the name. In Spanish, the name would be RA ool, but in other regions, it's rowl, ral, and other things. As another example, Ralph is pronounce rAfe in many regions.


Answer: It means that Phoebe now has control over Monica and Rachel. If they were in jail, Monica and Rachel would now be something akin to Phoebe's slaves.


Answer: This is a reference to one of the oldest prank-call jokes known - young people calling up a tobacconist's and asking if they have "Prince Albert in a can," (Prince Albert being the name of a moderately famous brand of loose tobacco). If the shop owner replies positively, they then say "Well you'd better let him out, he's suffocating!" or the like.

Rooster of Doom

Question: Why is the director credited simply as "McG?"

Answer: Joseph McGinty Nichol is his real name. McG is most probably a nickname.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Bishop is killed in Alien Vs Predator, so why is he alive in Alien 3 at the end of the movie? Alien 3 is supposed to take place many years after Alien Vs Predator (in Alien 3 Bishop claims not to be a robot).

Answer: He isn't Bishop in Alien vs. Predator. The Alien series takes place many, many years after Alien vs. Predator, the character in Alien 3 is just a descendant of the character who looks like him in Alien vs. Perdator.

Nick N.

Question: At the party Joey says to Bianca, 'Come on, we're all congregating around Mr. Guervo.' What does that mean?

Answer: Actually it's Mr. Cuervo, as in Jose Cuervo tequila. They are all gathering around the tequila bottle.


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