Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What would happen to the ark ships after they landed in Africa? Would they become like a type of shelter for the inhabitants or scrapmelt to build a new city?

Answer: Most likely they would, but seeing as the governments prepared for everything, they also would have loaded tons of wood, brick and steel to build new cities.

Question: In the end after all the tower is extinguished, I wonder how the remaining people on the promenade room got back to the ground floor since the stairs have blown out, the external elevator got broken and there is no electricity for use the other elevators? Maybe they used helicopters?

Answer: Where the stairs were blown out they could have crossed over to the adjacent stairwell and back.

Answer: Exactly, the same helicopter that took Steve McQueen to the roof was most likely the one that picked everyone up.

Maybe not. A helicopter crashed on the roof, setting it on fire and destroying the helipad.


Question: What about those kids he had, what happened to them?

Answer: Nothing, they're from an alternate reality, Jim Belushi was shown a possible future if he had hit that home run. A different life, job, wife and kids.

Question: Why did Le Chiffre have to torture Bond for the password when Vesper would eventually steal the money anyway and arrange to have it delivered to Quantum under Bond's and MI6's noses?

Answer: There's no indication that Le Chiffre knew that Vesper was going to do this. He's trying to save his own skin, because he knows if he doesn't get the money back to Quantum, they'll kill him. Of course, they do kill him, and then use Vesper to get the money anyway, once Bond transfers the money to what he thinks is the UK treasury account (but is, in fact, a dummy account Vesper set up).

Question: Why she didn't even try to break the ceiling glass before shouting for help?

Answer: Who's to say she never did? She's been in the room for many years, that was probably one of the first things she tried. But the man who abducted her probably anticipated this and so made the window out of something highly durable.

Question: WALL-E was apparently designed to be highly durable to the point of being able to withstand being struck by lightning twice. So how was AUTO able to incapacitate him with a mere stun gun?


Answer: The "mere" stun gun seems to have been designed to incapacitate robots (such as the "problem" robots freed by Wall-E earlier), and also lasts considerably longer than a flash of lightning...AUTO shocks Wall-E for several seconds. Besides that, the lightning scene is played for laughs, while the other is dramatic, so some suspension of disbelief is at play.

Answer: While the show does explore life after death, the show creators intentionally avoided using many religious terms and beliefs, such as heaven, hell, or God. While one could draw parallels of the Good Place and the Bad Place to heaven and hell, in the show that's not what they're meant to be.


Thank you. It just means, to me, they're atheists.


Not sure you can infer them being atheists just because they do not use the terms, "Heaven" and "Hell." Those are mostly traditional Christian concepts. Many religions have different beliefs of what the afterlife is.


Well you couldn't really call them atheist because atheists don't believe in any type of afterlife or any deities. The "good place" and "bad place" are merely broader terms that could include most belief systems.

immortal eskimo

Answer: They actually do use those terms, in one episode, when Eleanor starts crying Chidi states he broke God and, there is another episode where someone, I believe Chidi says, we're in heaven. Though not saying those words does not make them atheist, it is stated in the first episode that every religion specifically Christians were a little bit right... So when they got to the good place after learning it is really called the good place it makes no sense to call it something else.

Question: Is Griffin always naked? Because his clothes (glasses) are visible but he is not.

Answer: There's a scene where he's wearing swim trunks which are visible, but he gets embarrassed when they're pulled down and he runs away. Obviously just meant to be a gag, but if the thought of people "seeing" him naked embarrassed him, one would think he must normally be dressed in clothes that can't be seen.


Answer: In addition to the other answer, which I agree with, someone might also be escaping while carrying some type of vital information for which they are willing to sacrifice themselves to prevent an enemy from obtaining it.


Answer: Been a while since I've seen this movie but to answer your escape pod would have a self destruct to allow the person inside to end things if all hope is lost. For example if you have no food or water and are just flying through space with no rescue in site. You may just want to end it instead of suffer.


Question: After Spider-Man stops the train from falling off the tracks, how exactly did those two kids find his mask and bring it back to him on the train?

Answer: When he pulled his mask off it was caught in the wind and pulled into the train car.

Question: The camp guy implied that they have to call authorities. Why is this necessary if Dennis isn't a member of the camp?

Answer: It does not matter that Dennis was not a member of the camp. Dracula dropped a child (Dennis) from a tower, just like in real life, that would be seen as completely inappropriate and unacceptable.


Answer: From all the activity she was doing, such as being flung around by the Whomping Willow, crawling through the tunnel, being in the Shrieking Shack, running away from Lupin (when he's in his werewolf form) and so on.


But where was it first seen?

It doesn't really need to be seen for it to happen. If it was gained from being hit over by the willow then they're not going to show a close up of the dirt transferring on to her clothes.


It's first really noticeable when they're inside the Shrieking Shack. Before then it was too dark to be seen.


Show generally

Question: In quite a few episodes of Emergency there is a character that the doctors and other nurses call Nurse Carol. She is the older nurse with dark hair. I would say she is on at least a fourth of all episodes in all seasons yet I can not see this actress getting credited or listed as uncredited anywhere. I wonder if she was an actual nurse. Does any one know who she was. Yes there also were a couple of other actresses who played a nurse named Carol on one or two episodes and they are listed in the episode guides. She also is the patient with her arm in the cast talking to Dr. Morton in the episode 6:18 Firehouse Quintet.

Answer: On IMDB, actress Anne Schedeen is listed as playing Nurse Carol on six episodes from 1974-76.


Answer: He was given a vague promise about backing for possible business opportunities. Fredo naively never believed that Michael would be killed and thought he was only giving information.


Question: What did Barzini promise Carlo if he set up Sonny to be killed?


Answer: It was never specified, but likely a large sum of money and some sort of business arrangement with the Barzini crime family.


Question: If imprinting is possible for werewolves then why didn't Jacob do it to Bella? Mad Magazine pointed this out as he does this to her daughter, kind of creepy it was.


Answer: Imprinting is an involuntary mechanism. The shape-shifter can't voluntarily imprint on anybody. Jacob tried to imprint on Bella but was unable to do so and began going around looking for other girls to imprint on but, is unable to do it of his own free will.

On the flip side, Sam Ulee was in love with Leah Clearwater, but then he involuntarily imprinted on Emily, dumping Leah and breaking her heart.


Answer: In addition to the other answer, imprinting is not only a sexual thing. As Jacob explains it, it is about being whatever the person who is imprinted on wants or needs, whether it is as a lover, a protector, a life-long friend, etc.


Answer: He didn't feel that it was his place to interfere in their relationship. Especially as he had feelings for Julia himself and didn't want to make it look like he was sabotaging their relationship for his own benefit.


Question: What happened to the military guy that was injured and left in the Carl's van? Did they simply drop him off the plane along with the van?

Answer: Yes, he dies in the plane crash.


Answer: He lets Jack go and decides to give him a one day head start before pursuing him again out of affection for Elizabeth, whom along with Will wanted Jack to be spared from execution for his good deeds.


Answer: At no point did he actually "let" him escape on purpose. Jack was always just too witty for Norrington (who is kinda slow). That's counting 3 occasions where Norrington failed to capture Jack, but perhaps you can be more specific as to which escape you are referring to.


The escape is at the end of the movie. When Elizabeth and Will help Jack escape. Norrigton is asked if they are going to go after Jack but Norrigton decides to give him a head start.

In that case then, Norrington is confident that the British Navy can capture 1 pirate with relative ease.


Answer: He is overly-confident that he is more capable than Jack and will easily catch him.


Question: Why was there such a long delay between this film and the 4th?

Answer: Toy Story 4 was announced in 2014, and concept art can be dated back to 2013 meaning that is most likely when the film started production. The film altered many script changes, and even a change in directors as John Lasseter, director of the first two films, was originally going to direct the next installment again after Toy Story 3 was directed by Lee Unkrich. However, Lasseter was fired from Pixar and Josh Cooley eventually directly the Film. The film also went through multiple endings, but Pixar Decided that Woody could not go back to Bonnie's room and that the ending needed to have a lasting affect on the franchise, hence the ending we got. But Probably the main reason why it took so long is that Toy Story 4 was originally supposed to be released June 15, 2018, and Incredibles 2 June 21, 2019. However, Pixar switched the release dates, and I2 was rushed to come out that summer and TS4 was finished before it released. TS4 probably would have originally been released around 2017.

Answer: Originally Toy Story 3 was the final film. In 2010, filmmaker Lee Unkrich said that Pixar was not planning another Toy Story film after Toy Story 3, "It was really important to me with this film that we not just create another sequel, that it not just be another appendage coming off the other two... there may be opportunities for Woody and Buzz in the future, but we don't have any plans for anything right now.


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