Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: I am a little curious about the filming techniques in the show. A lot of it is filmed in focus and out of focus to get different people's reactions. But in other shots they just pan to the people or move closer. Why do they use such a way of filming?


Chosen answer: They do this because the show is suppose to be a documentary, all the filming is suppose to be on the fly, so they are reacting to what is going on at that time. Sometimes that would mean moving the camera around fast, and capturing someone in the background.


Question: On IMDB, the bio for actor Sean Kanan who played Mike Barnes, stated that he almost died during filming of this movie. However the trivia section states nothing about it. Does anybody out there know what happened that caused him to almost die?


Chosen answer: Kanan performed his own stunts, and during one of these he was injured with an internal bleeding, which was not discovered until later. When he took aspirin for the pain, combined with his injuries he went into hypovolemic shock and had to be rushed to the hospital.


It was the scene where Mr. Miyagi threw him through the doors of the new Cobra Kai dojo. They did a large number of takes, and it tore his abdominal wall.


Question: I think there's some 100 years between this movie and "Alien", but is the little girl in the movie supposed to be young Ripley?

Answer: Given that Alien is set in 2122, I think it can be safely said that, no, it's not.


Question: What exactly is wrong with Joon? I don't think they mentioned it in the movie, but does anyone have a good guess?

Answer: I would guess high functioning autistic. Similar to Rainman. Especially her being obsessive compulsive.

William Bergquist

Answer: Initially, I thought that she had PTSD after her parents died because she appeared to have watched the accident or been in the accident.

Answer: She had schizophrenia, she showed that with her paranoia when she accused Benny of cheating and hallucinations when she was getting upset with the voices in her head on the bus.

Answer: 1PHL07.


Question: When Julius and David are in the White House on their way to meet the President, Julius is mentioning he should have worn a tie. He then said he looks like a "schlemiel". What did he mean by this? What is a schlemiel?


Chosen answer: Essentially a shlemiel is a clumsy bungler or an inept person according to the Yiddish on-line dictionary. It's saying since he is not wearing a tie, he looks inept or dopey in that situation.

Zwn Annwn

Question: When the main characters are using the subway to move through the city, shouldn't they be electrocuted by the tracks? I thought subway tracks were electrified.

Answer: If the power is out, the 3rd rail would not be working either.


Chosen answer: We never know. Based on what happened to the girl behind the white screen, it looks like it. But we are just left to assume so. It is never clarified.


Question: At the part where Peter cheated and got "devolved," he says that he was TEN spaces away, and then he says that he tried to win by dropping the dice so that they landed on TWELVE. Why would he want to roll a 12 in order to move 10 spaces?


Chosen answer: Most games don't need you to roll the exact number of spaces left in order for someone to win. By rolling twelve he gets to move his ten spaces & has won. I'm assuming it's easier for him to roll two sixes than anything else.

Question: The deadline for finishing the ark is September 22nd. Is there any particular reason why this date was used?

Answer: The Biblical new year began on the autumnal equinox, which falls on or around that date. The ancient Hebrews strove to get all their work done before the end of the year, to prepare for the High Holy Days that followed.

Question: Did they ever get rid of the Decepticon Virus that shut down everyone's communications?

Answer: Presumably. They never say, but it stands to reason that, if nothing else, the Autobots helped them remove and eradicate it.


Question: I may have missed this in the movie but where were the fully grown aliens to come from if the humans were not there? The predators knew the pyramid was under the ice so surely the could tell there were no humans to incubate the baby aliens. Even if they couldn't, when the predators got to the surface wouldn't they communicate with the mothership that no-one was about (if the team weren't there, I mean)?

Answer: The Predators would have a decent idea of the capabilities of Earth technology; they can hardly have missed all the satellites floating about. They relied on somebody detecting the pyramid's systems powering up and on curiosity to lead a team there to investigate. Which, as we see, worked perfectly. How they got humans there in previous centuries isn't clear. In 1904, handily there was a whaling settlement nearby; prior to that, who knows - possibly they abducted worthy humans from elsewhere and brought them there.


Chosen answer: We don't know. This will probably be covered in an upcoming sequel.


Answer: He means that is is covered by a "grandfather clause", where someone in charge lets you have an exeption to the rules, using an older rule instead. In Westmoreland's case, he had had a cat before they were disallowed in prisons, and so the warden makes an exeption in his case. See also


Answer: I'm guessing you're referring to the episode "Trapped in the Closet" (ep. 9-12). While it is true that Jillette had a part in the decision to make the episode, Matt Stone and Trey Parker had parodied scientology before, and had been thinking of doing a full episode for some time. Jillette only convinced them to stand up for what they believed in, which is poking fun at anything and anyone.


Question: Lando mentions that he is made a general due to what he did at the battle of Tanaab. Does anyone know anything more about this battle, or more specifically, what Lando did that was so outstanding?


Chosen answer: The Battle of Taanab occured about five months after the destruction of the first Death Star when a group of pirates attacked the relatively undefended agricultural world of Taanab. With the planet's small defence fleet massively outnumbered, Calrissian, who was on-planet visiting a casino, bet his fellow patrons that he could defeat the pirates and took his freighter into the fight. Hiding his ship in an ice ring surrounding Taanab's moon, he waited until the pirate fleet was in range, then ejected his cargo, a large number of Conner nets, large electrified nets designed by the military to immobilise ships. With much of the pirate fleet incapacitated, Lando rallied the Taanab defence fleet and eliminated the remaining pirate ships with very few losses. The impressed Taanab government offered him a commission in their armed forces, which he turned down, but he became a hero to the population, a reputation which apparently led to his commission as a General by the Rebel Alliance.


Question: In the trailer for Radio (, at the 1:23 point, some very distinctive music begins. This same music was used in one of the trailers for Forrest Gump. Is there a connection between the two?

Jeff Swanson

Chosen answer: Probably not. Many trailers re-use distinctive music from older trailers they are not related to.


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Question: In the first episode of the second series, there is a mix of "Everybody's Free" by Rozalla. I have 4 mixes of this track, and it's not one of those. What is the name of this mix? Was it made especially for the show?

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: It is a remix by Aquagen. Team Venture!


Question: What's the song playing when Dewey escorts the band to the auditions?

Answer: "The Wait" by Metallica.


Question: After the 10 years is up and Will can stay on land, what happens to his heart? Does it somehow go back into his chest, does he not need it anymore, or is there some other explanation?

Answer: Will can't stay on land after ten years. He can go on land for one day every ten years. His heart stays in the box because he is still the captain of the Dutchman until someone stabs his heart and replaces it with their own.


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