Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: The ship is moving 50% of the speed of light, and Jim gets ejected. How did Jim have time to throw the door to change his trajectory? How did that throw outpace 50% of the speed of light?

Answer: He didn't have to outpace that entire speed. Since he ejected from the ship, he was already moving the same speed as the ship. So throwing the door gave him a little bit of extra momentum on top of the speed he was already moving.

Quantom X

Question: Is this movie supposed to have floating mattes? This is killing me! It's constantly shifting aspect ratios throughout the entire movie.

Answer: The constantly shifting aspect ratios are due to the fact that Michael Bay shot the film with several different camera types. Most directors who use multiple types of camera find a way to hide the shifts a little better, but Bay appears to have been unconcerned with this issue. There are several scenes where the aspect ratio changes from shot to shot. The aspect ratio shifts were also present in the theatrical release, and were a major source of ridicule then, but they are arguably more noticeable on a smaller screen.


Answer: Gith was a Vortex minion, a powerful demon that could create vortexes. Vortexes could send victims, who were mostly witches, to Purgatory. However, in rare cases, the vortexes sucked them into worlds that were fashioned according their desires and dreams.


Question: How did Aurora drown, then magically 'undrown' while being submerged?

Answer: The shock of the gravity returning and crashing her back down into the pool probably woke her up before she was unconscious too long.


Question: Why announce to the passengers you're passing a star for viewing when everyone is supposed to be asleep? Can't imagine you would waste time programming that?

Answer: The computer detects there are people awake so it gives this kind of information. It's not clever enough to understand that's not supposed to be the case, but since pods shouldn't malfunction they never put that kind of programming into the computer.


Question: Why does Steppenwolf call humans primitive being for using missiles, which are way more advanced than the axes, arrows and swords he has faced? Why are technologically advanced missiles considered primitive? He says nothing of the sort to the Amazons even though human technology is light years ahead of them. Humans could take out all Amazonians in a day without breaking a sweat.

Answer: He comes from a technologically advanced planet, he been to thousand of other words with the same advancements. In the comic book universe, Earth is still a backwater planet. As far as the other aliens were concerned it was the dark ages.

Question: Why didn't Royal Pain use the pacifier on Will when he comes to confront her at the end of the movie?

jon snow

Answer: She is holding Will's father, The Commander, in her arms. She didn't have the Pacifier, besides he was a high school student superhero, with no real combat experience. She thought he would be a pushover in battle.

But she had the Pacifier before. She could have gave Will's father to Lash (The evil guy who works with her) and got the Pacifier and shoot at Will. Why fight with Will if she can turn him into a baby like the others?

Answer: To show that no-one is safe from the men behind the conspiracy, no matter who they are.They'll do anything to protect themselves.

Question: Star tells Michael that she was supposed to be his first kill. I'm only speculating that it was on David's orders so, if he was, why did David change his mind and decide to make Michael a vampire instead?

Answer: Because the Head vampire, Max, had fallen in love with Michael's mom. At the end of the movie he said, "Boys need a mother and if I could get Michael and Sam into the family, you would have no choice but to join us."

Question: Is there any reason they can't introduce sand worms to other planets in the Duniverse, there to proliferate and produce a greater, more widely distributed quantity of the spice? The newborn worms are called sandtrout, by virtue of being more or less the size of such. Should be easy enough therefore to capture some, surround them with sand in the spaceship to imitate their homeworld, and take them to some other planet the Empire is willing to give up for any other use, then let them grow and produce spice? Much greater abundance, much surer supply (the proverbial eggs in one basket), much closer at hand for any other world in the Universe?


Answer: In the books people were trying this with no success, at least by the end of book 3 which is as far as I got. The implication was there was a complex eco-balance needed which they were failing to achieve. It is a big part of book 3 that the smugglers were capturing the sand trout and selling them to offworlders, since this is how Leto II got them to perform his metamorphosis. Perhaps in later books they succeeded at starting another location.

Isn't it so they only discovered the sandworms were the source for the spice by the time Leto II takes charge and turns into one? After which he turns Arrakis into a paradise with only a small patch for sandworms to produce spice in.


Question: When Edward was talking to Paul, and he was sitting on the bed and said he didn't feel well and was dizzy and looked at him (conveyed a blurry vision) and he then got up and hit him, was Edward drugged by Paul?

Answer: In my opinion the snow globe took him over the edge - that did it for him.

Answer: No, Edward was simply overcome with emotion.


I actually thought Edward was having a panic attack when he was sitting on the bed before he hit Paul in the head. Dizzy blurry vision breathing hard seems like a panic attack to me.

Answer: He lost it when he learned Connie gave Paul that specific snow globe because in that snow globe, because it was on that specific snow globe where Edward hid a special letter to be opened on their 25th anniversary, with their family picture. So, it was very hurtful for Edward.

Answer: That was my first guess, because he took a look at Edward the moment he poured the second glass of vodka.

Answer: That's called temporary insanity.

Question: I know the crew is trying to steal the fake egg all for appearances, because they already have the real egg. They are doing this just so that the Nightfox doesn't get suspicious. My question is, why would that really matter? Tolour is going to find out that they stole the egg prior to the bet being made either way. If they fear he won't pay if they stole it before the bet...well, again, he will find this out anyway. They really could have just said right after the bet that they had already stolen it and won. Was the fake robbery more for the benefit of Lemarque's daughter and getting her to ruin her career, so she would board the plane?


Answer: If they'd told him right away, he never would have made the bet at all. And I kind of doubt he'd honor the bet if, right after suggesting the egg (and before even giving the money to Lemarque to hold in escrow), Danny just announced they already had stolen it. It was partially about Isabel, sure, but also about humiliating Toulour and teaching him a lesson for "breaking rule number one."

Question: After Ariadne falls off the building, why does Cobb wash up on the shore of Limbo again? Isn't he already in Limbo?

Answer: He doesn't wash up on the shores of limbo a second time, he has been searching for Saito in limbo and wound up on the beach outside of the compound that Saito created. His exhaustion, haggard appearance, and confusion suggests that Cobb has been searching for Saito in limbo for years.


Question: When Daniel is organising a second date with Ali, Ali trips over the ball heading back to the cheerleader, who says "Way to go, Buttertoes?" What does 'Butter toes' mean?

Answer: "Butterfingers" is a common jab for someone being clumsy and dropping something. "Buttertoes" is a play on this, because she was clumsy with her feet.

Do you have any idea who actually says it? Can't work out whose voice it is.

Either Johnny or Tommy. It's hard to make out, but the other Cobra Kai didn't really interact with Ali, so it would be one of those two.

Question: What was the liquid that Will Smith pours onto the steps after he goes up the steps to his home? What is the idea of pouring the liquid on the steps?

Answer: Most likely bleach or some other solvent. He does this to remove his scent, to prevent any of the creatures from detecting which house he's in.

Question: Three here: 1. Does Myers pick Laurie for any specific reason? 2. His mask symbolic or something? 3. Why waste time killing Annie and Lynda if he was fixated on Laurie?


Answer: The movie doesn't provide any reason why he targets the three girls, which I think is a wise decision, but you can interpret that Myers chose those three because of Annie's "Speed kills!" wisecrack. It was enough to get him to stop the car. Good enough reason as any.

Answer: (1) In the context of the movie, no. Michael is, as Loomis puts it, "purely and simply evil." He pretty much picks the girls as a target seemingly at random after Laurie drops the keys off at the Myers house. While future movies tried to provide him with a reason (such as saying Laurie is Michael's sister in "Halloween 2"), in this movie, it's pretty much just because Michael is a psychopath and they just so happened to become his target. That's part of what makes him so scary in this film. (2) The mask was picked by the filmmakers because it was the most unsettling. (A clown mask was also considered.) It also had the added bonus of having a vacant, emotionless face that also happened to reflect Michael's vacant, emotionless state. (3) Michael is a psychopath and simply decides to kill all of the girls and save Laurie for last for reasons unknown.


I think Michael zeroed in on the 3 girls from when Annie yelled at him while they were walking home from school.

Question: What does Tex mean by "I'm as real a donut motherf'r?"Something significant?


Answer: To put some context into the scene, three members of the Manson family (Tex included) have broken into Rick Dalton's house and are holding Cliff Booth at gunpoint. Cliff, who is high on drugs asks "Are you real", to which Tex replies "I'm as real as a donut, mother fucker." Tex was trying to answer Cliff's question stating whether or not he was real, but in the most intimidating way possible, and I guess donut was the word that came to mind that described how real he was.

Casual Person

Question: Why did they change her name from Rita Desjardin, in the book, to Miss Collins?


Answer: The only answer I could find online was that it was changed simply because "Miss Collins" was easier to pronounce/remember. It's also worth noting that it's really not all that uncommon for movie adaptations to alter and rename characters. Especially supporting characters. Given there are some other changes to the character in the movie, renaming her could have also been a way to distance her more from the character in the original book.


Question: Did Gulch say "damn"? It sounds like she says "If you don't hand over that dog, I'll bring a damn suit that will take your whole farm." But if she did, why is Gone With The Wind known for being the first movie to use the word?


Answer: She said she'll "bring a damage suit."


Question: If the Toys always freeze around when humans present, then why they didn't freeze around animals like Scud or even Buster in the sequel?


Answer: The reason the toys stay still in the presence of humans is because they need to keep their existence a secret from them. Animals cannot speak to humans, so the toys don't have anything to worry about when it comes to keeping their existence a secret.

Casual Person

Answer: The film was made for children and to make them think that their toys are real and care about them, I don't think the animals really factor in.

Jack Vaughan

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