Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: For Fuller and Lewis, the best assumption is that he never actually left the first motel. He stayed at or near the motel, followed them to the police station, and then continued following them up untill the point where he makes his presence to them known again. Or he also could have just parked his rig somewhere far down the road and waited for their car to pass him, and at which point he would start following them. And for Charlotte, he probably just followed Fuller and Lewis all the way to the college, saw Charlotte, and then kidnapped her while she was leaving.

Question: Throughout the movie, Bruce willis has a tattoo visible just above his ear. Was this added for the movie or is it real? if it is real, what does it say?

Answer: The tattoo is for the movie. It is his prisoner identification.

Question: How old is the Phantom supposed to be? When we are shown his childhood, he looks as though he should be the same age as Madame Giry, but he only looks like being in his 20s-30s.

Answer: In the Susan Kay book, there is a quote in which the Phantom says that he is "old enough to be Christine's father", which would make sense, given that Mme. Giry is like a mother to her, and Mme. Giry and the Phantom seem to be close in age. Joel Schumacher wanted to go with a "younger, sexier" cast, but the age difference still seems to work - Emmy Rossum (Christine) was seventeen at the time of filming, while Gerard Butler (Phantom) was about thirty-four.

Question: When Christine is in the graveyard, why does the Phantom try to lure her into what I think is her father's grave? What would he have done to her?

Answer: The Phantom tries to lure Christine to the grave because it is the first time in three months that she has been away from Raoul long enough. It's basically his only opportunity to lure her back to his lair in order to seduce her once more.

Question: Forgive me, but I was puzzled by Jango's jetting himself into the fray during the Battle of Geonosis and taking on Mace Windu. It seems inspired by (and/or justifying - depending on how you look at it) his son Boba's jetting onto the skiff during Return of the Jedi. However, in both cases, with all the laser fire, light sabers, and dangerous creatures involved, it seems like a really stupid idea and a bit out of character. Their nature doesn't seem to lean towards such an impulsive move. In Jango's case, Count Dooku didn't order Jango to attack (verbally or even in gesture). Previously he had served as guarding Dooku, which he abandons by going after Mace. While it could be argued that Jango marks Mace simply because he might resent having a sword against his throat, I don't see why he would launch himself so close to the battle. In his battle with Obi-wan, he didn't get really close until the saber was knocked out. It would've made more sense if he hung back and launched something from a distance. The only other reason for this sequence is to conveniently have Jango out of the picture when the clones arrive. (And to start off Boba)

Answer: Fetts tend to be unforvinging and often hold grudges especially towards Jedi. This is shown in the original trilogy with Bobba's grudge against Han and his impulsive attack on Luke on the sail barge. Jango Fett naturally has a hatred towards the Jedi because he is a Mandalorian and the Mandalorians were defeated by the Jedi during the Mandalorian Wars. Jango has a line with Obi-Wan saying "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi". This alludes that Jango has met and killed Jedi before and really enjoys it. Add that to the fact that Mace pretty much humiliates Jango by holding him at bay with a lightsaber blade near his throat while Mace has dialogue with Dooku. At this point Jango would love nothing better than to kill a Jedi during the arena battle; especially Mace. He already shoots the Jedi Master Coleman Trebor and when he sees the chance to attack Mace he goes for it; throwing caution to the wind.

Question: Near the beginning at the wedding Fran comes to to meet Mary, Penny comes over to tell Mary about the bellydancer's tattoo. Mary then asks her to prepare the 'Murdoch file' and Fran's mom says "Murdoch? As in-" then she makes a funny noise as if this had some meaning to her. I realize the 'Murdoch file' was fake and just to get rid of Penny, but is there some other meaning for it?

Answer: Murdoch as in media mogul Rupert Murdoch. It makes her sound important, giving the impression that someone of his caliber would use her for a wedding planner.

Question: The colors in this film are otherworldly, (almost like the colors in a black and white movie that has been artificially colorized) and could not have been natural or achieved with any net or filter. I'm fairly certain that there is no method of stylized pre-exposure, and digital colorization, while possible, would have been painstaking on such a grand scale. How did they accomplish it?

Answer: The first sections of the film are shot in two-strip and three-strip technicolor, a common practice in the early versions of color filmmaking that were happening at the time. The scene on the golf course between Howard and Kate Hepburn is a prime example. As far as the later sections of the film, never underestimate the power of digital effects. :)

Chosen answer: The music is Danke Schoen by Wane Newton - definitely not the music from Aladdin. It sounds close though. I have little kids and I've heard the song from Aladdin more than I want to.

Actually, the instrumental cue right before Newton sings his song, and many times throughout the film, is a rip off Aladdin cue. It's the exact melody from when Aladdin sings "Would they see a poor boy, no siree." It's exact, and sticks out obviously.

Chosen answer: Candace Bushnell has been quoted as saying that Carrie was a kind of "alter ego" for herself, so its possible that some of the situations that Carrie describes are fictional accounts of her own experiences.

Question: In the Director's Cut, there is a scene where Drew Barrymore tells the students they will be reading Watership Down instead of The Destructors but there have been copies of The Destructors reserved at the Mall. She then turns to Donnie and says "perhaps you and Frank could read it together". Does she know about Frank and if not what does she mean by this?

Answer: There is a cut scene in which Donnie reads a poem he wrote in front of the class and he mentions Frank. Drew asks who Frank is and he states he's a 6 foot tall bunny rabbit. That is how Drew knows about Frank and since Watership Down's main characters are rabbits, this reference to Frank is appropriate.

Question: What is the name of the song in the night club?

Answer: "Ready Steady Go", by Paul Oakenfold.

Answer: 'Ready steady go' by Paul Oakenfold. The original has english lyrics but the one in Collateral is the Korean lyrics version.

Question: Does anyone know what Lucy is saying when she is pretending that she doesn't speak English? This is the scene in the diner when Henry is trying to pick her up with the picture he drew of the fishermen on a boat.

Answer: She is speaking Chinese when this happens and is telling to him to go away using vulgar language.

Question: What does Hu Li say in Chinese near the end, when she is holding the bomb that is about to blow up?

Answer: 两个王八蛋 (You two bastards), 你不就要我们死 (You wanted us to die), 现在我自己来,我来了! (Now I do it myself, I am here!) 我现在主动来了! 我来了!(I am doing this on my own now!).

Answer: She says 'we'll go together, inspector'.

Question: I know it's an answer to a previous question, but I've just been so confused about the answer I had to ask again: Can Dracula's Werewolf Antidote work after 12 times of midnight on their first full moon? If it could, why did Van Helsing order Carl to kill him? If it couldn't work, why would Dracula even have it? Can someone please answer this question who is 100% sure they have the right answer?

Answer: Dracula's antidote would turn the werewolf into a normal human but only if they recieved the antidote before the 12th chime of midnight. If they were too late he would not be able to turn back into a normal human. After seeing the picture in the house they were staying at Carl discovered that only a werewolf could kill Dracula, so when Van Helsing turned into a werewolf he told Carl to kill him if they were too late so that he would not remain a werewolf and do to people what he had spent his life fighting against. But Dracula also knew that was the only way for him to be killed, so he kept an antidote so if a werewolf turned against him he would be able to cure them and save himself.

Question: Where is the bone that is suppose to contain the easter egg, it is not in the deleted scenes menu.

Answer: When you are at the Main Menu, go left of the "Play Movie" selection.

Question: At the beginning of the film, Tony and Jack have a short conversation about "putting it all in commercial papers" and the "Deutsch mark." I have no idea what they're talking about, what does all of that mean? Could someone sum up what they were talking about?

Answer: The doorman has been collecting tips over the holiday season. Jack (being a high-flying business-man) has advised him to invest all the money in a particular type of financial instrument ("commercial papers" - probably company bonds). However, he has also advised him to keep the money there only until the exchange rate between the US dollar and the German currency falls (the Deutschmark was the German unit of currency at the time of the movie). Presumably, Jack anticipates that the investment will rise in value until the Deutschmark falls against the dollar so he's tipping the guy on how to make the most out of his investment.

Question: How did Drake discover the Nightstalkers hidden base?

Answer: It's possible that he followed one of them back to the base. This is feasible since they wouldn't be able to tell that he was following them because of his shape-shifting abilities.

Question: What is the song that Christian is singing during the Roxanne dance scene? I recognise the words, but I think it is to a different tune.

Answer: Christian is not singing Roxanne, just the Argentinian. I believe Christian's words are original and not from a previous song.

Answer: The words are from "Roxanne" by The Police, and the tune is "Le Tango du Moulin Rouge".

Question: I've read somewhere that Reflector appears in the movie, but I have yet to find him. Could anyone help me out?

Answer: One of the Reflector robots does indded appear in the movie, very briefly. As the Decepticons regroup after Blaster sends the communication to Moon Base 1, there is a shot from behind showing the Decepticons coming in, then a few more come in and transform to their robot modes. If you look when Dirge comes in, Reflector is in front of him. This is the only part of the film Reflector is in, so this character was either captured by the Autobots or destroyed, as he is not seen on Astrotrain when the Decepticons retreat.

Question: What is the title and composer of the nice piano piece that plays at the beginning and end of the film?

Answer: The music is Nocturne number 2 Es-dur 9/2 by Chopin.

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