Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Palpatine killed Plagueis in his sleep. Is there any book/information that tells if Palpatine took precautions to avoid possibly being killed this way (by an apprentice of his own)?

Answer: In one of the books I've read, it mentions that Palpatine doesn't sleep. He meditates so he is always aware of his surroundings.

Question: Was Guy in on the cruel revenge prank to put dog food on Aldys, or did he just want to dance with her, and didn't know anything about it?

Answer: Over the course of the evening, Guy learns that being popular isn't the most important thing in the world and wanted to make peace with Aldys. I think he was genuinely being a nice guy and wasn't in on the prank.

Question: When Adlys and Josie are in the car, and Guy pops his head in, how come he never looks at Josie? It's like she was invisible, and his face was close enough to her face, and he didn't even glance at her.

Answer: Guy regards Josie as another 'nerd' and would hardly have the courtesy of looking at her. Guy's focus is on Adlys because she's the one driving.

Question: What do the rocks that the stranger in the car gives to Caleb mean?

Answer: It is a rock from the ground of the final location on the list, where the spaceship has landed to transport Caleb and Abby to their new home. It is merely a clue as to where they should go on the day of October 19th.


Question: How did Commudus find out about Lucilla conspiring against him?

Answer: Commudus found out through Lucius (Lucilla's son). If you watch, at a certain part at the film Commudus sees Lucius fighting and asks him about becoming a legionary. Lucius then calls himself "Maximus The Savior of Rome". Commudus then asks "who said that?" and then Lucius, who whispers it in his ear.

Question: What Ivy League university is Sam attending?

Answer: The name is never said in the film, but some of the university scenes were shot at UPenn, and others at Princeton. Both are Ivy League.

Chosen answer: The Cybermen have a misplaced belief that all other life forms want to be upgraded. He can probably work out, from scaning the Dalek, that it is a powerful war machine and thus useful in subduing the humans. Once that's done, they could reward the Daleks by upgrading them.


Question: When Jetfire mentioned that "A Prime can only kill the Fallen", he never gave a reason why. Does anyone know the answer?

Answer: Because only a Prime can kill another Prime. the Fallen was one of the ancient primes that arrived on Earth centuries ago.

Question: At the end of the "We Are One" song, Simba and Kiara have returned to pride rock around sunset. Fine, fine, but the thing that's been bugging me for years is: Kiara stares intently at something, causing Simba to frown and look up to see what she sees. He seems to chuckle, then turns back to her. What is it that they were looking at before he says "You'll understand some day" and why is it there?

Answer: Kiara is staring at the tip of Pride Rock and thinking of the that she will be a leader one day, due to the fact that shown in the first movie that this is where the new kings/queens roar to show that they are the new rulers. Simba notices her looking and chuckles at the irony of him having wanting to be leader so badly at her age and Kiara not wanting to be a leader at all.


Chosen answer: Report 30185 is a joke report referring to the time when SG-1 go back in time to 1969 in the episode '1969'. The joke is that Colonel O'Neil knocked up a hippie and made sure Mitchel was taken care of throughout his life, like how he got into the 302 program while his buddy, a better pilot, did not.

Answer: This answer is incorrect, because after Mitchell said, I'm being parked on a Samantha, in a very serious tone, said seriously we can't tell you about 30185.

To clarify this entry, what Mitchell asked is "Oh, I'm being punk'd, aren't I?" The joke in the scene was 30185 was too classified for Mitchell to know, but then they turn around and tell Vala. O'Neill isn't really Mitchell's father, they were joking around. But then Samantha does honestly say they can't tell them about 30185. From there we never learn what it is.


Question: What did Mrs.Loomis mean when she said she had a make over? Did she mean plastic surgery?


Answer: Sidney did eventually recognise Mrs Loomis. So it's also likely that she changed her hair. Style and or colour. She also could have put on weight or lost it accordingly. Plastic surgery is expensive so it's possible that she could not afford it. That being typed, a nose job is not entirely out of the question. Or any number of facial adjustments.

Alan Keddie

She is implied to have some kind of money, as Mickey says she paid for his college tuition.

Chosen answer: Yes, she had plastic surgery to disguise herself so she could get close to Sidney.

Chosen answer: There is nothing in the story to suggest what the "goo" is so we can only summarize that this is simply the remains of the master after his execution. Why he would become "slime" is debatable but as the air of Skaro created the Dalek Race, it is fair to assume that a prolonged exposure also mutated the Master's body in some way.


Chosen answer: A very good question - It is suggested by Paul McGann during the introduction that "rules mean nothing" to the Master. Assuming this to be the case, that would suggest that outside of Galifrey where a Time Lord's life is absolute, The Master would be able to "alter and cheat" time.


Question: Why DOES The Doctor give advice and information to people? surely, being a Time Lord he knows the risks of changing the future?


Chosen answer: A good question, and one that is posed by the characters themselves several times. It is feasible that the doctor having already been to that time already is aware of what may happen to them, and as he is at this point also able to travel to parallel points in time, may have also seen what may happen if they change events - which is presumably for the better.


Question: The Tardis brings back Grace and Chang, so does that make them immortal, fixed points in time like Captain Jack Harkness?


Chosen answer: Whereas Grace and Chang are both human, Captain Jack Harkness is alien - So the effect the TARDIS has is very different. In addition, as is revealed in the series as well, The TARDIS is more than a machine, it is alive... It also has knowledge even the Time Lords do not have - By making Jack Harkness immortal, it is also fulfilling his destiny.


Chosen answer: She thought she saw herself, which would have been impossible, if not for the Timeturner that Prof. McGonigall gave her. She saw a flash of the scene as it appears when she and Harry revisit that moment in time.


I have watched it several times and cannot see any part of Hermione behind the tree. What part did she see?

As we see later in the film, Hermione #2 is looking around the tree and a twig snaps, causing Hermione #1 to quickly turn around and catch a glimpse of Hermione #2 before she gets her body behind the tree. By the time the camera is showing that portion of the forest Hermione #2 is fully behind the tree so we don't see anything at that time, which is on purpose since the audience isn't supposed to know the movie's later events yet.


But when Hermione #1 turns around, what part of Hermione #2 does she see?

We don't see her, she saw herself.


But what part of herself did she see?

Most likely her bushy hair as that will stand out in the darkness of the forest.


Is it possible to notice that if I watched that scene?

As Jimba said, by the time the camera gets there, she's behind the tree. Hence why I stated it's probably her hair as we simply don't know.


Question: Marty prevents the bad 1985 by burning the sports almanac in 1955. However this alone won't prevent Old Biff from taking the almanac from 2015 to 1955. Indeed it raises the possibility that OB will remember having lost the almanac as a young man and choose to travel back to a date other than 12.11.55 to hand it over. I can think of three possible resolutions to this problem: (1) Marty makes a note of the date and time, then burns the almanac as a 47-year-old before Old Biff gets it; (2) Marty informs the 1950s Doc of what is to happen and he resolves to make the DeLorean more secure and/or not to throw the almanac in the bin; (3) Doc travels to 2015 in the steam locomotive and burns the almanac. Any other ideas?

Answer: I don't think it works like that. Old Biff came from a timeline that no longer exists, wiped out in favour of a timeline where his younger self becomes hugely rich because of the almanac, which is then ultimately replaced with a timeline where Marty wasn't involved in the car crash and he, and his children, are presumably more successful. In this new timeline, Marty and Doc would never have been to 2015 to try to sort out Marty's wayward children, Marty would never have bought the almanac, the old Biff of that timeline would never have learned about the time machine, and so would never have the idea of taking the discarded almanac back to his younger self, much less changing his date of arrival to try to prevent the theft. Doc and Marty have nothing to worry about.


Question: Did Dooku have any personal reason for wanting to kill Padme, or did he just send Jango after her as a favor to Nute Gunray?

Answer: Gunray demanded that Amidala be targeted as part of his price to bring the Trade Federation, with its substantial military force, into the Seperatist movement.


Chosen answer: He's still around, we've just not seen him lately, as scenes with Blake have been mainly at work, where Kevin wouldn't be.


Logopolis - S18-E7

Question: The Master has shown himself to be extremely intelligent, so why didn't he know that killing all those Logopolitans would set off a chain reaction, resulting in the end of the universe? Also, why did he hold the planet to ransom? What was he hoping to gain by doing this?


Chosen answer: The Master seemed to know what would happen, and exploited this to his own ends. His goal was to gain control of the entire universe, by giving people a choice: die with the universe as it is destroyed (by natural means, no less!), or accept his as their Master, with the only way to keep the universe going.

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