Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Is the young green alien who is cheering on Anakin at the pod races the same one who confronts Han Solo in Episode 4?

Answer: Technically it wasn't, but during principal photography of the movie, it indeed was meant to be the same creature (Greedo). In one of the deleted scenes, the green alien picks a fight with Anakin, accusing him of cheating to win the pod race. Qui-gon warns young Greedo that he'll get into trouble if he keeps picking fights, and sure enough, he is blasted to pieces by Han Solo in Episode IV (again, that was the original plan). However, since the scene never made it into the movie, we are just left to assume it's an alien of the same race.

Matty Blast

Answer: No his name is Wald, and he is of the same race. The deleted scene shows them together, but the Wald says be careful or one day you'll get yours.

Kevin l Habershaw

Question: Who plays the guard that beats Adam Sandler with the baton? He looks familiar. He's also in the cafeteria scene - he attempts to hit Adam but he blocks it and then the guard says "You're gonna regret that" (or something to that effect).

Answer: The actor who plays him is William Fichtner, and he has appeared in many other films such as Armageddon, The Perfect Storm and Black Hawk Down.


Question: Do you know where I could find the lyrics to all the songs in this film?

Answer: Lyrics on Demand. Link provided:


Question: Upon first meeting each other, Veruca says "Let's be friends", and Violet replies "best friends". I get a strange feeling this is a reference to something. Is it, and if so, what?

Answer: They're there to compete, but are pretending to really like each other. It's not a reference to anything specific.

Jane Doe

Question: Why was the original composer Alan Silvestri fired?

Answer: On 1/21/05 in "Battling Monsters with Alan Silvestri" an interview by Ron Goldwasser, Mr. Silvestri explains that he was hired by Gore Verbinski for the Jerry Bruckheimer film and in the end, "I think Jerry was much more comfortable working in a way that he had worked historically, with people he had worked with historically, and it seemed the best idea for us to part our ways." He further stated it was just not the right chemistry but the parting was not acrimonious. Full interview can be found at:


Chosen answer: The song is "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" by Uncle Kracker featuring Kid Rock on additional vocals.


Question: Who is One Stab telling the story to? I thought maybe it was a relative of Tristan (son/daughter or grandson/granddaughter) because he hands the person the family letter which makes me think it WAS a family member, but who is it?

Answer: There's nothing to tell us who the listener is. Your theory that it's probably a family member seems entirely reasonable, but there's nothing in the film that would allow the identity of the listener to be narrowed down any further than that.


Question: How did Kevin kill Goldie without leaving a mark on her?

Answer: Seeing how quiet and skilled at killing Kevin is, it is not unlikely that he managed to creep up and, while clamping a hand over her mouth, inserted a syringe with a fast-working poison. Another, more cinematic, possibility is that he used his martial arts skills to strike certain pressure points with his fingertips, killing her instantly.


Question: Whats the deal with the moving staircases? Wouldn't they make all the students late for classes?

Answer: Hogwarts is a highly magical place with many oddities built into it; the staircases are one of those, but most are reasonably predictable in how and when they move. The students simply have to learn the patterns to avoid problems.


Answer: For about two minutes. In the last showdown in the cave he sneaks a coin out of the chest when nobody is looking, because he knows he will have to fight Barbossa, and the only way he can stand a chance is to be as invulnerable as him. It is therefore necessary for Jack to be cursed and an undead while the fight is going on.


Answer: It is one of two things, one being his inability to achieve or maintain an erection while they are going at it, and the second is premature ejaculation, both of which Ross would be mortified about.

Super Grover

Question: Anyone know why the scene with the Octopus was deleted for the DVD? Data mentions it and it is a continuity error on this site, I just want to know why they would have deleted it.


Chosen answer: It wasn't deleted for the DVD, it was never shown in the cinema or VHS either. The quality of the special effects octopus was such low quality, that they decided not to include it in the final cut of the film.

Soylent Purple

It was actually in the film at one time. I 100% watched it on VHS and in television growing up. I never understood why they took it out later. From what I read. Stephen Spielberg hated it so much they removed it later.

Question: What is Dolly's (Jaw's girlfriend) relationship with Drax Industries (as evident in her yellow jumpsuit)?


Chosen answer: She doesn't have any official connection to Drax Industries. She only gets to come along to the station due to her relationship with Jaws. That's when she gets the yellow jumpsuit.


Question: A woman named Hannah Groves is credited in the movie as Rita, but I don't remember anyone named Rita in the movie. Can someone tell me who she is?

Answer: Somewhat confused by this, as a check down the cast listings for X-Men, X-Men 1.5 (the extended version) and X2 (just in case) has failed to show any credit for either an actress or character with those names. Nor is there a Hannah Groves listed on the IMDb. Your information may simply be wrong.


Question: What did Bond say in front of Drax which made Jaws reluctant to send Bond to his death in space?


Chosen answer: His comments to Drax were about the physical and mental perfection that Drax required for those chosen to repopulate the Earth. As Dolly (Jaw's girlfriend) needs glasses, she falls short of those criteria (as, quite probably, does Jaws himself), which makes him wonder whether Drax won't simply get rid of them once he's carried out his plan. As such, he chooses to ally himself with Bond rather than risk Dolly being harmed.


Question: After reaching Coruscant, why does Qui-Gon tell Chancellor Valorum that he needs to speak with the Jedi Council? Wouldn't Qui-Gon simply report to the Temple once he arrived?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Valorum sent Qui-Gon to Naboo as his personal ambassador, so the Chancellor would expect to discuss the situation on their return. Qui-Gon is excusing himself in order to bring the news of the Sith reappearance to the Jedi Council as soon as possible.


Question: Captain Oveur was saying things to Joey. What I didn't understand is the jokes behind the lines "Have you ever been in a Turkish Prison" and "Do you like movies about gladiators." What are the jokes behind these? Please explain. Thank-you.


Chosen answer: All of his questions to Joey are filled with homosexual innuendos; the perverted captain is trying to see if Joey has any such tendencies. In a Turkish prison, men who are sexually frustrated will resort to "companionship" with other men (even forcefully). Movies about gladiators depict ripped, muscular men, and the question about seeing a "grown man naked" obviously fits the pattern.

Matty Blast

The gladiator reference is about Spartacus. There is a scene in there about homosexuality.

What scene are you talking about? If you mean the "snails and oysters" scene, that was not part of the movie until it was restored in 1991.

Answer: I believe this joke is just to make the watcher extremely uncomfortable and it works great.

Question: Would it be possible for someone to explain something to me? What is the significance of the time 2:06? Obviously it's when David wakes up in the middle of the night, but why?

Answer: That is the time the he supposedly woke up to find his wife dead in the beginning of the movie, so now he has nightmares and wakes up at the exact same time.

stella stathopoulos

Question: During the section toward the end where Bruce Willis is arriving at the farm to rescue Nancy, we see Elijah Wood sitting and reading the bible in the house. Since he is a friend of the yellow freak's family, why doesn't he do anything to stop Bruce Willis? He certainly helped when Mickey Rourke was around but this time he just sits and does nothing and I'm a little confused as to why. If someone could help me I would really appreciate it.

Answer: Elijah Wood's character is shown in the house, distracted as Bruce Willis sneaks by. Perhaps he doesn't do anything because he doesn't know what's going on.

Question: Does anyone know a website that tells the full, true story of the Jamaican bobsled team? I liked to get a look at all the differences between the film and what actually happened. I tried to search for it on Google, but all I am coming up with is things about the movie, not the actual event.

Answer: The events depicted in Cool Runnings of the improbable Jamaican bobsled team were actually quite accurate, according to this page

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