Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Before Tom Cruise is ushered into the tunnel in Boston, the army man says, "______ is the key." What does he say; what is the key?

Answer: Tom Cruise notices that the birds are able to land on the tripod and realises the shields are down. He points this out to the army guy, who yells to his men, "The Javelin is the key." The Javelin is the anti-tank weapon they use to take the tripod down.

Question: Two questions about the scene where Dan is talking to Larry online and pretending to be Anna. First, why did he want to set her up with someone if he wanted her? Also, how could he be sure that she would be at the aquarium at a certain time? I know that he knew she liked to go there, but how could he be certain that whatever guy he played the trick on would meet her there?

Answer: Dan did not know Anna would be there. This is revealed at the art exhibit when Anna tells Dan that she met Larry at the aquarium as well as their nickname for him - Cupid. He unwittingly created an obstacle for himself.

I think he had played the Internet prank/joke a few times before. He knew that Anna liked the aquarium, so if he chatted with multiple men on different days, there was a chance that Anna would actually be at the aquarium when a man arrived to meet her.

Answer: I think he set her up because he wanted to prank her for rejecting him. Just an unlucky fluke for the second part with them meeting up at the same time, I think. Or maybe 1pm is when she takes a break or gets off work at that time? Who knows. It happened, though.

Question: Just curious if anyone had a theory about Dr. Gordon. Zep and Adam are still in the house, we see them at the end of the movie. But where is Dr. Gordon? After seeing Adam & Zep's dead bodies, I kind of thought we'd see Gordon stuffed in a closet somewhere. Or maybe his lack of presence means he got away?

Rochelle McCarty

Chosen answer: In Saw 7 you find out Jigsaw found Dr. Gordon, kept him alive, and that he's been helping Jigsaw ever since.

Question: Do we see Dr. Lawrence Gordon's body in the house anywhere. If not what happened to him?

Answer: At the end of Saw 7 it is revealed that Jigsaw found the doctor, nursed him back to health, and that the doctor has been helping Jigsaw all along.

Answer: No we don't see his body, as he is shown in Saw 3D to have been alive this whole time.

Chosen answer: Jessica thinks she is the only one capable of taking care of her son. She feels that DL stole him, and she has to eliminate him as a threat.

Chosen answer: She actually does sing very briefly, in an early scene where, as a child, she sings along with her mother (in Gaelic), but, otherwise, yes, she's the only Disney Princess who doesn't burst into a major song at some point in the movie. She does sing in her mind or internally when she is shooting arrows in the forest at the beginning of the film. The song is called "Touch the Sky."


Question: When Loki first arrives and steals the tesseract, he looks sick or injured. The skin around his eyes is discolored, he seems to be in pain and/or have trouble walking (especially noticeable after Clint shoots Fury) and he needs help climbing into the back of the truck. Later in the movie, he's fine. What was wrong with him?


Chosen answer: Without the stabilisation equipment that's built by Erik Selvig, the portal opened by the Tesseract is unstable (demonstrated when the residual energy from the portal completely levels the Project Pegasus installation). Passage through it can therefore be reasonably assumed to be a pretty rough trip, even for an Asgardian.


Question: A minor point, but does Professor Snape's body presumably get buried (or whatever treatment was given to the bodies of Tonks, Remus, and others) ? Some fans think that Nagini eats him, but it seems rather odd for a snake to leave dead prey for a while - since Harry has time to talk to Snape - and then come back to eat it much later.

Answer: Nagini does not get to eat him as she vanished with Voldemort before he knew Harry was there. (The same thing happens in the book, albeit in a different location). Snape's body would have been recovered after the battle when Harry made it known what he did and how he risked his life. He would have been given a proper burial.


Question: When Griffin is revealed to be Juntao, he reveals that all of the artifacts once belonged to him. If they were his, then how did Consul Han manage to get them? Wouldn't it be considered stealing, since they were actually Griffin's?

Answer: Many countries, including China, have laws regarding confiscation of proceeds of crime or criminal forfeiture of assets. When the Chinese government took control of Hong Kong, they seized Juntao's assets including drugs, weapons and the collection of artworks under such laws.


Question: Many times, when Robocop's helmet screen is not in front of his eyes, he can still get and see information about people. How come?

Answer: The helmet doesn't contain a screen - it's purely there as protective armour. Murphy's heads-up display is built directly into his eyes.


Question: Why are there some characters (Bowser, Sonic, etc.) able to be in the Game Central Station when they're solely console-based characters, and none of them have appeared in arcade form? I know the sequel is going to touch base on console games and tablet games coming together with arcade characters.

Answer: Sonic has appeared in arcade games such as the arcade version of Sonic the Hedgehog, and Sonic Sega All Stars Racing. Bowser has appeared in Versus Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart Arcade GP, as well as an arcade version of Super Mario 3. Though both games for Bowser are rarely seen in the US it's not unreasonable to think Litwak would have these games at his arcade.


Question: When Robocop is about to arrest Jones, he suddenly feels his system malfunctioning. Jones then explains that Directive 4 is used to shut him down if he attempts to arrest a senior officer of OCP. Why did Jones put this directive into Robocop? At the time nobody knew he was working with Boddicker.

Answer: Because he knew he was doing illegal activities. Robocop was said to be highly efficient at his job and Jones did not want to risk him out on the streets without the insurance of shutting him down if Robo came after him.


Question: At the end of the movie when Jonathan is lying in the middle of the rink, you can see the skaters skating around him. However, everyone is wearing roller blades, not ice skates. I was under the impression that this was an ice skating rink, not a roller skating rink. Am I wrong about that, or is this another blooper?

Answer: It is not a movie mistake. The scenes were filmed at the Trump Skating Rink (formerly called the Wollman Rink) in New York City's Central Park. The arena has traditionally been used for multiple venues throughout the year including ice skating, roller skating, concerts, carnivals, etc.


Answer: I believe her hair is also symbolic of white and black integration.

Chosen answer: It's common for filmmakers to subtly alter a character's appearance throughout the film to reflect how the character changes. In this case, as Tracy comes out of her shell, her personality becomes brighter, stronger, and more pronounced, and that is shown by her increasingly lighter hair.


Question: What drink was Bill drinking at the end, when Beatrix and he was talking? It was too small for me to make out since I have not seen the bottle myself or recognize some of the writings on it.

Answer: It looks like a bottle of Tres Generaciones Añejo, a Mexican tequila.


Question: What did Harry mean when he said to Jack "And I got shot... Another few inches and they would have given the medal to my wife." I still can't make complete sense of that line.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Jack shot Harry in the upper leg, and Harry is presumably referring to the proximity of the femoral artery, a large and vital blood vessel in the thigh. If Jack's shot had hit him there, he would almost certainly have died within minutes, and they would have to give the bravery medal to his widow.


Question: Why didn't grandpapa troll tell Anna about her earlier accident when she is with Kristoff and the trolls? All memories of magic are removed from Anna after her sister accidentally freezes her head. Later on she states that she had been best buddies with her sister, but then suddenly one day her sister shut her out and she didn't know why. There was a perfect chance to have grandpapa troll tell Anna about the first accident which would not only explain why she was shut out, but that it was because her sister loved her and was trying to protect her. Instead the movie ends with Anna not finding out the truth - although Elsa probably would tell her later.

Answer: I don't think the trolls were thinking of that at the time because they were focusing on the problem of Anna's frozen heart.

Lily Harrison

Chosen answer: On the beach, where Mr. Poe comes to inform them of the fire as the movie starts.

Chosen answer: It's a pun on the name of the boat which features in the film: the fictional U. S. Navy ship USS San Pablo. The sailors on the San Pablo call themselves the sand pebbles.


Question: In the epilogue, Victoire Weasley and Teddy Lupin are referred to as cousins. How can they be cousins? Were either of Teddy's parents related to the Weasleys?

Answer: The book never refers to them as being cousins - the reference to "Our Cousin" is said by the young James Potter about Victoire Weasley, who is indeed his cousin. Teddy Lupin is unrelated to either family, although, as he was orphaned in the Battle of Hogwarts, he has long been welcome at both the Potter and Weasley households. Harry states that Teddy comes round for dinner about four times a week; while this may well be something of an exaggeration, it still serves to show how close Teddy is to the family, hence James, who likely sees him as a surrogate older brother, referring to him as "Our Teddy".


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