Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: So far they have shown seven. Number 6/Shelly Godfrey/"Gina"/Tricia Helfer, Number 8/Sharon "Boomer" Valerii/Grace Park, Number 3/D'Anna Biers/Lucy Lawless, ?/Leoben Conoy/Callum Keith Rennie, ? (Possibly Number 5)/Aaron Doral/Matthew Bennett, ?/Brother Cavell/Dean Stockwell, ?/Dr. Simon/Rick Worthy. It is as yet unknown if the Centurions and Raiders count as models.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Cavil - 1 Leoben - 2 D'Anna - 3 Simon - 4 Doral - 5 Six - 6 Daniel - 7 (never seen) Sharon - 8 Then the Final Five that don't have numbers. The Centurions, Raiders and Hybrids do not count as models as such.

Answer: There doesn't seem to be any reference hiding behind this, just a slip-up by Alex Borstein, the voice of Lois. The reason for this slip-up, according to one fan site, is that originally Bonnie was named Debbie.


Mr. Monk Gets Fired - S3-E4

Question: I have been trying to figure out how the death in the episode was linked to the suspect. Now I understand that being she was the housekeeper and that identifying the body would identify who she was and make him an likely suspect (he knew her, the secret bank accounts etc.) but how would that be enough to arrest him or even prosecute him for that matter? The body was not located on his property, there was no physical evidence that he killed her, he never made any incriminating statements and so on. The case seems far too circumstantial to be able to arrest him.


Chosen answer: He'd also murdered the wig shop owner, though, and the implication was that SFPD was gathering more evidence there. Monk puts together a pretty impressive batch of circumstantial evidence for both murders, and that's enough for Stottlemeyer to arrest Harley. Many murder cases go to trial with less, and successfully convict despite a lack of absolute proof, which is, sadly, far less abundant in real life than it is on TV. Lacking concrete proof, guilt must then be established "beyond a reasonable doubt."

Jean G

Show generally

Question: How come Briscoe and Greene and every other cop that works in the precinct can wear suits at the scene of a crime but when other cops from other precincts are also at the crime scene they are wearing uniforms?

Answer: An example of this might be easier to give a reason, but the most likely explanation is that those in police uniform are just regular police while Briscoe, Green are detectives. As for the precinct, the area that they work in is where other detectives work so that would be why so many are dressed in suits as well.


Question: Why does Voldemort call Peter Pettigrew Wormtail?

Answer: Voldemort was a legilliman, someone who could read other peoples' minds. That is how he learned of Peter Pettigrew's nickname for his animagus form of a rat. Voldemort likely calls Pettigrew that because the name is rather demeaning, and he considers Peter one of his most lowly and cowardly servants.


Answer: They call him that because it reminds them of how traitorous and cowardly he is.

Answer: That was the nickname he had been given at Hogwarts. He and his three friends, who could transform into animals (James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin), all gave each other nicknames relating to their animal forms. Peter becomes a rat, and since rats have hairless tails, they chose to call him "Wormtail."


But that does not answer why Voldemort of all people calls him by the name given him - in secret, mind you - by his closest friends.

Pettigrew could easily have told Voldemort about the nickname himself, and Voldemort chose to use it to imply that he was as close a friend to Peter as the others had been.


Except that Voldemort doesn't see anybody as his friend. Only as his followers to follow out his commands.

Question: Does anyone know what Fred and George's odds were on the champions at the first and second tasks, and whether they changed?

Answer: The odds given first were Krum 7/4, Cedric 4/1, Fleur 10/1, Harry 37/1. The second time it is near impossible to tell because of the way the board is being held.

Question: What was the dance move announced by the DJ at the disco, that is an 80's dance move and not a 70's dance move, which has been added as a mistake, as the film was set in the 70's?

Answer: The dance move could quite easily have been a known move of the time which only gained popularity in the 1980's. The same thing happened with Michael Jackson's "Moonwalk" which had been performed by dancers and mime artists for decades before he made it popular and widely known.

Mad Ade

Question: How come Karen goes into the past to see the husband kill his wife and son?

Answer: I don't think she actually went back into the past, I think it was just the house showing her what happened, or at least a type of visual echo of what happened. After all, some pretty strange stuff was happening in that house.

Mad Ade

Answer: It's probably to be assumed that what they're shearing is what Wonka cotton candy is made from, and Wonka didn't want to state this to anyone else. I can imagine 8 people from around the world that lost the competition going out and telling people cotton candy is made from pink sheep's wool wouldn't sit well with the masses.

Answer: Because is probably just one of those weird and wonderful things, like much of Wonka's world, that he could not really explain simply, thus feeling it was best left unsaid altogether. It may well be a nod to another Tim Burton/Johnny Depp movie where he played Ed Wood, a transvestite who liked pink angora sweaters.

Mad Ade

Answer: I saw something saying that the shears may have reminded him of the silver hair.

Question: This movie is based off an old urban legend with the same circumstances involved. But there were two endings to the original legend that we've heard. In one, the babysitter lives, in the other, she dies. Can anyone confirm which one was the original?

Answer: I don't think it is possable to know which one came first since the origins of the legend are not known, but here is a good link that might give you some info.


Answer: It's based on the murder of Janet Christman in the 50's - she was attacked and killed while babysitting. She called the police, but they didn't make it, she was found by the parents dead on the floor, right next to the phone.

Question: What is the song that Emma sings with Frank Churchill when she plays the pianoforte?

Answer: The song is 'Silent Worship' by Handel.


Answer: While ratings did drop, there was a lot going on to cause the rating drops and cancellation. First, "Enterprise" was on UPN, which was dissolved a year after the show was cancelled. At the time of cancellation, it was UPN's highest rated drama. Because they were on at night, they were often preempted by local UPN broadcast of baseball games. And it wasn't even aired in every market. They also lost a major corporate backer early and it was difficult for them to over come that loss. Plus, for season 4, they switched to a Friday night line up, so they were competing against Fox shows, like "The Simpsons" whereas on Wednesdays they didn't have much competition.


Answer: The same reason any show gets canceled, low ratings.


Not all shows get cancelled because of low ratings. Some get cancelled because they're too expensive to make.

Don't know why it had low ratings. IMO it was close to the best of Star Trek franchise.

Question: What exactly happened to Reaper's parents? I didn't get much from the flashback, and it's almost never mentioned.

Answer: They died in a cave in, in the archaeological dig area. Or at least that's what I got.

James King III

Show generally

Question: Why is Sun on the cover of Disc 6 in the Lost DVD Box Set? She doesn't have as many episodes as anyone else, and it would have made more sense to use Locke.

Answer: It was a marketing decision - they're not under any obligation to make sense.


Question: I realize how much the wedding ring must have meant to Mae Braddock, but I don't see why she would not have pawned it, rather than send her children away or become sicker because they could not pay for the heat?

Answer: In that case, you apparently don't realise how much the ring means to her.


Question: In one of the extras, Tim Burton says that he got the idea for Corpse Bride from a story. He said just that it was just a few paragraphs, but what is the story that he is talking about?

Answer: It's a 19th century Russian Jewish folk-tale - the story starts quite similarly, with the lead character saying his vows while putting the ring on what he believes to be a stick. The tale generally finishes with the rabbis annulling the marriage and the living bride vowing to honour the memory of the corpse bride throughout her marriage - which ties into the Jewish tradition of honouring the dead through the lives of the living.


Question: Jigsaw intended for Xavier to go in the needle pit, but Amanda is thrown in instead. Did Jigsaw anticipate that it might be someone besides Xavier, so that all the needles looked dirty, but weren't going to infect anyone with anything? Did Amanda know that she had nothing to worry about, besides the pain of the needles stuck in to her?

Rochelle McCarty

Chosen answer: This is probably the case - although knowing Xavier's mannerisms, it wasn't out of the question for him to put someone else through this torture, so it was always a possibility that she could be thrown in instead. Amanda would have known that the excrutiating pain was the only thing to worry about.

Sam Johnson

Question: Why does the Beggar throw the apple at D-fens? I found it odd since he just gave him a briefcase and a lunch.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Because the beggar thought there would be items of value in the briefcase and he was frustrated that there was nothing in there. So in frustration he threw the apple at D-Fens.


Question: I believe they mentioned it in the movie, but I missed it. How was it decided who is Tutsi and who is Hutu?

Answer: Generally there were two methods, one they had identification badges that mentioned whether they were Tutsi or Hutu. This is evident when Don Cheadle goes to buy supplies and they want to see some ID. The other was simply that people knew each other. Some people would say who was Tutsi and who was Hutu.


Answer: The ID indicated ethnicity.

Chosen answer: The song with the female vocal is "24" by Jem. see


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