Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In the office scene where Mike and Olin are speaking of all the deaths that have occurred in room 1408 they say a specific number for each type of death. I added all the numbers up and got 43 but Olin said there had been 56 deaths total. Is my addition wrong or was is it a coincidence that there were 13 deaths they didn't speak of?

Answer: After they recite the types of deaths and the number attributed to each one Mr. Olin also says that there have also been natural causes of death as well which surprises Mike. The natural causes of death add up to the other 13 deaths.

oddy knocky

First, I don't have a great memory - I had to re-watch the movie, writing down the numbers: 7 jumpers, 4 overdoses, 5 hangings, 3 mutilations, 2 strangulation's plus 22 natural deaths - I get 43 total, but later we hear of a man that drowned in his chicken soup... which fits none of the categories mentioned including natural. There is also mention of heart attacks, which I don't know if you would categorizes these as natural considering the circumstances. That is to say, they just didn't detail all 56 deaths. The book might, and mind you a book made into a movie is always too fast paced with so much detail crammed into 2 hours... there is really no time to digest all the material. I'm guessing this is a much better read. Also this movie PRE-supposes that a person understands a lot of things... I had to look the stuff up after the first viewing... then came to this site (as a means of looking some stuff up). Here's my low down - after the fast forward second viewing, literally taking notes: 1. The room is not haunted - something in the room is evil; this is stated when the hotel owner has conversations with writer just outside of the office on route to the elevator 2. The writer expresses this is : the seventh circle - the 7th circle is where those that committed the following violations are punished: a. Crimes against neighbours b. crimes against self >suicide c. Crimes against God, Art (grand daughter of God) and nature 3. The writer has pleaded Guilty as charged in the hotel managers office to charges of: believing in nothing (this would be God - and he states so later) and believing in no-one but himself 4. The writer opens the bible - and the page falls to Nathans Parable -2 Samuel 12 ==> had to look this one up - this is about being judged - mostly about a man who kills another and takes his wife - it's about judging yourself and paying for your sins. In this story the wife brings forth a child that god strikes down with sickness and the child dies... among other things. 5. It is generally believed that there are 3 things that allow for better mind control - or mind opening/bending experiences: a. Sugar b. Alcohol c. Drugs ==> he was given a bottle of alcohol which he consumes as well as chocolate squares on the bed - presumably the evil force has provided these to allow better mind control 6. All the pictures show some form of evil: the Schooner lost at sea, should we presume an act of evil in addition to potential future acts of cannibalism? The Hunt: which is where I believe the hotel owner originated from: escaping from a pore in the picture - he was the hunted (no glass covering on the picture) and he provided the alcohol - he also tries to stop the writer from taking the room, saying he doesn't have to do this (punish himself) and/or the manager senses the end of the room and potentially his existence Lastly the old women reading to the three children... I just can't make this one fit...which is actually when I started to review the relevance to evil there. The writer says the children are deranged...? 7. The demons all originate from the pictures - I think; the manager of the hotel, the knife wielding woman (schooner) . I'm unsure about the guy in the vent. That is to say, the pictures have brought the evil to the room; and the room has become a room where those who should be punished in the 7th circle are. 8. To prove the punishment room theory: in the file folder, as the writer approaches the room 408 - the notes indicate a man with the notation that: his brother was eaten by wolves on the Connecticut Turnpike - I'm guessing there was an act of cannibalism there. 9. Further to prove the punishment room theory - acts against art are really usury and charging interest (loan shark style - high rates to those that are desperate) - we see a business man jump - which later appears to be the man from the newspaper article that says: Dec. 06, 1938 Chicago factory owner leaps from bridge - stating Financial issues Ultimately this room is about judging yourself, deciding your own punishment and the evil forces dispensing the punishment. Think about the maid that only blinds herself with scissors, and the writer who has presumably already paid for most of his sins (daughter dies) but is still forced to suffer heat, cold, drowning, mental illness, isolation etc.

Answer: Olin simply did not list all of the causes/cases. He mentions the causes of 21 deaths before Mike cuts him off. He then mentions the 22 natural death cases. By no coincidence, the number of cases mentioned, 43, subtracted from the number of deaths Olin says actually occurred, 56, is 13. Afterwards, he reveals one more cause attributed to the unmentioned 13 deaths: drowning.

Question: OK I have a few questions about this. (1) Who blew up the car with Hannah? Was it Jim or Clare? (2) Ethan taunts Krieger because he has the real NOC list, but was it also because Ethan knew he was a traitor and wanted him to walk out? (3) At the end when Ethan is disguised as Phelps, he is wearing the same trenchcoat as the real Phelps (who then shows up). Is this because he knew Jim was onboard, or simply cause he knew how his old boss loved to dress? (4) And lastly after Clare is killed, Hunt acts devastated and goes after Jim in anger. Given that she was a traitor who was always on Jim's side (and might even have killed Hannah), why would Hunt feel this way at all?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: 1) Jim most likely did it when he emerged from the water (as seen in the flashbacks/Ethan's theory, but it's hard to be 100% certain). 2) Ethan was just fooling Krieger. He didn't know he was a traitor yet. 3) Ethan likely knew exactly what Jim was wearing, as he planned the whole thing all along. 4) He's upset because Jim just murdered his wife to escape, someone who until very recently Ethan still considered his friend. You can't just turn loyalty off like that.


Answer: Claire killed Hannah. Ethan didn't want to believe it. Jim had no way of knowing when Hannah was in the car.

Question: This is more of an observation than it is a question; however feel free to chime in with an answer. I realize that this is a "hidden footage" movie and each scene has to depict that. But Alex's actions at the end of the film seem to go against human logic. She finds her boyfriend dead in her closet, she knows her dad is across the street and that something is terribly wrong. Why would she take the time to find the video recorder, turn it on and take it with her to find her dad. Someone who just found a dead body in her closet would simply run out of the house or call the police; WITHOUT taking the time to worry about the camera.

Answer: Maybe seeing the dead body in the closet prompted her to grab her camera in case she needed evidence to show the police who had killed her boyfriend and possibly her father. There is enough time between shots that it is possible she calls the police from her cell while grabbing the camera.

oddy knocky

Question: How would Aldrich Killian or Eric Savin know how to program or how to remotely control the Iron Patriot (War Machine armour) to deliver President Ellis to Killian at the impounded damaged oil tanker? Surely only the pilot or maybe JARVIS could control the armour?


Chosen answer: This isn't the suit Rhodes took from Tony in Iron Man 2. It's a new suit, developed by AIM, Killian's company. That is why he was able to reprogram it to bring the president to him.


Chosen answer: It was written on the plastic bassinet. She could have seen it or asked at any time Amy was their prisoner.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: "I call it Earl Jr. Likes to hang out with Daddy." When Earl says this, he is referring to the gun he pulls out at the coke factory, and uses it throughout the movie. It is an awesome little gun, and appears to be an automatic pistol of some sorts and has a flashlight attached to the front. Does anybody know what kind of gun that is?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Here is a description of the gun according to the IMDb: "Earl's automatic pistol, "Earl Jr.", is a Glock 17 converted to fire fully-automatic. Glock 18C's, as it was meant to portray, have a rate-of-fire selector switch on the slide."


Question: Was the kidnapped official supposedly shot by the Mandarin a part of the whole extremis plot? I'm pretty sure Trevor didn't actually shoot him in the head for real but he's never mentioned again after his supposed killing.


Chosen answer: Most likely, to preserve the illusion to Trevor, his gun held blanks and he did not really kill anyone. However, the official would be too dangerous a witness to be left alive, so Killian would have his goons drag him out and execute him in secret after the taping.


Answer: Watch the end credits. When Ben Kingsley's credit appears there are brief shots of the official getting up and shaking hands with the "Mandarin."

Answer: Alternatively, the official was in on the plot and was just a really good actor.

Question: When this came out on DVD, the box said it was uncut and uncensored. So why was all of the swearing censored?

Answer: There are two versions on the disc. From the main menu you can go to a sub menu that allows you to choose which one you watch.


How do I find it? I've been looking and can't see it anywhere.

The only thing it lets me choose is subtitles and different languages.

Have you looked in the Languages menu? It should let you select the uncensored English audio track.


Question: Bobby doesn't take part in the fight after the Halloween dance and even tries to get the gang to stop beating up Daniel, so why does he attack Miyagi after he saves him from Johnny's kick?

Answer: Because this is no longer simply beating up someone who is at their mercy, this is some strange guy coming in and taking his friends apart.


I always thought Bobby was the bad/ good guy, because he didn't like to hurt Daniel or make trouble, he even felt bad for that kick to the side, that almost knocked Daniel out of the tournament, he was forced into doing it from Kreese and even apologized to Daniel, I think he just went along with the rest of the guys, to fit in with the gang.

Question: Kent Dorfman is a member of Delta fraternity, so why, later in the movie, is he seen in a military uniform with the Omega fraternity?

Answer: He's in R.O.T.C. The Omegas are in the class, too. Military uniforms are required dress.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: If Doug was on the roof the whole time, what exactly has he been doing for the past day while the others try to find him? (01:31:00)

Chosen answer: For the most part, he was passed out or sleeping while waiting for someone to find him.


Answer: Mattress was tossed from higher up on the roof, and to push the plot forward the hotel workers go with the idea that some drunk tourist tossed it out a window.

Answer: Doug was with them most of the night. He was in the wedding pictures. I'm assuming it's presumed he went back on the roof for some reason, maybe to sleep since at some part they ransacked the hotel room and he got locked out because at the beginning roof scene Stu propped the door open. They probably were bringing the mattress up to chill on too and he got locked out.

Answer: Of course he was just waiting, sleeping or sleeping it off all that time, but myself I have to wonder; Why didn't any staff OR security find him before his friends?! I'm sure there had to be some daily maintenance work on the rooftop AC's or something, which Doug could use to get back down when they come up! For that matter, I'm sure that if Doug had sufficient wherewithal to signal help by throwing part of his bed off the roof, he could've tried again with either a torn-out padding chunk of the rest, thrown down in the sight of everyone (something soft so as not hurt anyone), disconnecting sundry parts of the aforementioned roof utilities to create something to draw maintenance and security, or some other method entirely. Add to that, finding his box spring in the landscaping would have set the hotel staff buzzing anyway.


It's odd that the guys on the roof removing his mattress didn't see Doug on the roof.

The workers removed the mattress from the porte cochere, which is only a couple stories high. Doug was stuck on the roof of a resort tower, which is substantially higher.

The guys didn't remove the mattress from the roof. It was a statue on top of the lobby entrance. The building is a massive high rise. They'd never look for the roof. Assuming someone broke open a window and pushed it out.

Question: One of the questions about this movie pertains to why Vanessa was shocked when Juno said she saw their adoption ad in The Pennysaver. My question is: is it possible that Mark submitted the ad to the Pennysaver thinking no one would see it so he could avoid becoming a father? Because obviously Vanessa had difficulty conceiving a child for whatever reason and at the end of the movie Mark (finally) expresses his disinterest and "not feeling ready".

Answer: Mark probably submitted it without telling Vanessa. They have been trying to adopt for a while but he didn't think that it would happen right away (some couples wait years to find a birth mother), hence his feeling unprepared.


Answer: Both. What is shown in this film takes place much later in his life.


Question: The boxes which contain the particle accelerator are marked "Project Pegasus". Is this some sort of comic book reference?


Chosen answer: Yes, it is. Project PEGASUS (standing for Potential Energy Group/Alternate Sources/United States) is principally a scientific base used in multiple stories set in the Marvel Universe, although it has also served as a place of incarceration for super-powered individuals at various points in its existence. Within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pegasus is the SHIELD scientific base used in the Avengers movie to study the Tesseract, that is destroyed when the portal used to bring Loki to Earth implodes.


Pilot (1) - S1-E1

Question: In the beginning episode, Quinn's timer will allow him to slide from one dimension to the next before sending him back to his own world. Later, after escaping the frozen world, the timer sends everybody to another dimension rather then back home and continues this way for the rest of the show. What caused this malfunction?

Answer: The warning that his double never got to finish before being sent back to his home dimension was not to speed up the timer. That's what scrambled the timer's coordinates and launched them on the quest to find home.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Is it a coincidence that Needy uses the same knife that killed Jennifer to kill the band? Needy wouldn't have know about the knife since she wasn't present when Jennifer was killed.


Answer: When Jen was explaining how the band members through the knife in the waterfall. When needy was walking and found the knife, the knife was beside one of the balls that the scientists were testing where the water went to. It showed the scene where the scientists were putting little red balls down to see where they came up. So no it wasn't a coincidence, she knew that was the knife.

Answer: Maybe coincidence but I think she might knew its the same knife the bad used to kill Jennifer because of the power she got from the demon after being bitten by Jennifer aka the succubus.

Chosen answer: It is no coincidence. Needy killed Jennifer with the same knife that she would later use to kill the band.

Question: How could Louis be the son of a king and Phillipe be the son of D'Artagnan if they're identical twins?

Answer: Both Louis and Philippe are actually D'Artagnan's children. This is why D'Artagnan continues to defend Louis for much of the early part of the film, despite the King's callousness, because he feels that he must defend his son, even against his oldest friends. It's only when he discovers Philippe and realises that he has another son, a humble and decent man, that he's finally able to feel pride as a father and can stand against Louis and his excesses.


Question: At the beginning of the film, who were the two men in uniform and why did one pull a gun on the other?

Answer: They were erroneously alerted that an actual nuclear attack was underway, and they had been trained to respond by firing a nuclear warhead. However, one was unconvinced that the US was actually under attack, and he wanted further confirmation from his superiors. The other insisted that they follow protocol and fire the missiles. One man alone cannot launch the missiles, it takes two, and the one with the gun is attempting to force his partner to follow through on launching the weapon.


Answer: Actually it would take four men; two men in two separate LCCs (Launch Control Centers) to corroborate. In fact, there are five LCCs in a Squadron and the others can even "inhibit" an erroneous launch order coming from a single LCC.

Question: What was the significance of the letters Elizabeth took from Beckett that he signed and what happened to them?

Answer: They are letters of marque which state Elizabeth and Will are released from the charges originally placed against them at the beginning of the film. Norrington steals the letters from Jack's jacket pocket and signs his name, thus clearing his charges. This is mentioned in the final scene between Norrington and Beckett. This is why Norrington can serve the East India Trading Company in the third movie.


Question: In terms of her personality and attitude, what was Calhoun like before her first fiancee was eaten by a cy-bug? (01:41:00)

Answer: Calhoun's demeanor is depicted as having been significantly affected by the death of her fiance. The brief montage of their courtship and wedding - as well as her flashes of recognition during her later scenes with Felix - indicates she was likely once a very different person. That said, as her backstory was given to her, rather than her being actually going through that experience, she's only ever really had the personality shown in the film.


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