Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I have three unrelated questions: 1. My comments are in parentheses. John Anderton: Why'd you catch that? Danny Witwer: Because it was going to fall. (No, it wasn't) John Anderton: You're certain? Danny Witwer: Yeah. John Anderton: But it didn't fall. You caught it. The fact that you prevented it from happening doesn't change the fact that it was *going* to happen. (Yes, it does, doesn't it?) That was my first question - I hope that you didn't mind the format. Also, don't hold back on the philosophy - I'm well-versed in it. 2. Since Crowe didn't kill John's boy, who did? If we didn't find out, are there even any theories? 3. This one's about the adulterers and the fact that they weren't arrested. Isn't it more likely that, in the future (esp. one like this, which, in my opinion, was at least semi-totalitarian) there would be more laws (specifically about adultery) rather than less, especially considering that even now there are some laws that apply to adultery?

Answer: 1. By the laws of physics, the ball would have fallen to the ground had Witwer not caught it. 2. We don't know who kidnapped John's child. 3. Obviously not.


Question: Why does Batman override the controls to Robin's motorbike when they're pursuing Freeze? Robin says he can make it, and yet Batman still prevents him from doing it. Why? Robin's a professional circus performer and Batman knows that; if Robin knows he can make the jump, then Batman should have allowed him to make the jump.

Answer: Because Batman has been over protective of Robin the whole time and is not entirely sure that Robin is not a "reckless youth". The whole point is that Batman doesn't know that if Robin says he can make the jump, that he can make it. That's why at the end when Batman trusts Robin's judgement that he can do what he says, Robin thanks him.


Answer: Jack came into possession of a drawing of a key after killing the warden of the Turkish prison that he infiltrated. All he knew was that the real key would open a chest containing something valuable. He then went to see Tia Dalma, who told him that the key opened Davy Jones' chest containing his heart.


Question: Does anyone know why Han's line was changed in the Special Edition to "It's all right, I can see a lot better now" from "it's all right, trust me" right before he shoots the sarlacc to save Lando?


Chosen answer: Probably because George Lucas liked that line better. It's not unusual for dialog and action to change slightly with multiple takes of a particular scene, seeing what works best.


Answer: We can only speculate, but George Lucas has shown a penchant for making updates that super-clarify certain narrative logistics for viewers even if it's not strictly necessary. The new line explicitly establishes that Han Solo has regained his eyesight, whereas with the prior line the audience must infer this from his behavior here and in subsequent scenes (how much this was ever an issue for viewers in the first place is certainly debatable).


Answer: Harrison Ford improvised some lines so he could have improvised this one.

Question: Is it actually revealed why Jackson wants Keefe dead? Did I miss something?

Answer: It's a political assassination plot. Jackson is an operative working for the terrorist organization that wants to kill Keefe because he is the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security.


Chosen answer: "Sibling Rivalry", Season 4, Episode 22.


Question: After Phillip frees her, why did Syrena then go to find the chalices and give them to Jack Sparrow? She could have just left and taken Phillip with her.


Chosen answer: She most likely went to stop the ritual, she probably didn't want her tear to be used by the likes of Blackbeard. She knew that Jack would use it wisely.

Question: Although they only show Ray Finkle/ Lois Einhorn exposed to the cops, what exactly would be his/her comeuppance? Would he/she be sent back to Shady Acres Mental Hospital or to a state prison?

Answer: That would depend entirely on how she and her lawyer chose to plead, and what the judge and jury decided. It's outside the scope of the movie.

Question: Dr. Marvin Monroe isn't dead because he appeared in season 15, so why wasn't he in the movie?

Joel Sheffield

Chosen answer: There's no rule saying that every character from a TV show has to appear in the movie. There are plenty of short-lived characters from the show that weren't featured. He just didn't fit into the plot.

Question: Are Jethro and his daughters Arabs or Jews? I'm asking because a couple of things don't make sense to me: In Jethro's tent, there are several men (sheiks) who are dressed in the traditional Arab headgear. Also, his daughters shown him respect by gesturing with their hands.

Answer: Jethro is a Kenite shepherd and priest of Midian. Midian was likely in the area that is now known as Saudi Arabia.


Answer: He was a descendant of Ishmael, so that makes him an Arab.

IOMG - S4-E9

Question: I have a few questions. One: When Carly and Gibby are using Spencer as a test subject for their science project, they start doing different things that Spencer freaks out about. I'm no expert, but it sounds like abuse to keep him hostage in a box, even starving him, and then destroy his food. Two: Since Sam kissed Freddie, are they going to be a couple, or does this episode continue? I heard the next one was the iCarly/Victorious crossover, but I'm not sure.


Chosen answer: I don't know how to answer the first question but for your second question, there is going to be an episode after iPWV, called IDate Sam & Freddie which will deal with their kiss from iOMG. IParty with Victorious will not be related to IDate Sam & Freddie.

The I date Sam and Freddie proves that they are a couple.

Chosen answer: Why would he? It is hardly unusual for a person to never mention a past relationship with someone if they were particularly hurt, angered, or disappointed, resulting in them acting as if that person never existed. It can often come as a surprise to others to learn that a friend or relative had some prior relationship they never knew about.


The Anniversary - S2-E5

Question: When Polly is laying in bed disguised as Mrs Fawlty, was that really Prunella scales playing that part? I was wondering as Polly as a more thinner face than Sybil and could never have really got away with it.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Indeed it is Polly. She has stuffings in her mouth to pretend she is swollen.


Question: Where can I find out who the extras were in the movie? My uncle was one of the paratroopers at the beginning, I just want to know which one, and no I can't call him.


Chosen answer: I was one of the actual paratroopers in the movie. There were at least two different companies providing the extra's. The company that provided the actual paratroopers was Delta Productions, Inc. owned by John Early who owned the Parachute Center in Albuquerque, NM. John was a former Green Beret and professional soldier and was hired to be the technical adviser to the film. As far as I know, Delta Productions is no longer in business. The other company that hired extras provided the non-paratrooper extras. I do not have any information concerning that company but I do know that most were locals who lived in Las Vegas, NM. I know this because I met one of them in the Marine Corps years later. To answer your actual question, I have no knowledge if that information was kept other than those companies that hired them.

Question: Who is the narrator in the opening scene?

Answer: David Ogden Stiers is the narrator. He is most well known as his role of Major Winchester on M*A*S*H, and has done voice over work for many feature length cartoons in the last decade.

Kimberly Mason

Question: When David lands on his knees I see his feet move to position. Does David bend his feet, or does the wolf? When his hand begins to get ready to change his fingers bend, or is this the same as his feet?


Chosen answer: David has no control over his actions. Whatever physical position he assumes is the result of the transformation that is underway, changing him into a werewolf.


Question: In Godric's Hollow, it shows James and Lily's date of death to be in 1981, which would mean these events are taking place in 1997 when Harry would be 17 and the original Harry Potter book would be set around 1991. Is this a mistake or deliberate on JK Rowling's part?

Answer: This is deliberate, and when the books are actually set.

Chosen answer: It was both. Wynn, a fine character actor, was suffering from pancreatic cancer while this film was being made. He died in 1986, the same year the film was released.


Question: Philip is supposedly killed by Blackbeard and then wounded in battle later in the film. How does he manage to survive and show very little signs of being injured?


Chosen answer: He was stabbed with the same tranquilizer that Jack was shot with, to make him appear to have been killed when he was in actuality completely unharmed. He reacted appropriately to the wound received later too. Stomach wounds hurt like mad, but it is possible for them to take a very long time to kill you if they are mortal wounds.


Question: At the end of the movie when the mermaid offers to save the religious guy, why does it appear that she is just dragging him underwater to his death?

Answer: The difference this time is that she actually kissed him before pulling him under. Either she breathes for him that way, or there's some magical property to a mermaid's kiss. They mentioned earlier in the film how a mermaid's kiss can save a man from drowning. Also, once the end credits start to flash on the screen (background is under water), about the 4th set, the screen lightens, and you can see two "mermaid" figures/shadows swimming toward the upper right of the screen. This is most likely Philip and Syrena. He became a "mermaid/merman."


Answer: The Mermaid said, "I can save you. All you have to do is ask." The man said, "All I ask, is for your forgiveness." That was close enough for the Mermaid.

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