Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Jenna has turned 30 and is going to the magazine party she has a dress on then asks her 13 year old neighbour if she can see her underwear to which the girl replies something like "I think that's the point." They then smile and laugh to themselves. Could anyone explain this joke?

Answer: Jenna asked the girl, "Can you tell I'm wearing underwear? Because I totally am". This is because when she was 13 just a day before, she was wearing big underwear. Now she's wearing a thong, which wouldn't be visible when wearing a dress.

Question: John puts a grenade on a fork lift and wheels it over to the bold, shirtless, muscular guy shooting at them. It explodes big and almost water like. What kind of bomb/grenade was that? (01:21:10)

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It was a normal hand grenade but they shot a few gas lines earlier in the shootout, which caused your mentioned "water-effect".


Chosen answer: During a mission known as the "Leningrad Ruse." He and his flight squadron were sent unknowingly on a suicide mission. During it, his goggles cracked and let in a poisonous gas, paralyzing his iris. He has to wear the patch because his eye can't focus against bright light, causing pain. This is mentioned in the novelization.


Question: Is John McClane ambidextrous? I noticed in several scenes, he'd alternate between using and holding his gun with his right and left hand.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: No. Bruce Willis (and thus, John McClane) is left handed. But guns are mostly designed for right handed people, so when he isn't holding a gun modified for him, it's easier to use it with his right hand.


Chosen answer: The ring road around the center of Moscow.


Question: The guy who was sent back in time to run the loopers, Abe, is he the same person as Kid Blue but just his older future self?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Writer/director Rian Johnson has stated that he didn't write the script with the intention of having Abe and Kid Blue be the older and younger versions of the same character, but that he likes the widespread fan theory that they are, acknowledging that the dynamic he wrote for the two characters very much lends itself to that interpretation. So that's an official "No, but it's a cool idea".


Question: At the end of the movie after Tommy knocks Paulie to the ground, George Duke pulls Tommy away and yells something at him. It is right before Rocky says "Now you knocked him down, why don't you try knocking me down now." He is saying it way too fast so it is hard to hear him. What does he yell at Tommy? (and its not "save it for the ring" like an earlier answer stated. it was something else).


Chosen answer: He says "break your hand on his brother, and what are you worth then, huh?"

Question: When Preston goes into Father's office to face off against Brandt and DuPont, he is surrounded by several guys in gray suits with swords. Just before Preston cuts them down with little effort, the one directly in front of him growls and Preston smirks. The guy that growls... who is he? I could swear I have seen him in a movie or something before, but I can't place where. I know I have seen his face before. Who is he and what has he played in?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He is a stuntman named Lucas Wolf. His filmography can be found here:


Question: If Grug is so scared of things in the outside world and considers anything new to be dangerous, then why does he keep Guy with him instead of getting rid of him?

Answer: The family convinced Grug that Guy had skills to help them navigate the situation they are in.


Answer: Because curiosity struck him already.

Question: Is there any reason why we never saw Data fall out of the water tubes? We saw everyone except him.

Answer: There's probably no reason other than editing issues to trim film's running time and keep the action moving. It's not necessary to show every character doing the same thing. It can become boring and repetitious for the audience.


Answer: As a reward for besting the Predator in combat, he proved himself a fierce warrior worthy of praise and the gun was a token of their respect for his strength.

Answer: It's a reference to the comic where a pirate and a predator became somewhat friendly. The gun was given to the elder predator by the pirate as a thank you gesture. The elder predator then some few hundred years later gave it to Glover as a congratulations.

The comic came out years later to give a back story to the pistol. The only significance of the pistol is to show how long the predators have been coming to Earth.

Question: Does anyone know where the Winter Park, Florida scenes were actually shot? Because that was sure not Winter Park.

Answer: Atlanta, Georgia.

Question: After the Tony Robbin's episode, Hal is supposed to see the true inner self of women reflected in their appearance. So what's with the chick across the hall? Her appearance doesn't change even though she is portrayed to be somewhat less than kind and shallow in her own right. Am I missing something?

Answer: Tony Robbins tells Hal that whenever he meets someone in the FUTURE he'll only see what's inside them. He already knows what the woman across the hall looks like so her appearance doesn't change, same goes for everybody else he's already seen before.

dan coakley..

Also remember she thinks he is shallow, does not mean she is a bad person herself...she went out with him once already.

This is the same reason why Rosemary's father looks the same either way as well. Hal said he's already seen him around the office (before being hypnotized).

Question: Hypothetically speaking, how could have Miranda convinced a judge to discontinue the supervised visitations that were put in place because of Daniel's odd behavior?

Answer: By dropping the complaint on Daniel, and getting her lawyer to help remove the decision.


Question: When on the drill, Sulu pulls out a collapsible sword. Is that a standard issue item for them or that suit, or is that just something that Sulu had? If it was just his, where did he get it and where was it before he got in the space jump suit?

Quantom X

Answer: In the original Star Trek universe, Sulu had a fondness for antique weapons. Episodes "The Naked Time " and "Shore Leave." Just before they land on the drill, Kirk asks," What's your best fighting technique?" Sulu replies, "Fencing."

Chosen answer: Given the standard issuing of phasers, it's safe to say that a relatively archaic item like a sword (even a high-tech one), which requires certain training to use effectively, is not going to be standard issue (note also that Kirk doesn't have one, as he's forced to resort to trying to hit his opponent with his helmet). As such we can safely assume that this is Sulu's own personal property, and thus, given the stated possibility of hand-to-hand combat, he retrieved it from his cabin before donning his suit.


Question: After his talk with Pike, Kirk holds a salt shaker shaped like the Kelvin's class of ship. That is awesome. Where can I find salt and pepper shakers like that? (00:24:55)

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Sadly, despite the obvious merchandising possibilities and the availability of other models of the Kelvin, the salt and pepper shakers are not, as yet, available to buy.


Question: Why do the Predators keep skulls as trophies? At the end of the film, we see a lot of skulls hanging up in the Predators' spaceship, most of them are not human skulls and one of them looks like a dinosaur's skull, is this to make us think that the Predators came to earth millions of years ago and killed a few dinosaurs, or is it to make us think that they're the skulls of huge creatures that they killed on their own planet?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Why do some human hunters mount the heads of their kills on the walls of their house? To denote the kills that they've made, to commemorate a successful hunt. Same with the Predators. The skulls on the wall depict previous kills, one of which does indeed strongly resemble that of an Earth dinosaur. Whether this is intended to imply that the Predators have been around for so long that they hunted an actual dinosaur, or that it's supposed to be an alien species of a similar nature is unknown. Most likely the production designer simply thought it would look cool and didn't really give it any further thought.


Answer: At the end of Predator 2, the old Predator throws Danny Glover a 17th century French flint lock pistol. In Alien vs. Predator, scientists find an Aztec temple over a thousand years old.

Question: Are Turbo and his game named after some famous character and video game, if not what were he and his game named after? (01:41:00)

Answer: According to Disney Wiki, TurboTime is supposed to be a parody of Rally-X, but is portrayed as a racing game instead of a maze game.

Casual Person

Answer: No, he isn't. It's just the way he walks that makes you think that.

Casual Person

Question: Kirk has an allergic reaction to whatever it was that McCoy gave him. Is this connected and or a nod to in Star Trek II: Wrath of Kahn, where McCoy gives Kirk reading glasses for his birthday, saying he knows he's allergic to Retnox?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It could be, though it's never stated. It's logical though, if he has an allergic reaction to one type of medication, he could be sensitive to another. It was probably something the reboot version thought would be interesting and humorous to include, and it makes Kirk seem a little less invincible.


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