Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Simple, he kept the photo in the box but not in the secret compartment. We never see the photo and we never know when it was in the secret compartment so it's possible he was looking at it and moved it when he was about to show Spongebob. Even if he wasn't looking at it, Patrick might have just been looking at the string and laughing or even just thinking about the picture. Patrick and Spongebob do in many instances laugh at the simplest things.


Show generally

Question: At the end of the episode, where Melinda helps that lady (who meets the guy who got her dead fiance's heart), what was the man at the end of the episode (who was laughing and seemed to be a spirit) supposed to be about?

Answer: This "spirit" appears in several episodes throughout the rest of the season including the season finale. He's a "bad spirit" that is intent on keeping souls trapped on Earth. With the death of Andrea (her business partner) he wanted to make a deal with Melinda, to give him HER soul to release everyone else including Andrea to cross over.


The List/Haunted Train - S1-E8

Question: Why did that boy steal Arnold's ball? Was that the whole reason he came to the park? He seemed awfully obnoxious and destined to ruin Arnold's day, just wanting more clarity. Thank you.

Answer: The episode doesn't really elaborate on who the kid was and what his motives were, so its pure speculation as to why he took it. Perhaps the kid could simply want a ball all for himself and decided to just take it, or was simply a rotten kid. The truth is the kid's motives are not important to the story other than it highlights Arnold was having a lot of trouble getting through the list.


Question: In the movie they say Lestat was created by Marius but in the books Lestat was created by Magnus. This really bothers me even though I know they did it on purpose. It doesn't seem necessary to the plot so why the change?

Answer: There are already way too many characters in this movie. Adding the character of Magnus who would only be mentioned in passing was probably just considered too confusing.


Show generally

Question: Is it true that the show's set was burned down? Either way, why was the show ended so suddenly (before Laura and Steve's wedding was even shown)?

Answer: It was just cancelled. Read more here:


Question: How does Linus' mother know to get them out of prison?

Answer: I think Rusty was part of LeMarque's grand plan to get his daughter. He knew the Night Fox would get jealous. LeMarque gets his daughter back and knows Rusty will go along with the plans to get his girlfriend back (LeMarque's daughter). LeMarque manipulated the Night Fox into the challenge. He knew Danny and Rusty would come to him for advice. Rusty already knew his girlfriend's dad was a "master thief." Danny and Rusty thought Lemarque was helping them but he was manipulating everyone. When most of the gang was put in jail, they all know about the switch with Julia Roberts and were making bets she wouldn't make it halfway to the Faberge' egg. When Rusty and Danny are walking around the city, Rusty talks about making the hologram egg. They all planned on getting caught at the museum. The escape plan was all part of the plan. When Matt Damon takes over as leader, it was all part of the elaborate scheme they had to carry out to fool the Night Fox. They had to play it out in order to succeed.

Answer: The whole thing was planned from the beginning. That is how she knows.


Question: In the scene near the end of the movie, when Isabel confronts Rusty at the airplane and he tells her that her father is still alive, He also says "There's nothing back there but a forged 1077." How does he know she forged it? Even if we can assume they were bluffing when Linus' mother showed up at the prison indicating an irregularity with the paperwork (as previously contributed by another viewer), that doesn't explain how Rusty knew it was forged.

Answer: Because he knows her and what lengths she would go to. He also could have gotten inside information.


Answer: Before they left the police station, Molly (Linus' mom) states that there seems to be a problem with the paperwork. Rusty could have informed her ahead of time.

Answer: LeMarque had a contact that informed him of the movements of the real egg so it seems possible that he also had contacts within Interpol that told him she had forged the papers (which he probably anticipated).

Question: When Phil Connors is playing the piano with the jazz group, his piano teacher excitedly tells Rita that he is her pupil. Why has he has a piano lesson that day, when he obviously learnt to play brilliantly in previous days?

Answer: He has been doing the same routine for who knows how many "days", that is would not be unusual that he would have a lesson that day - no matter how well he played.

Zwn Annwn

Answer: After he finishes playing, you'll notice she takes his place at the piano. So, he took the lesson to get to know her, so she would allow him to sit in for her.

Answer: He grew it at the beginning of Season 6.


Question: Is there a reason for Storm creating a storm when the X-Men talk to the president or is it just to make the scene more "spooky"?

Answer: The president is delivering a live address on television. The storm would make an excuse for the break in the signal.

Nick N.

Question: In the movie, when Mystic is being hit by "the cure", it was shown that she was naked. But when she shape-shift to be another person, the clothes were part of her disguise (as shown when she change into the president / small girl in the hold up cell). That being the case, does that mean that even when she is another person, she is in reality naked? If she is naked how could she withstand the cold? Just curious to know.

Answer: Yes, all clothes she wore as a mutant were part of her (or they wouldn't have changed with her) and she appears to have an inherent resistence to cold. For instance, in the first movie, Senator Kelly's breath is visible when Magneto tests the device on him and she seems to be unafected by the cold in her blue form. And if it ever got too cold for her, remember that a polar bear doesn't wear clothes either. Even if though the clothes are part of her, they can still have thermal properties.


Question: Why at the end is Rogue allowed back to the mansion to rejoin the X-men if she is no longer a mutant?

Answer: Because the people living there are her friends. It is never stated that she comes back for good, but she wanted to see them and explain what she had done, not to mention physically touching Bobby. Also, Rogue might not have that many places to go, since the school has become her home. The X-Men would be willing to give a friend and former comrade a place to stay while she rearranged her life.


Answer: Christine recognises him as soon as he opens his mouth - you see her being slightly shocked. Raoul takes a bit more time, and it's not as obvious. I'd say when you see him getting half up, that's when it dawns on him, but that's open to interpretation.


Question: Is Mary Magdalene really buried at the Louvre, or are they just making that up?

Answer: Come on. The whole book and movie are a work of fiction. The whole thing is "made up" with a few references to historical events and a few real organizations thrown in.


Answer: It is believed that "possibly" Mary's remains are there.

Answer: According to IMDB's trivia section, Rose says Jack's name 80 times, whilst Jack says Rose's name 50 times.


Answer: While I have not seen this bit, I believe this bit is from the episode "Just One Bite". Squidward smells some gas and a giant mechanical hand comes down with a match burning the Krusty Krab. Apparently many versions of this episode have had this scene edited for certain reasons.


Question: Wouldn't David & Jennifer's mom be worried about the sudden disappearance of her daughter, seeing as how Jennifer stayed behind in Pleasantville rather than returning to the "real world"?

Answer: We don't see much of the "real world" after David returns other than his conversation with his mother. I am sure in time she would have been worried but there seem to be many unanswered questions which might make it not so simple.


Considering that a couple of days in Pleasantville turned out to be just an hour in the real world, it's possible Jennifer could spend 3-4 years in uni and cone back with it being just a weekend in the real world. David could just make up something in that period she's gone.

Actually if a couple of days is just an hour than 3-4 years is more than 2 weeks.


Question: When you see the baker on the ship when it is sinking, he climbs over the railings. Surely when the ship split in half, the force should have knocked him off?

Answer: The baker is a real person who was the last live person to be pulled from the water. He was drunk and from his account of what happened he held on with all his might as the ship broke in half and then he rode the ship down, he even said he didn't even get his head wet. Because he was drunk no one knows the real story but the filmmakers put that in there to show his story. So no the force didn't knock him off, it didn't knock Jack or Rose off either.


Question: What is the juggernaut's actual power (in the film, not the comics)? It says he can't be stopped if he has built up momentum, but that would be based on mass and velocity, neither of which seemed to change when he approached Leech, yet he was knocked out by the wall.

Answer: Yeah, well, that's it - he's unstoppable once he gets underway. The mechanics behind this aren't clear, but it's clearly based on more than just his mass and velocity. It seems likely that it's a combination of something resembling super-strength (but tied directly into his movement) and something to protect him from the effects of the impact. Within range of Leech, both of these are disrupted, so he neither penetrates the wall nor is protected from the impact, and thus is rendered unconscious.


Question: If Norman Osborn owns Oscorp, why is it that the board members decide that the company is going to be sold? Shouldn't it be Norman's decision?

Answer: No, that doesn't always follow. Osborn founded Oscorp, but that doesn't mean that he has sole control over the company. Presumably at some point in the past he's had to bring in outside investors, who have taken up seats on the board and have a degree of control over the company. If the directors, working together, possess a greater share of the company than Osborn himself does, then they can overrule him completely.


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