Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When they were hanging out in the empty swimming pool just before the sniper card game challenge, Hondo sings something. What were the words?

Answer: Hondo was (and always will be) a United States Marine, and served in Vietnam (late '60s, early '70s). I believe what we hear Hondo sing is just a snippet of Hondo's old marching cadence, "Hambone, hambone, have you heard?" (00:42:25) which itself is taken from songs with different variations of Hambone lyrics.

Super Grover

Question: It is stated that it was originally Fear who was supposed to get lost in the mind with Joy rather than Sadness. After Riley quits hockey, while Anger and Disgust are frustrated by the disaster without Joy at Headquarters, Fear tries to abandon Headquarters through the same tube Joy and Sadness get sucked into. Is that a reference to the early concept of him getting lost with Joy?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why isn't one dead pigeon, dog, or other wildlife shown in the streets of New York? And at the end, the three survivors walk away and a flock of birds flies off. Where did the birds come from? It's doubtful they were underground or in a shelter.

Answer: If some humans survived, then animals could as well. Birds, being able to fly, could have escaped the radioactive cloud before it became inert. For the rest, IMHO, this is a 1950s, low-budget movie. Cheap production values, little attention to detail, and no CGI made for a "no frills" set design that lacked realistic things like dead animals or human corpses. There were also stricter rules and standards about what could and could not be shown in movies. Showing rotting corpses may have been considered unsuitable or distracting. It could also be argued that the filmmakers wanted to create a visual image that humanity is restarting from a "blank slate."


Question: Did David Banner get carted off in the straightjacket for murdering Bruce's mother, blowing up the lab, or for both? Did the military know about the mother? Also, where were they taking him?

Answer: Most likely both. Since David destroyed the lab, the military went to David's house to arrest him and when they got there, they saw Bruce's mom dead so they knew he killed her. Since David was taken away in a straightjacket, they were most likely taking him to a mental hospital for a psychological evaluation to see if he was fit to stand trial or not.

Question: After Rooster carries the snake-bitten Mattie back to the cabin and fires shots to alert the people inside, he collapses. What does he say then, was it, "I've grown old?"

Answer: Yes. He groans, "I've grown old."

roy sandefur

Answer: Possibly because he wasn't sure which Gwen he would get. The attractive or the unattractive one.


Question: Why did the rebels drug the child soldiers?

Answer: Historically, drugs were used on the child soldiers to decrease their fears and inhibitions, making them more willing to commit violent acts and increase their prowess in battle. Those who survived into adulthood had been shaped into lethal killers.


Answer: Hayden Christensen was announced in January 2024 as voicing Shadow.


Answer: Robert Pattinson or Jason Griffith.

Question: When police scour the old neighbourhood, there is a shot of a man wearing some kind of huge metal suit. What was this suit used for? (00:46:53)

Answer: Most likely protective body armour.

Question: I'm not sure how accurate this is, but someone told me in a story they read about The Thing being able to beat Mac's blood test. So, forgive me if this is a dumb question, but is it at all possible for The Thing (in any context, story or movie) to beat Mac's little "blood test" and remain hidden, or is the blood test absolutely impossible for The Thing to beat?


Answer: Please, there is no such thing as a dumb question. Hard to answer without knowing exactly what you heard, however: based on what we see in the film it is not possible for the creature to beat the blood test as it is shown. Every cell of the Thing possesses a sense of self-preservation and will recoil from pain instinctively. Any stories written after the film that suggest otherwise (ex. The Thing focuses really hard to not react to the pain; it kills the cells so they won't react, etc.) would create a plot hole in the original film. It knew exactly how the test worked and if it could pass, it would have.


I found it in a Thing movie fan group. No official source but claim was it was the movie from The Thing's point of view. Including the blood test and how The Thing mostly managed to beat it except for Palmer (Palmer was freshly assimilated). The Things' goal was turn humanity into a collective species for the "greater good" as it believed. Again no official source, but was just curious if the blood test part has any merit to it.


Homer's Enemy - S8-E23

Question: When Frank Grimes is shown on the news, where is he receiving his degree? He appears to be outside of a house, but he says later that he lives between two bowling alleys.

Answer: The news crew might have wanted to film him outside, on a nearby street, instead of going to his apartment. It looks more cheerful.

Answer: There's no telling. Possibly his parents' house. Possibly a house he sold when he moved to Springfield and he had to downgrade when his promised high-paying job went to a dog.

Brian Katcher

His parents abandoned him.

Good point. Then his own house, wherever he lived before Springfield.

Brian Katcher

Question: The song, "Get Me To The Church On Time," mentions "roll up the floor." What does that mean?

Answer: It just means put away (roll up) the dance floor so that he won't be distracted with dancing when he has to be at the church on time.


Question: I remember in the commercials for this film, there was a shot of a catatonic beaver in a padded cell, in a straitjacket. What was the context?

Answer: His teacher wanted him to see a psychologist as he didn't seem to be hitting the mile markers other kids his age were. His parents imagined this when this was suggested as that used to be what seeing a psychologist meant back in the day. That if they found anything wrong, they would lock the person up in an asylum in a straight jacket. This was showing his parents' fear that he might end up there for seeing a psychologist.

Question: Rapunzel spends the entire movie barefoot. Does she not have shoes? When she finally leaves the tower, she doesn't bother putting any shoes on, and when Rapunzel and Flynn arrive in the town, Rapunzel never thinks to get a pair of shoes, and nobody asks why she's barefoot.

Answer: No, she does not have shoes. Mother Gothel didn't bother to make/get her any as she wasn't allowed to go outside her whole life where shoes would be needed. Since she's never worn them, she doesn't think to get any in town. As to why nobody questioned it; likely because they didn't know her well enough to ask. One of those "mind your business" things is my best guess.

Question: Luke tells Darth Vader that he won't turn sides, so Vader will be forced to kill him. Later, though, he tells the Emperor, "Soon I'll be dead, and you with me." Is he predicting that his father kills him, then retaliates against the Emperor for making him do it?

Answer: No, he means that they'll all be dead once the Rebels destroy the Death Star. Luke had resigned himself to his fate once Vader refused to turn back to the light side and leave with him. Luke is unaware that Palpatine knows about the Rebel attack. This is the reason Luke attacks the Emperor; he believes there's a chance the Rebels could fail now that he knows they walked into a trap and that he must take this opportunity to kill the Emperor.


Answer: She escaped off-screen and created a copy of herself to fool everyone.

Question: Why did Tony's mother, before he went to look for Gina, say to him "Ungrateful! Bad son!"?

Answer: She raised him with religion and morals, gave him a good home with food to eat. It wasn't enough for him. He wanted more; enough was never enough. That's why she was cold to him when he first showed up at her door, and his sister admired him.

Answer: He's a mob boss. A ruthless, merciless, cold-blooded killer. What mother would be proud of that? Even when he first came to visit her, she knew he was up to no good.

But what did she mean by yelling "Ungrateful!" to him?

This is just my two cents, but after they've fled Cuba, and been given a new lease on life away from the communist regime, she feels Tony's being ungrateful towards his new country by becoming a criminal. And doubtlessly towards her as well, after she's clothed, fed, and raised him and Gina.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: He considers Toretto a friend and has fallen in love with his sister.

The Perfect Female - S2-E8

Question: When Andy and Karen are competing at the skeet shoot, Andy fires his last shot and Barney states "he missed." If you look closely, several pieces of the skeet actually break off the skeet, but the primary skeet is missed. Not knowing the details of skeet shooting, how much of the skeet must be destroyed for a successful "hit"? (00:19:50)

Dr. Thomas

Answer: Even a chip, if it's visible to the scorer, is a broken target. There are no minimums.

Cardassians - S2-E5

Question: Why did the businessman, Zolan, make the false accusations of Rugal being abused by his adopted parents?

Answer: I think he was working for Gul Dukat, since he disappeared after making the accusations. Dukat wanted Rugal's father to be embarrassed one day, when it was discovered that his son was being raised by Bajorans.

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