Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Berry's phone didn't have a signal in the hideout hole. Can't you call 911 even if your phone doesn't have a signal?

Answer: Not if you have absolutely no signal, no, you can't. Mobile phone companies generally have an agreement that any network will carry an emergency call, even if it's not the network that that phone belongs to, so if you were out of range of your own network, another could carry your call, but if you're in a situation where none of the networks can reach you, by definition no calls of any kind can be made.

Question: When Chessy finds out Hallie is really Annie, she says she was about 7lbs and 21 inches long when she was born. That is NOT a small baby. Is it possible to have twins that big? I know twins usually come early and are very small.

Answer: While you're quite correct that twins generally weigh less than single-birth babies, there have been recorded cases of twins being born where both babies exceed the weight stated in the movie by some margin; the heaviest recorded case occurred in Arkansas in 1927, where the twins had a combined weight of an astonishing 27 pounds 12 ounces. A birth weight of seven pounds for a twin is entirely plausible.

Answer: Actually, Chessy says "6 lbs. 11 oz."

Question: How did Hans and his army find Elsa's ice palace?

Answer: They simply went looking and found it. They didn't know exactly where it was. They knew it was on the North Mountain because that's where the storm was coming from, so that's where they went looking.

Question: When Langdon and the Italian cop are trapped inside the sealed room of the Vatican archive and the air is shut off, how long could they actually survive in a space that size? In the movie, they start to suffocate almost immediately. (There is no long time lapse because the movie's plot depends on defusing the bomb within a few hours).


Chosen answer: In reality, they would have perished from CO2 poisoning long before the room ran out of breathable oxygen causing them to simply suffocate. Without knowing the exact dimensions of the room it is impossible to give any time more specific than "several hours" for this to happen in a room as big as that one appeared to be.


I just re-watched the movie, and as Langdon and Vittoria enter the room, it's mentioned to them that the oxygen levels are always kept at a bare minimum to protect the ancient tomes and documents stored there. That helps to answer my own question about why Langdon and the cop were so quickly affected when the power was shut off.


Answer: He is explaining that she would not eat a whole seventh of the food, referring to how many survivors are in the house. As she is so small, she would only eat half of what would be her share of the food if they divide it equally.

Question: Was Logan's healing factor completely removed by Viper or just slowed down a lot? In the funeral fight scenes and on the train he was shot and stabbed multiple times, yet he was only slowed down. It seems if the healing factor was at 0% he would have bled to death right after. (Especially after a shotgun blast to the abdomen at point blank range) And is the healing factor back at 100% now even after the grandfather sucked a bunch of it out?

Answer: The healing factor was only reduced. Like you said, had it been removed he would have bled to death and every time he used his claws he would be bleeding from his hands. It is not revealed if it is at full strength at the end of the film, but it is likely it will return to full strength over time.

Question: Why are the people so proud of having built Jaegers with obviously obsolete technology?

Answer: Simple: because in a mere 14 months (as was said by Pentecost) they managed to build an effective weapon against the Kaiju.


Question: Why did Mr Orange continue to escape with the bandits after the heist was already compromised by police presence? Shouldn't he have surrendered himself or ran away or made an excuse to remain at the scene in order to let himself be apprehended by police officers? There are countless ways he could have avoided having to remain with the criminals. His job was already over once the police arrived at the jewelry store.

Answer: Mr. Orange had orders to follow through with the robbery. If he hadn't gone along, he wouldn't have been able to provide information on things like where the diamonds went or if the safe house changed. In addition, the entire goal was not to catch the robbers themselves, it was to catch Joe. They needed to link him directly to the diamonds by having him there when they were busted.

Greg Dwyer

Question: In the theatrical trailer, we see a scene of Eomer grieving for a dead person, presumably during or after the battle for Minas Tirith. This scene is not in the theatrical version of the movie. Will it be in the extended version? And who is the dead person? Theoden (Eomer's uncle)? Or some other fallen warrior that Eomer was very fond of? Thanks.

Answer: This scene found its way into the extended edition of Return of the King. The scene shows Eomer discovering his sister Eowyn on the battlefield, presumably grievously wounded.

Question: Are there any places where I can find deleted scenes of this movie that never made it into the Theatrical or Extended releases?


Chosen answer: Sadly, there has been no release of scenes that did not feature on the extended or theatrical film. Some scenes that didn't make it into films can be glimpsed in the behind-the-scenes footage included with the DVDs or blu-ray.

Question: Originally all 6 crew members were initially going down to check on Mars oxygen level (including Carrie Ann Moss) but she had to stay behind to manually orbit the 5 guys out. How were they all planning to make it back to their spaceship if she had tagged along in the first place?

Answer: The ship (Mars-1) was hit by a solar flare that damaged several systems including the launch system (which is why Moss Bowman had to stay behind to launch the MEV [Mars Entry Vehicle.] manually). The MEV's guidance system was also damaged, causing it to crash and resulting in further damage. So all going well, Bowman and Santen would have piloted the MEV there and back, but due to the flare they had to find another way back to the ship.


Question: How did Jason know where Jarda, the last treadstone agent, lived? How do they know each other?

Answer: Either they trained together or just felt some comradeship as Treadstone assets. Jarda says "Word in the ether was you'd lost your memory" to which Bourne replies "You still should have moved", implying that prior to Bourne's amnesia he knew of the safehouse where Jarda lived. Also, in the first film, Bourne accessed the safehouse in Paris where Nicky Parsons managed Treadstone logistics, there could have been data on agent locations there.


Question: When Ambassador Standish fires his gun, causing himself to burst into flames, what happens to the bullet fired at Lord Blackwood from, what appears to be, roughly 20 feet away?

Answer: The gun was modified to where it would not fire a bullet. It remained in the barrel.


Question: When Bill asks Rufus why they didn't land in the San Dimas of tomorrow, Rufus said it's because they had to dial one number higher. Could someone please give an example of this?

Answer: Hard to give an example without knowing for sure how it works, but the best guess is say the number was 555-1234 then it may be 555-1235 or 666-2345. Just a guess.


Question: If Severus Snape could probe Harry's mind during the private lessons in this movie, why didn't he know certain other things about Harry in the previous movies/books - such as the fact that Harry really did *not* steal gillyweed from his stores (for the second Triwizard Tournament task)?

Answer: There are two possible answers to this question. A) Snape was so convinced of Harry's guilt that he felt it would be a waste of time to use Legilimens. B) It takes a lot of energy to properly use Legilimens so Snape decided it was not worth his effort to find out if Harry was telling the truth about trivial happenings around the castle.


Question: Except for Remus Lupin in this movie, it seems as though the Hogwarts teachers do not use the Hogwarts Express. How do they arrive at and leave the school?

Answer: There's a variety of ways that wizards can travel including magical vehicles (like the motorcycle that Hagrid drove), broomsticks, port keys, or riding flying animals (like a hippogriff or the threstrals). They could also use floo powder if their fireplace was connected to the floo network like Umbridge had in her office. The other teachers can certainly travel on the Hogwarts Express, and some probably do but just aren't shown. In the book, "Half-Blood Prince", Professor Slughorn rode the train and some teachers live at the school year round.


Answer: They can apparate whenever they want (as seen in Half Blood Prince).

Some can Apparate, but it's tricky and uncomfortable. In one of the books, Arthur Weasley mentions that many wizards don't like to Apparate. They prefer other ways to travel. Broomsticks, port keys, etc.

Plus you can't apparate into Hogwarts. They would have to apparate into Hogsmead and travel to the school.


Question: In the scene where the doctor shows Rivers his real face in the mirror, why is he so shocked? I mean, if Edward is not real, how could Edward know what his own face looks like? (As in John Cusack's face).

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: Because he believes he looks like the John Cusack character. When he looks into the mirror, he sees a completely different face.


Question: According to the Harry Potter Lexicon website (, exams would have taken place on June 3rd if Dumbledore had not cancelled them. But the students would go home on June 19th. My question is, what would students do between the 3rd and the 19th if there were no exams?

Answer: Swim in the lake, pack up their things, spend time with friends. As mentioned in later books, there are days when some students do not have exams while others are writing too.


Question: Just after Ripley finds out from mother "crew expendable", she has a run-in with Ash, but he doesn't hurt her - she hurts him - so why does she have a bloody nose?


Answer: The reason for the nosebleed was a deleted scene from the film. Ripley, in her attempt to escape from Ash, opened a hatch into a corridor which had been previously damaged by the alien (also a deleted scene) and wasn't supposed to be used. She suffered depressurization and retreated back and closed the hatch before looking for another escape route. That is what caused the nosebleed.

Chosen answer: Some people are prone to bloody noses without actually being physically hurt. Extreme emotional stress or physical exertion can trigger it by breaking small blood vessels in the nasal passages. She could also have bumped her head at some point off screen and had a delayed reaction.


Question: How and where did Quin get a hacksaw to cut the pontoons off the WWII plane that crashed up in the trees?

Answer: Quin would likely have tools stored in his own airplane.


Answer: They were on the run from the pirates at that point, he didn't have his tool bag with him. I presumed he found it on the Japanese WW2 plane but I'm not so sure a hacksaw was standard issue to a Japanese WW2 pilot but eh who cares, love the movie anyway.

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