
9th Oct 2019

3 from Hell (2019)

Home Improvement trivia picture

The Karate Kid Returns - S6-E14

Trivia: At the end of the episode when Jill is asking to sing with the Beach Boys, Wilson's entire face is visible for a split-second (for those unfamiliar with the show, one of its running gags is that Wilson's face is always partially obscured, usually the lower half). (00:21:10)


7th Oct 2019

Common mistakes

Other mistake: A common error for Batman films, despite Gotham City being a large and heavily populated city akin to New York or Chicago, Batman never gets stuck in traffic. In fact, whenever Batman is shown driving through the streets of Gotham, there is little to no traffic at all.


23rd Sep 2019

My So-Called Life (1994)

Show generally

Question: At the time of filming this show, Jared Leto was 21 and Claire Danes was 14. How were they legally allowed to make out? I understand parental consent was undoubtedly required, but where exactly would the line be drawn regarding age, as I doubt they could have had them make out if Danes was only 12 for example.


Chosen answer: For one, these are professional actors on a film set for a major production so some leeway would be given. Additionally, in the United States at least, kissing is not generally considered sexual contact from a legal standpoint. Kissing does not involve any private parts. Even in cases where kissing is considered sexual contact, the intention of the accused party would be taken into account. A sexual violation requires the desire for gratification from the accused. A hired actor kissing another actor because it is in the script does not rise to the level of someone seeking sexual gratification. He's literally doing his job.


22nd Sep 2019

The Simpsons (1989)

Dude, Where's My Ranch? - S14-E18

The Simpsons Family: ♪ Just hear those sleigh bells jingling...
Blue-haired Lawyer: Cease and desist! You are forbidden to perform that song without paying royalties to the copyright owner.
Marge: Nobody owns Christmas carols. They belong to everyone, like grapes at the grocery store.
Blue-haired Lawyer: Not true, but you are welcome to sing the many public domain carols, such as "O Tannenbaum," "Good King Wenceslas," "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring."
Homer: Those suck! They're worse than nothing! I could write way better songs.
Blue-haired Lawyer: Go ahead, but don't use A-flat or G-natural, those notes are owned by Disney.
Homer: [Moans.]
Blue-haired Lawyer: That's A-flat.
Homer: [Moans in a higher pitch.]
Blue-haired Lawyer: That's better.


22nd Sep 2019

Last Action Hero (1993)

Benedict: Hello? I've just shot somebody, I did it on purpose. I said I have murdered a man, and I want to confess.
New Yorker: Hey, shut up down there!


12th Sep 2019

The Sandlot (1993)

Trivia: When the boys vomit after chewing tobacco at the carnival, the tobacco was made from beef jerky and black licorice and the vomit was a mixture of split pea soup and oatmeal.


12th Sep 2019

13 Reasons Why (2017)

Season 3 generally

Plot hole: When Bryce's body is found, there is a gaping hole in the back of his head, leading to speculation that he was shot. It is later determined that the hole was from blunt force trauma. However, when we actually see his death, he is simply pushed off the pier and ends up drowning. It wouldn't have been caused by his fight with Zach, as he would have been dead long before he could have been pushed into the water. And if the wound was somehow caused by aquatic predation, the forensics experts would know the difference between that and blunt force trauma.


12th Sep 2019

The Sandlot (1993)

Trivia: According to Patrick Renna, every day of filming was between 95 and 100°, except for the day they filmed the swimming pool scene, in which the temperature was only 60°. That is why Squints is shivering when he's about to jump into the deep end.


12th Sep 2019

The Simpsons (1989)

Dude, Where's My Ranch? - S14-E18

Trivia: At the beginning of this episode, Homer writes his own Christmas carol after being barred from performing traditional carols because of copyright issues. Around seven years after this episode aired, the musical artist Usher was ironically accused of plagiarizing one of the tunes Homer was working on with his song "OMG."


12th Sep 2019

Common mistakes

5th Sep 2019

Midsommar (2019)

Trivia: Spoiler: The film ends with the Pagan cult sacrificing Christian. This can be seen as symbolic retribution for Christianity largely eradicating Paganism from the world.


2nd Sep 2019

Dark Phoenix (2019)

Other mistake: Despite taking place roughly 30 years after "X-Men: First Class," Xavier and Magneto have hardly even aged. Both would have been in their late 20's at the youngest in "First Class" and in this film neither looks any older than 40. It's not because of their mutant powers either - only Wolverine and Mystique were specifically mentioned as having a slower rate of aging because of their powers.


Stupidity: When Ruth catches Chuck fishing for turds in their toilet, he yells at her and asks for privacy and then slams the bathroom door shut. He should have closed the bathroom door in the first place if he didn't want anybody to see what he was doing. It's not like anybody would think he was weird for going into the bathroom and immediately closing the door.


Dick and Taxes - S4-E12

Question: At the end of their audit, the Solomons are ordered by the IRS to pay back-taxes, some of which for years they weren't even on the planet. Can the IRS actually make people pay taxes for years in which they had no income?


Answer: No, the IRS cannot make you pay taxes during years in which you had no income but this family hasn't reported any income for years. You are still required to report your income every year, and if you fall below a certain threshold you don't pay federal income taxes. The IRS is assuming they are humans who have a house and careers but they have only filed taxes for a couple years (if at all). To the IRS it looks like simple tax evasion.


23rd Aug 2019

Batman Returns (1992)

Question: How did the Penguin initially cross paths with the Red Triangle Circus? Did they just wander into the sewer and take him into their custody?


Answer: It's never explained, but more than likely someone either found him or he left the sewer on his own accord when he was younger, and he ended up in the circus due to his peculiar features. That's where he met the clowns and performers who would eventually make up the "Red Triangle gang."


22nd Aug 2019

The Simpsons (1989)

The Last Temptation of Krust - S9-E15

Hank WIlliams, Jr.: ♪Can you name the truck with four-wheel drive? Smells like a steak and seats thirty-five. Canyonero. Canyonero. Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down. It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown. Canyonero. Canyonero.
Krusty: Hey hey!
Announcer: The Federal Highway Commission has ruled the Canyonero unsafe for highway or city driving.
Hank Williams, Jr.: ♪Twelve yards long, two lanes wide, 65 tons of American pride. Canyonero. Canyonero. Top of the line in utility sports. Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts. Canyonero. Canyonero. She blinds everybody with her super high beams. She's a squirrel-squashin', deer-smackin', drivin' machine. Canyonero. Canyonero. Ya! Ya Canyonero! Whoa Canyonero! Whoa!


22nd Aug 2019

The Simpsons (1989)

Fear of Flying - S6-E11

Homer: Wait a minute. There's something bothering me about this place. I know, this lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit! Enjoy your death trap, ladies!
Lesbian: What was her problem?


22nd Aug 2019

The Simpsons (1989)

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