Question: Out of the numerous (and mostly unnecessary) changes George Lucas has made to this film over the years, has he ever given any reason as to why he has never fixed the appearance of the lightsabers in the film, or updated the awful CGI Jabba the Hutt? Those have always stood out to me as the two most glaring weaknesses in the visual department.
11th Dec 2019
Star Wars (1977)
Answer: He has not. He has only ever generally commented on the updates to the 90's Special Edition re-releases having scenes updated to fit what he always envisioned but was limited by budget and technology. The additional changes that have been made since the films were released on Blu-Ray and now Disney Plus have gone without comment. To your point about the lightsabers, they have been improved on the Disney Plus version of the film. The colors are more vibrant, and they now have a more noticeable sparking effect with clashes in the Obi-Wan/Vader duel.
11th Dec 2019
It Chapter Two (2019)
Question: When Eddie takes a face full of projectile sludge from the leper, is there any significance to the song "Angel of the Morning" playing, or was it just a random attempt at a joke?
Answer: I think it's more of an attempt at a silly joke, juxtaposing the insane imagery with a tender song. But I've also seen the suggestion that it was an Easter Egg/reference to the book "The Langoliers," in which the song is mentioned. (And given the "It" films have some general Stephen King Easter Eggs referencing things from his other books, that makes sense).
11th Dec 2019
Spider-Man (1994)
Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 12: Ravages of Time - S2-E10
Revealing mistake: The shot of the Lizard whipping his tail at Silvermane and destroying a wall is recycled footage from the Lizard and Spider-Man's battle in the sewer from the first episode in the series.
10th Dec 2019
Spider-Man (1994)
Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 11: Tablet of Time - S2-E9
Audio problem: When Smythe is saying "Now I've got you!", his mouth movement does not match the words whatsoever. He even opens and closes his mouth several times on the word "now" alone.
10th Dec 2019
Spider-Man (1994)

Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 11: Tablet of Time - S2-E9
Continuity mistake: When Dr. Connors starts transforming into the Lizard after being blasted by the robot, the sleeve of his lab coat magically becomes tattered at the same time his hand transforms. Subsequent shots also alternate with his sleeve being tattered and pristine as well as his hand being reptilian and normal.
10th Dec 2019
Common mistakes
Factual error: An oft-repeated myth in movies, usually in the science fiction genre, is that humans only use 10% of their brains. The truth is that humans use all of their brains, even when asleep.
9th Dec 2019
Spider-Man (1994)
Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 6: Morbius - S2-E6
Factual error: When Morbius is comatose at the hospital after reverting to his human form following his battle with Spider-Man, he is still wearing his trenchcoat, pants, boots, etc. The hospital staff wouldn't leave him in his outfit, they would dress him in a hospital gown. On top of that, he isn't even hooked up to any monitors.
9th Dec 2019
Spider-Man (1994)
Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 7: Enter the Punisher - S2-E7
Other mistake: Spider-Man and Detective Lee both comment on the skull on the Punisher's shirt when they first see him. However, the Punisher is wearing body armor that covers most of his chest and abdomen in this scene, so there's no way they would know that he has a skull on his shirt.
4th Dec 2019
Spider-Man (1994)
Neogenic Nightmare Chapter 11: Tablet of Time - S2-E9
Factual error: When Peter is walking Alissa home, the traffic signal at the intersection they stop at goes from red to yellow to green. Not what US traffic signals do - they go straight from red to green.
Suggested correction: Not entirely true; although they are rare and may no longer exist now, I've seen traffic lights that followed the red, yellow, green pattern as recently as the mid-1990s.
Interesting. What state (s) did you see this in? I'm assuming going from red to yellow was to encourage cars to cautiously enter the intersection in case someone was running a red light?
Traffic lights in the UK do this - it's more to give you a second to get ready, in gear, etc., then as soon as the lights turn green you can go. Otherwise you get no warning of when the lights are about to change.
In Illinois; as I said, such traffic lights are rare, but they did exist at least as recently as the time this episode of the series aired, and they may still possibly exist in larger cities such as New York City.
This traffic light set-up (red to yellow to green) still exists today in the UK. From what I understand, it is to alert the driver that the light will be turning green imminently and to prepare themselves to put their car in gear, as manual cars are still pretty common in Europe. I'd wager this light cycle was phased out of North America due to the abundance of automatic cars today. Could have been different in 1994 though.
It should be noted that traffic lights that go from red to yellow before going green keep the red light illuminated so that both red and yellow are lit up. However, that's not what happens in the scene. I've never seen a traffic light operate the way it's shown. And Massachusetts still has traffic lights that go from red to yellow, however, when red and yellow are lit up together, this allows for pedestrian crossing.
4th Dec 2019
Star Wars (1977)
Question: Do magnetically-sealed rooms serve any purpose other than repelling blasters?
Answer: Outside the convenience as a plot device, it could also be explained as a way of preventing inadvertent damage caused by compacting something explosive. Remember, it's not just the door that was magnetically sealed, but the entire compactor.
Answer: It could be a security measure to keep anyone/anything from opening the doors, or it could be a way of preventing anything from escaping the room (clearly live things get in there).
30th Nov 2019
Joker (2019)
28th Nov 2019
South Park (1997)
Question: What is the name of the song that the band plays at the beginning of the announcement of Hat McCullough's release from prison? It's a pretty common song used in films and television, but I've never heard its name. I tried to use the Shazam app on my phone to identify it, but no luck.
25th Nov 2019
Orphan (2009)
Trivia: In a real life case strikingly similar to the plot of this film, it was revealed in October 2019 that an Indiana couple in 2010 had adopted what they believed to be an 8-year-old Ukranian girl whom they later discovered to be a sociopathic young adult with a form of dwarfism, whose age they estimated to be anywhere from 16 to 30.
27th Oct 2019
X-Men (1992)
Trivia: In 2019, the creator of a 1980's Hungarian TV series called "Linda" filed a lawsuit against this show, alleging that the theme song to "X-Men" is a ripoff the theme song to "Linda." Despite airing in another country, the creator of "Linda" stated that the creators of "X-Men" had visited Hungary in the late 80's and rubbed shoulders with members of the Hungarian film industry. Interestingly, despite "X-Men" being far more popular globally than an obscure Hungarian TV show, its creator said he was unfamiliar with "X-Men" until 2017.
22nd Oct 2019
Hellraiser: Bloodline (1996)
Question: Why does Pinhead kill John Merchant? Obviously he's angry that Merchant tried to activate the new Elysium Configuration to suit Angelique's desires, but he did so under duress, and as far as Pinhead knows, Merchant is the only one that can keep the portal between Earth and Hell permanently open. Was Pinhead just hoping that Merchant's son would one day continue his father's work and he could force him to complete the configuration?
16th Oct 2019
Papillon (2017)
Question: How did Papillon, Diega and Marturette manage to sail to Colombia after their second escape attempt? Colombia is on the opposite side of South America from French Guiana/Devil's Island. It seems like they would have ended up in Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, CuraƧao or Aruba long before ending up in Colombia. I'm sure the book sheds light on this, but the movie completely glosses over it.
Answer: I discovered the answer to this by reading the book's plot synopsis on Wikipedia. The inmates actually sailed to Trinidad and then picked up three other inmates. They set sail again and were captured near the Colombian coastline when the wind died down. It would appear that in the interest of saving time, the movie chose to just have them appear in Colombia.
12th Oct 2019
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Stupidity: When Joey is trying to escape from the Cenobites, she bumps into a man who calls her "Baby" and wonders where she's off to in such a hurry, possibly because he's looking for a booty call. The streets are literally on fire (there's a huge flame right next to the man) and buildings are exploding. Even if he's extremely horny, he should still be able to tell a woman doesn't want to stay around with so much chaos and destruction happening around them.
Suggested correction: The dude was probably high on various types of drugs and probably didn't even know where he was. Just a thought.
Too high to recognize buildings exploding and fires bursting from out of nowhere, but not too high to recognize a woman in distress?
He didn't recognize much did he? Well, he saw she was female. But not really what was going on.
He recognized she was off somewhere in a hurry. He also had a pretty instant reaction to seeing the Camerahead Cenobite.
12th Oct 2019
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019)
Trivia: Robert Forster, who plays Ed Galbraith, died the same day this film premiered on Netflix.
12th Oct 2019
El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019)
Continuity mistake: Jesse Plemons gained a considerable amount of weight since "Breaking Bad" ended. As such, Todd Alquist is noticeably husky in his flashback appearances in this movie, even though in the original timeframe, he was more slender.
9th Oct 2019
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Question: When Pinhead kills JP Monroe, what is the device that is affixed to Monroe's head that is also part of his Cenobite form?
Chosen answer: It's a piston. 2 piston rods are jammed through his head and they move powered by something unknown. You can see the crank shaft and part of some sort of cylinder. A piston is part of an internal combustion engine. It's part of his cenobite form since he liked cars.
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Answer: The CGI Jabba was updated for the 2004 DVD release from the version first added in the 1997 Special Edition.
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