Trivia: With Michael Keaton reprising his role as Batman in the 2023 film The Flash, this film as well as Batman and Robin are no longer considered canon to the narrative of the original Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher films.
16th Feb 2023
Batman Forever (1995)
Suggested correction: I really think this trivia jumped the gun a bit, especially considering it was posted before "The Flash" even came out. "The Flash" was based all around multiverses, and there are also other diverging timelines based on the 1989-1997 Batman movie franchise, like the "Batman '89" comic books, which contradict not only this movie but also "The Flash." (Not to mention the George Clooney cameo in "The Flash," which is just an extra layer of confusion.) You can't necessarily just say in a vacuum that these movies are "no longer considered canon," especially because they were quite literally made to be canon. It's just going to come down to whatever specific film/TV/project you're watching and whatever it chooses to acknowledge. Unfortunately, multiverse stories have opened a weird Pandora's box where now continuity is almost meaningless.
I don't recall the source of where I got this info, but it makes me wonder if they were misled about the Schumacher films being removed from canon, if for no other reason than to keep George Clooney's cameo a surprise. If nothing else, I suppose this trivia entry can be amended to say that the Schumacher films can be considered to no longer be in the exact same continuity as the Burton films since Keaton and Clooney both appear in The Flash.
15th Nov 2024
Blade (1998)
Other mistake: During the backpack explosion, when they are escaping the archive room after Whistler saves them, a piece of debris hits Whistler. You can hear Karen yelling "KRISTOFF". (00:55:00)
13th Jun 2004
Thelma and Louise (1991)
Corrected entry: The gas tanker explodes into a ball of flame after being struck with a .38 Spl caliber bullet. A bullet of this caliber especially fired from a snub-nosed revolver would most likely not even have penetrated the tank. If by some chance it did, it would result in only a small leak which even if ignited would take considerable time to cause the tank to explode.
Correction: The tanker was being shot by two different type of guns. If one didn't penetrate the tank, the other could have.
The point of the original entry still stands that even if, by some chance, bullets from a handgun could penetrate a tanker and, even less likely, cause a spark, it would still take some time for an explosion to occur. Even tracer rounds would have a difficult time causing an explosion because the right amount of oxygen needs to factor into the equation.
13th Sep 2024
Beetlejuice (1988)
Stupidity: Juno adamantly warns Adam and Barbara against getting help from Beetlejuice, but then proceeds to freely tell them exactly how to conjure him. She even snubs them when Adam asks how to get back in touch with her should they need her assistance again.
Suggested correction: I think she was giving them more of a warning against conjuring him accidentally by saying his name three times. Didn't she tell Adam that she wasn't available when he asked? That might explain the snub.
If she was warning them about accidentally saying his name three times, then it also would have been wise for her to tell them in that same moment that they could make him go away by saying his name three times again, but she didn't. She also said she wasn't available to help them in that moment, not at a later date like Adam was asking. By refusing to answer Adam's question, she made it more likely that they would turn to Beetlejuice for help.
13th Aug 2024
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: After the Millennium Falcon is brought on board the Death Star, Darth Vader orders the two tech people to scan the ship. They go on board and then are killed by Han and Chewie. Then Han calls down to the two storm troopers guarding the ship, and they too are killed when they come on board. There are now four dead bodies on the ship, but are never seen again or spoken of by the characters.
Correction: I don't think the fact that their bodies are never seen or spoken of afterward constitutes a plot hole. Their dead or unconscious bodies no longer serve any function to the plot, so it isn't necessary to show them or talk about them. They could have been hidden inside the smuggling compartments to prevent being seen by other Imperial staff, and then once our heroes made it to Yavin IV, the dead bodies would be disposed of, or if they were still alive, would be taken captive.
17th Apr 2024
Ghostbusters (1984)
15th Feb 2024
Aquaman (2018)
Corrected entry: When the boat is attacked by the creatures from the deep, they are very sensitive to light. The lightning doesn't seem to bother them at all, though.
19th Dec 2023
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)
Other mistake: In flashbacks, younger Indiana Jones has exactly the same voice as the older one.
Suggested correction: Harrison Ford's voice has always sounded the same. Watch any film he's done.
It's a noticeably "older" voice than in previous films when he was about the age his de-aged self is meant to be. I mean he's now in his 80s not 40s, of course his voice is different! An unavoidable mistake but still clearly different.
Actually, it is easily possible to augment his older voice to sound young. If his older voice is too deep, for example, Ford could merely speak slightly slower when recording the dialogue - and then it could be sped up slightly in the final cut. Or, audio AI can be used to alter voice patterns as desired nowadays (ex. To remove the 'gravelly' aspect of his voice).
Harrison Ford's voice has definitely become pretty gravelly.
10th Dec 2023
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987)
Michelangelo's Birthday - S3-E31
Factual error: The very beginning of the episode shows Michelangelo's Birthday circled on the calendar, and it is shown as the second Tuesday of the month as well as being the 13th day. The second Tuesday of a month can never be the 13th. The earliest the 13th of a month can be is the second Thursday.
Suggested correction: This is simply wrong. If a month starts on a Thursday, the first Tuesday will be the 6th, and the second will be the 13th.
10th Oct 2023
The X-Files (1993)
Corrected entry: If Tooms can squeeze into a heat register, then why couldn't he slip out of handcuffs?
10th Feb 2006
X-Men: Evolution (2000)
Corrected entry: Beast says Apocalypses name: En sabah nur means "The First One", it really means "The Seven Lights".
Correction: According to, En Sabah Nur was the name given to Apocalypse by his father, Baal, and it means "The First One".
21st Aug 2023
Identity (2003)
Character mistake: There's no way that using a regular needle and thread to sew up that wound would work the way it's shown. Anybody who knew what they were doing - which John Cusack is portrayed as knowing - would also know that using unsterilized materials and instruments without a sterile field from an uncleaned massive open wound is a great way to kill your patient.
Suggested correction: The main plot of this film takes place inside the head of a murderer with dissociative identity disorder. The fact that stitching up a wound in that matter wouldn't work is irrelevant to the fact that it is how Malcolm is playing out the scenario in his head.
You're making a good point to invalidate a "character mistake", but couldn't the entry be reclassified as a "factual mistake" and stand as written?
9th May 2023
The Conjuring (2013)
Corrected entry: In the movie, Ed and Lorraine Warren are depicted as a younger middle-aged couple when the real Warrens were retirees who died before this film was made.
Correction: This isn't a documentary. It's a highly fictionalized retelling of their cases, which themselves are just dubious claims. This film also takes place in 1971 when the Warrens would have been in their mid-40s, and Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga weren't far off in age at the time of filming. Also, Lorraine Warren didn't die until 6 years after this film came out.
Documentary or film, makes little difference. The fact is that images of the real Warrens in the 1970s were an older couple as mentioned, while the actors in the films are considerably younger in their late 30s to 40s, where respectively age consideration should have lined up but did not.
Ed and Lorraine Warren were both around 45 in 1971 when the film takes place. Both of the actors were around 40 when the film was made and released. That's not a big difference in age. Just because they look a little bit younger doesn't make it a mistake. You're not going to be able to find actors who look EXACTLY like the real people. Also, how does the date the Warrens died have any impact on the movie? The movie takes place in 1971... not the present day.
Correction: It actually does make a difference when it comes to documentary vs. fiction, because this film isn't intended to be a true-to-life depiction, particularly as the real Warrens were con artists. This falls under artistic license. This film also features unequivocal evidence for the supernatural, including ghosts, demonic possession, and violations of laws of physics, none of which are true to the real world. Given all that, the fact that the Warrens look more youthful here isn't a movie mistake.
17th Apr 2023
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Revealing mistake: When the headless horseman's head is being dropped into his grave it bounces on the dirt like rubber.
12th Apr 2023
True Lies (1994)
Stupidity: When seeing that the bridge is out, JLC could've easily climbed out of the sunroof and hop off the back of the limo and onto the pavement, suffering a few cuts and bruises at the most. I know that it would've been anticlimactic, but still.
Suggested correction: You're assuming that jumping off a runaway car is a simple task that anyone can do. She's scared out of her mind, and many people in a similar situation would probably be scared at the prospect of jumping off a moving car, even with the knowledge that they will be flying off the road shortly.
12th Apr 2023
The Mummy (1999)
Stupidity: When Evie's ladder moves away from the bookcases, she can easily put her hands on the top of the bookcase and ease back against it just like she was before. It wouldn't cause the domino effect because it wouldn't have enough force if she was stabilized by her hands.
Suggested correction: She was pretty terrified, trying not to lose her balance, and calling for help. Placing her hands on the bookcase would have required her to take at least one of her hands off the ladder, and she was probably scared that she might have fallen if she did that. It's not really a stupidity when a character does or doesn't do something in a moment of fear.
15th Jan 2023
Game of Thrones (2011)
Stupidity: When Trystane is engaging Nymeria in combat, he pivots right in front of Obara, whom he knows is armed with a spear, and leaves his entire backside exposed. Anyone with a modicum of sword training would know not to expose themselves to an armed opponent like that. He ends up immediately being speared through the back of the head because of it.
Suggested correction: They ask him who he chooses to fight. He chooses Nymeria, believing the others will not interfere. He was wrong.
Two women snuck aboard his ship intending to murder him, and he trusted them to be honest about fighting fair? That just adds to the stupidity.
That's naivety at best, not stupidity. Plus they didn't sneak on board, they announced their intentions.
If two armed people entered your house and told you they were going to murder you, but would give you the opportunity to fight your way out, would you actually believe them as well as immediately turn your back to one of them? Trystane is a prince who undoubtedly had education and combat training. This goes beyond naivety.
You are forgetting he is also only 15 or 16 years old and never left Dorne (what I take from the show). What does he really know? He probably never actually fought anyone in his life.
The women that killed him were previously locked in a cell for trying to kidnap his betrothed, which he knew about. He also knew she died on the journey back to King's Landing under suspicious circumstances, and likely knew it was from poisoning and that they were involved. Based on the show's lore, someone in his position would have had schooling about the world and its people from a maester and combat training from a master-at-arms. He knew full well not to trust these women.
12th Jan 2023
X-Men (2000)
Corrected entry: Mystique tells Trask how she had to go to school and get stared at by other kids looking the way she does. Yet in X-Men: The Last Stand and when she meets Charles in First Class she's capable of looking like an ordinary child. This statement seems to contradict her ability at shape changing.
27th Jan 2020
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Trivia: Adrian Toomes is never referred to as "The Vulture" in the movie.
Suggested correction: Not exactly true. After Spider-Man defeats Toomes at Coney Island and leaves him tied up for the authorities, the note he leaves that Happy reads refers to him as the "Flying Vulture Guy."
18th Feb 2013
Singles (1992)
Visible crew/equipment: When Steve (Campbell Scott) grabs his stuff from his drawer in his work cubicle, the partitions fall down. On the lower right hand of the screen you can see someones hand getting ready to push it over.
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