Character mistake: Early in the film, Sister Paxton reveals that she wants to come back as a butterfly after she dies. Reincarnation is not a tenet of Mormonism.
11th Nov 2024
Heretic (2024)
2nd Feb 2023
Game of Thrones (2011)
Character mistake: Davos advises Grey Worm to claim land in the Reach and start his own house. Since Grey Worm is a eunuch, he cannot start his own house, as he cannot father children to pass his name and lands onto.
20th Dec 2022
Home Improvement (1991)
Character mistake: Jill mentions that her parents were married for 50 years, and her mother corrects her and says it was 51 years and 7 months. However, the season 6 episode Jill And Her Sisters was about the aforementioned ladies planning their parents' 50th wedding anniversary, and the penultimate episode of the season, Taps, saw Jill's father die a few months after the former episode. Since only a few months had passed, there's no way Jill's parents could have been married for 51 years and 7 months.
20th Jul 2022
X-Men (1992)
No Mutant Is an Island - S5-E4
Character mistake: When Cyclops demonstrates his power to Rusty to show him that he's also a mutant, he shoots an optic blast at a building and blows a gigantic hole in its facade. While the building had the appearance of being condemned, Cyclops had no way of knowing whether there were squatters inside. He could have seriously injured or killed several people for all he knew. (00:07:35)
15th May 2022
Game of Thrones (2011)
Battle of the Bastards - S6-E9
Character mistake: When Theon and Yara are given an audience with Daenerys, Tyrion remarks to Theon that when they last saw each other at Winterfell, Theon was making jokes about Tyrion being a dwarf. The mockery was actually the other way around: Tyrion mocked Theon for being a glorified and subservient hostage of the Starks, as well as taking potshots at the foolish strategy of the Greyjoy rebellion.
17th Feb 2022
3rd Rock from the Sun (1996)
Dick's Ark - S6-E12
Character mistake: Sally tells Dick that he's jealous of her gig as a weather girl because he's never been on TV. However, Dick did appear on TV as a panellist on a talk show highlighting Dr. Strudwick's physics book in the season 4 episode Dick vs. Strudwick. Dick ended up turning the show into a Jerry Springer-like fiasco, and Sally even attended the taping. (00:10:40)
2nd Dec 2021
Space Jam (1996)
Character mistake: When Shawn Bradley is talking to the therapist, he mentions the idea of going back to the jungle and being a missionary again, referencing Bradley's real-life mission with the LDS church. However, in real life, Bradley didn't serve his mission in a jungle, he served it in Sydney, Australia. (00:39:14)
27th Oct 2021
X-Men (1992)
Savage Land, Strange Heart (1) - S3-E8
Character mistake: When Zaladane is placing the Garrok necklace around Karl Lykos' neck, she incorrectly refers to Garokk as "Garokkt." She's Garokk's high priestess, so she should definitely know his name. (00:04:12)
27th Oct 2021
Saw V (2008)
Character mistake: When Erickson is telling Strahm that he no longer has any jurisdiction over the Jigsaw case, he mentions that over a dozen dead bodies were recovered at the meat packing plant, including two cops. There were in fact only 10 dead bodies: Danica Scott, Judge Halden, Timothy Young, Jeff Denlon, Lynn Denlon, Jigsaw, Amanda, Art Blank, Officer Rigg, and Detective Matthews. (00:20:28)
21st Oct 2021
X-Men (1992)
Savage Land, Strange Heart (1) - S3-E8
Character mistake: The sign advertising the New York City Comic Con has "NUFF SAIDI" written on the bottom. The second "I" in "said" is supposed to be an exclamation point. (00:04:39)
2nd Jul 2021
X-Men (1992)
The Phoenix Saga (4): The Starjammers - S3-E6
Character mistake: When Raza is firing the recalibrated stun ray at the X-Men, the control panel misspells "target" as "tareet." (00:08:10)
25th Jun 2021
Common mistakes
Character mistake: A lawyer in an American court will object to part of a witness' testimony and when the judge sustains it, the lawyer does not move for the objectionable testimony to be stricken from the record. In real life, if a judge sustains a lawyer's objection to a testimony, the lawyer will request the testimony be stricken from the record, otherwise it will be fair game for the opposing counsel to refer back to that testimony later in the trial.
25th Jun 2021
Common mistakes
Character mistake: Gunmen who follow moving targets with gunfire instead of leading them.
10th Jun 2021
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)
Character mistake: When Ethan Thomas objects to Dr. Adanie's testimony, he does so on the grounds of "silliness." Silliness does not fall under the federal rules of evidence, and any lawyer worth their salt would know this.
Suggested correction: During the Manson trial in real life, the prosecutor objected to a completely pointless question the defense asked a witness on the grounds of being ridiculous. The judge agreed and sustained the question. In his book Helter Skelter, Bugliosi even acknowledges there's no such rule, but the judge sided with him. The prosecutor in this film is grasping at straws, since nothing that would fall under the rules of evidence would apply to his objecting to her scientific testimony.
Not true, he can object on the grounds of relevance. The YouTube channel Legal Eagle, which is run by an actual lawyer, even stated so. The same logic applies to the Manson trial. If a lawyer feels that a question is ridiculous, they can object on the grounds of relevance.
In a case involving demonic possession as a central aspect of the defense, there's no way relevance could be grounds to object to her testimony. Her testimony dealt with possession from a scientific point of view, but he objected because it was for the defense. The judge in the film even allowed her testimony stating that they'd heard a lot of scientific evidence supporting the prosecution's case and it was fair to hear from an 'exorcism expert'.
As for the Manson case, try reading the book written by the prosecutor. It even states in the transcripts that he objected on the grounds of a question being ridiculous (even if, in the end, it would actually be relevance).
Just because a lawyer in real life was able to successfully object on the grounds of ridiculousness doesn't mean it would suddenly become a good practice. That would be like saying basketball players should just wantonly heave half court shots, because sometimes they go in. The premise of your suggested correction was also that the lawyer had no legal grounds to object on, and that is objectively false. As I mentioned, the lawyer behind the LegalEagle YouTube channel even said otherwise.
24th May 2021
Marvel's M.O.D.O.K. (2021)
The M.O.D.O.K. That Time Forgot! - S1-E2
Character mistake: M.O.D.O.K. refers to Hoobastank as "the Beatles of the late 90's." Hoobastank only released one album in the 90's, and they didn't become popular until after they released their second album in 2001.
7th May 2021
Friends (1994)
The One With The Embryos - S4-E12
Character mistake: When they are about to start the game, Ross declares that "the first team to answer the most questions wins." This is a nonsensical statement. By that logic, the first team to answer a question correctly would be the winner. It should be either the team that has correctly answered the most questions at the end of the game wins, or the first team to correctly answer an X number of questions.
Suggested correction: While it's a weird way for him to say it, he starts by saying "each team will answer ten questions", so no, the first team to answer a question wouldn't win.
Yes, he qualified that it was a 10-question game, and we as the audience understand going in how the winner is decided. It's just the way he declared how the winner would be decided didn't make sense. It would be like watching an NBA game, and before tipoff, the crew chief tells both teams that the first team to score the most baskets wins. We know what the rules of an NBA game are, but the referee makes a nonsensical statement all the same.
Except there's so many variations of how a team can win a game; best 3 out of 5, win by 2, or a game can even end in a tie. Since this isn't a professional sport where all the players know how a game ends, Ross is basically saying after 10 rounds, if there is a tie, it will go to sudden death with the team with the first correct answer winning, just not in so many words.
7th Apr 2021
Batman Forever (1995)

Character mistake: When Bruce is looking at Chase's various clippings of Batman on her desk while she's tending to the tea kettle, there is a paper that says "Diagnosis Form #39," and just above it, the word "schizophrenic" is incorrectly spelled as either "schizofrenic" or "schizoprenic" (a metal clip is partially covering the last six letters of the word, so it's hard to determine whether it's an "f" or a lone "p" where the "ph" should be). (01:03:11 - 01:03:32)
22nd Feb 2021
X-Men (1992)
Character mistake: When wondering how close they are to the top of the cliff, Xavier asks Magneto "How much further?" The word "further" is used for non-measurable or figurative advancement. He should have asked how much farther, as that refers to actual distance between objects. An educated man like Xavier would certainly know the difference between the two. (00:02:44)
Suggested correction: While "farther" is used for physical distance, further can be too, especially in British English. Farther also tends to be used for a measured physical distance, so if the actual distance isn't known, further can be used. What Charles said is grammatically correct.
19th Feb 2021
X-Men (1992)
Character mistake: When Carly expresses her relief to Beast that he is fine after he was attacked by the anti-mutant group, he incredulously asks her how she knew he was a mutant. Aside from the fact that the Friends of Humanity were openly calling him a mutant in her presence when they accosted him, Carly was shown touching Beast's hand earlier in the episode. Despite being blind, she would also know that Beast's fur-covered hands would be quite different from the hands of regular people she might have touched. Given these facts, Beast should not have been surprised that Carly knew he was a mutant. (00:03:25 - 00:08:40)
19th Feb 2021
X-Men (1992)

Mojovision - S2-E11
Character mistake: The label on the bottle that Major Domo gives Mojo reads "Mojos aniacid," when it should read "Mojo's antacid." (00:03:20)
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