Continuity mistake: In the finale, once Nikolai delivers the line about being king, the baby cries. From that point on, the side views come from takes filmed while the baby was sleeping and therefore is quiet and still, while shots from a different angle have Christine moving. (01:32:35)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: Anna sits by Nikolai at the hospital, and after a while, he turns towards her as she moves her hands to her thighs. The next shot though has rather spotty continuity; Anna's hands are turned differently, the eye contact with Nikolai is lost, and the heart monitor from 47-48 has now a mostly steady 55 pulses. (01:21:45)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: After some fighting on the floor, Nikolai manages to put a knife in the chest of one of the sauna killers, and is fighting with the other. They get close to two poor dudes who are minding their own business; in the first shot you see the younger of the two completely stepping out of the way, a good couple meters away from the action. In the next one though, Viggo, the aggressor and those 2 are practically in a single line. (01:18:50)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: The bigger Chechen assassin punches Nikolai after the first slice across the chest. When Viggo is rolling on the floor and ends up on all fours close to the wall, his chest is quite clean, but when the guy angrily walks up to him, his chest is a bloody mess just before getting kicked. (01:18:05)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)

Continuity mistake: Nikolai gets hurt for the first time (slice across the chest, shown in a close-up) by one of the hitmen. He punches the aggressor in the face, who bounces against the wall. His hand is in plain view and there's no weapon. Next shot, he's brandishing the knife, and drops it only a moment later. (01:17:55)
1st Oct 2019
A Bigger Splash (2015)
Continuity mistake: In the first phases of the conversation about the sleeping accommodations (hotels full, Yacht Marina etc.), Tilda Swinton's hand motions are inconsistent in the shot/reverse shot succession. For instance, she's playing with her drink using the straw, held in her right hand that turns into her left hand at the cut. (00:10:45)
1st Oct 2019
A Bigger Splash (2015)
Continuity mistake: The four tourists walk down the path once Corrado Guzzanti vacated the table. He bows to Tilda Swinton passing by. Meanwhile the sleazy manager greets a bunch of people at another table. He does it walking past a table with two women; there's a cut with no jumps in the distance he travels as he walks past them, and the woman that was simply eating is now bent to the side, going through her bag on the ground or something like that. (00:10:15)
1st Oct 2019
A Bigger Splash (2015)
Continuity mistake: The four tourists walk to the busy absconded restaurant. They look down from the ridge overlooking the tables, which is followed by a close-up of a table with 4 people. Between these two shots the napkins on the table have changed, and in the other table in the background the bottle of wine moved from being placed between two plates, to a position in front of the woman. (00:09:05)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)

Continuity mistake: The Chechen brothers approach Nikolai in the sauna. Viggo Mortensen has a towel draped across his back, with an irregular profile, covering the right shoulder more than the left. After a brief cut on the hitman preparing his knife, there's a close-up of Viggo, with the towel neatly arranged and properly balanced. (01:17:45)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: In the kitchen, Semyon is decorating dessert. He orders his son to go get the brandy bottles, and he tries to deflect the order on Nikolai. When Semyon says "No, no, he stays here", there's perfect continuity in Viggo Mortensen's gesture with the cigarette - too bad that the extra in the background had already moved away from the sink in the previous shot and now she is still working on it, and moving only after a second. (01:05:15)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: Outside of the hospital, Anna finds Nikolai on her bike, waiting for her. When he sticks out his arm with the address, pay attention to the background; there's a couple walking down the pathway, and someone with a reflective vest coming from the left. Cut for a couple seconds to Naomi Watts thinking about the proposal, and the people there haven't advanced. Similarly, camera back on her, a woman is wheeled out of the door, but does not show up in the reverse shot on Mortensen, or rather, she does but only in the one that follows. (00:55:20)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)

Continuity mistake: Anna storms out of the burger place to talk to Nikolai. For the greater part of the scene, when the camera is on Naomi Watts her hair is nice and tidy, while in the reverse shots on Viggo Mortensen, the wind messes up her bangs. (00:49:45)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: When Nikolai the driver goes to the burger joint to talk to Anna and her family, the latte in front of Anna's mother in the wider shots throughout the scene has the cocoa on top in a narrow circle. In the closer angles instead it's sprinkled more spread out, noticeably different. (00:47:40 - 00:49:30)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: Anna is taking loving care of Christine in the hospital room, and while she does that she is interrupted by the creepy voice of Semyon who went all the way there. The position of Naomi Watts' arm on the crib changes between shots. (00:38:15)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: After using the girl in the brothel, Nikolai puts money and an icon prayer card next to her. Between the 3 shots where you can see those items, the girl is not supposed to have moved, curled in her exhausted semi-fetal position, but you can see how the card, money and even the bracelet she is wearing all change position. (00:37:30)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)

Continuity mistake: At papa's personal brothel, Kiril cups Nikolai's chin telling him how he wants to make sure he's "no queer." When Cassel is from the front, he's pointing his index finger under Nikolair's chin, while in the front views of Viggo Mortensen's face, Cassel gets awfully creative with the appraisal of his buddy's manliness, doing things like thumbing the cleft of his chin or using his ring finger instead. (00:34:45)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: On the doorstep of the restaurant during the rainy night, a very drunk Kiril is entangled with Nikolai. He has his right arm around Nikolai's shoulder, but somehow when Anna is walking past, he's fully turned around with his left arm against Viggo Mortensen's neck. (00:24:10)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)

Continuity mistake: Viggo Mortensen is preparing to cut off the fingers of the cadaver. He flips his tie over the shoulder in the close-up, but in the following view of the room with Cassel patting his ass the tie is down his chest again. Goes back over the shoulder for more close-ups. (00:20:05)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)

Continuity mistake: During the banquet, Semyon motions to the waiter that offers to pour him champagne, to serve the guest to his right instead. The bottle was showing the label to the camera, but in the new shot it made a 180° turn, the label faces the waiter instead. Moreover, the waiter exits left but is walking right behind Semyon right a split second later in the reaction shot as Semyon looks at his son answer the phone. (00:15:10)
1st Oct 2019
Eastern Promises (2007)
Continuity mistake: In the kitchen, Semyon is telling Anna how 'sad, very sad' is that he can't remember the woman having anything to do with the restaurant. A restaurant worker with a towel in hand walks past them, and has already opened a fridge and looking into it in Naomi Watts' close-up. (00:11:05)
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