
Continuity mistake: In 1985A, when the punks fire at Strickland, there's a red flower in the pot closer to Marty. There's a first bang, angle changes and the flower has disappeared. If the bang had hit the flower Marty would've been injured, for he was behind it.


29th Sep 2005

Six Feet Under (2001)

30th Aug 2005

Men in Black (1997)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning, when K shoots Mikey, one of the cops gets covered with blue slime all over his face and hat. Watch the right side of the hat: The length of the slime differs between the front and back shots. It's more seen when the scene is about to end and the slime starts to fall down in the front shot, but stays still in the back one. (00:07:25)


Continuity mistake: In Sky captain's office, when he agrees that Polly travels with him, his head swaps positions depending if it's a front or back angle.


28th Jul 2005

The Aviator (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Hughes and Odie are talking about mounting a camera on a biplane and removing one of the wings, the shots alternate between a back view of their heads and a front view of their faces. Odie's head position has no relationship to the one it had in the preceding angle in most of the cuts.


27th Jul 2005

The Aviator (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Hughes is about to fly (and burn) in the plane, the plane is standing on a very long and straight runway. The shot cuts to Hughes inside the cockpit, and the runway behind him is a curve turning left.


27th Jul 2005

The Aviator (2004)

Continuity mistake: When the mother is washing young Hughes, she places her left hand close to his neck and pulls it back, leaving just the tip of her fingers touching, but from a different angle all of her hand is still on his neck.


27th Jul 2005

The Aviator (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Hughes is burning his clothes, his fringe appears in the close ups and disappears in the wide shots.


Continuity mistake: Bond is in the jailhouse and he imprisons the guard. He then smashes his arm with the iron door and makes him bleed. After that, he pushes the guard backwards on to the bed. While falling backwards, the blood on the arm disappears.


13th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: When the cheated husband says "I forgot my glasses", the lover is on top of the wife, and tries to sneak by bouncing way up and then turning to his left. The jump is cut and the angle changes to a close up of the lover, but this time he is right next to the wife, as if he had just moved aside. No bounce. You'll need to freeze the image to notice it.


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Suggested correction: If you have to freeze frame, or use slo-mo, to see a mistake, it's not a valid entry.


8th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Anderton enters the "ball-room" for the first time in the movie, a guy behind grabs a folder and presses it against his chest. In the next shot he is repeating the movement again. (00:03:35)


7th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: During the hovercrafts scene, Anderton enters a room where a kid is playing sax. The kid runs away and leans on the wall, but from a back shot he is seen close to the door. He keeps moving between the wall, door frame and aisle, in the rest of the front and back shots.


6th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: During the lover-husband scene, when the lover and the wife are staring at the husband holding the knife, they keep changing positions from far away to close to each other depending on the shot.


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