
Continuity mistake: During The dictator's first speech, the back side of his tie changes from long to short between shots.


Continuity mistake: During the middle of the film, a butler comes in and out of the Dictator's office several times repeatedly. The door is open and shows the corridor outside the office, casting the shadow of a window off-screen. The shadow changes from small to big bewteen shots.


Continuity mistake: During the famous "flatable world" scene, the Dictator climbs up the curtains. His leg changes from bent to straight between shots.


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Michael J Fox's parent kiss and the family picture (with everyone standing on the grass) gets fixed, Michael places the photo on the guitar, gets very happy and starts playing the guitar enthusiastically. Seconds later, a brief shot of the guitar shows the picture with Marty only, his brothers are missing. (01:26:18)


Continuity mistake: When Clooney and the 2 other guys enter the political meeting, there's a close shot of Clooney where he addresses Hunter. Meanwhile, the music is playing and the others are singing. Behind Clooney you can see, out of focus, a man playing a guitar along with the music. When the music stops, we go back to Clooney's close shot (where he is still talking to Hunter) but the man behind him is still playing the guitar. (01:24:10)


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