
Continuity mistake: The plane crashes against a tree trunk, with its nose close to the trunk. In a closer shot the plane has magically moved several feet further and the tail is now close to the trunk.


Revealing mistake: When the defective shell is about to fall, the ground has no sand mounts. Couple shots later, now on the floor, the shell turns around following Chaplin. Watch and you'll see that a sand mount has magically appeared close to the shell to hide the white mechanism that makes the bullet turn.


Continuity mistake: In the beginning, the defective shell fired by the cannon has several scratches on its back. Shot changes to the soldiers watching the shell fall, and when the camera cuts back to the shell on the floor the scratches have disappeared.


Continuity mistake: During the final speech, after Chaplin says "Millions through out the world." The shot changes to Hannah. When back to Chaplin his tie has moved to the right, two stains have appeared on his shirt (close to left armpit and close to right collar), and his hair is combed. Two shots later the shirt is clean and the tie straight.


Continuity mistake: In the beginning, when the big explosion occurs, watch the 2 last shots. Close shot from two blocks away: Big traffic jam. Wide shot from above: Half of the cars have disappeared from the same spot.


Continuity mistake: While in the police station, a chubby guy brings the suitcase with the liquid bomb and to explain how it works he dips a stick with the liquid and throws it away to make it explode. Watch now the guy behind him covering his hears: Headset off, then he puts it on; then suddenly, in a very brief shot, when he is behind the chubby man, the headset is off again. In the next shots he has it on.


Continuity mistake: When the police van leaves McClane semi naked on the street, his beard is a mere shade. When he mets Zeus, 10 minutes later, his beard has grown much larger.


Revealing mistake: Right at the start of the movie, Tom Ewell is in Central Station kissing his wife and son goodbye. When they are just about to leave, watch a kid on the left of the screen. He can't help staring at the camera.


9th Feb 2005

Kiss Me, Stupid (1964)

9th Feb 2005

Kiss Me, Stupid (1964)

27th Jan 2005

Holy Man (1998)

Revealing mistake: When Eddie Murphy is strolling by the sets, he applies some kind of electroshocks on a woman, which distorts her face enormously (especially her eyes and mouth), which is obviously achieved by CGI. When the shot changes to the inside of the control room, watch the TV screens and you'll see that the woman is only making silly faces, the rest looks normal because they've forgotten to apply the CGI.


19th Jan 2005

The Game (1997)

Continuity mistake: At the very end of the movie, Nicholas is talking to Christine. The hair around her ear changes from perfectly combed to messy between front and back shots. (01:52:15)


Trivia: When the film was released in Spain and France Calvin Klein wasn't known at all, so the joke about changing Marty's name had to be fixed: In Spain he is called Levi Strauss and in France, Pierre Cardin.


7th Jan 2005

The Fugitive (1993)

Continuity mistake: When Kimble is calling his lawyer close to the EL-train, he says something and then you hear the "clang" from the train's bell. You only hear it once. However, when the police records the call and plays it, the clang sounds almost constantly during the conversation.


7th Jan 2005

Ice Age (2002)

Continuity mistake: During the long sequence when the two animals are racing downhill through the snow, the weather suddenly changes from very snowy to extremely sunny.


Continuity mistake: When Austin has just come back from the future and has been in the party with all the shooting, he and Felicity jump in the car in the middle of the night. One second later there's a back shot inside the car and it's dawn light. Two seconds afterwards they're driving down the road and it's broad daylight. Furthermore, the light changes from sunny, to a bit cloudy in each shot.


Continuity mistake: During the first scene of the movie with the robot android, when Austin's been blown up by the explosion, his glasses change from broken to perfect between shots.


Revealing mistake: When Dr. Evil is on the Jerry Springer show, he jumps to punch the Klanman and misses by far, but still the punch sound is heard. This happens again seconds after in another punch. He misses but the sound is heard.


28th Dec 2004

Finding Nemo (2003)

Deliberate mistake: Sydney's real harbour skyline has some neon signs on top of buildings. In the movie all them are omitted, presumably for advertising and aesthetic purposes.


Factual error: When Bitsey enters the prison for the first time, the sign reads in Spanish "Cierre la puerta fuerta." It is misspelled, it should read "fuerte." The word "fuerta" doesn't exist.


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