
7th Jan 2020

Dark Phoenix (2019)

Trivia: The first "X-Men" movie to not feature Hugh Jackman in any capacity. (Although he did not shoot any footage for the two "Deadpool" films, he appears in both films through either images, references or stock-footage).


7th Jan 2020

Fantastic Four (2015)

Trivia: Director Josh Trank fought for Miles Teller to get cast as Mr. Fantastic. The studio finally caved in and allowed Trank to cast Teller, but the two reportedly didn't get along very well on-set, even reportedly getting into a fistfight on one occasion. It has also been speculated that the tumultuous production of this film and its failure at the box office got Teller dropped from the film "La La Land," which he was originally attached to star in.


Trivia: The studio attempted a rather peculiar marketing gimmick. They attempted to have quarters printed that featured the image of the Silver Surfer. The idea was eventually vetoed.


Trivia: General Hager was originally written to be Nick Fury, director of SHIELD. This was then changed during production.


Trivia: Jessica Alba's blonde hair in this film is actually a wig. She had dyed her hair blonde for the first film, but it unfortunately damaged her hair, and she didn't want that to happen again.


7th Jan 2020

Fantastic Four (2005)

Trivia: Holds the distinction of being one of the first five 20th Century Fox films to be released on the high-definition Blu-Ray format.


7th Jan 2020

Fantastic Four (2005)

Trivia: Ben's line about how he "used to smoke" was a bit of an inside joke. The character did indeed used to smoke cigars in the comic-books up until the 90's, until Marvel Comics enacted a rule that characters should no longer be shown smoking in comics.


Trivia: Vince McMahon was credited as a producer, but he had almost nothing to do with the actual film. As Dawyne "The Rock" Johnson was still under contract with the WWE, McMahon (CEO of the company) was contractually obligated to receive a credit on the film.


Trivia: Comprehensive reshoots were held to add more scenes to the film, as the original cut of the movie was just over an hour long.


Trivia: Future SNL cast-member and comedy star Bill Hader worked on the film as a production assistant under the name "William T. Hader Jr." He quit after a grueling 20-hour workday.


Trivia: All of the booby-traps during the sequence in which Alex goes into the tomb were loosely based on real contraptions and booby-traps found in ancient Chinese tombs.


Trivia: At one point in time, the character Ardeth Bay was supposed to be in the film. Actor Oded Fehr declined the opportunity to return, feeling that it made no sense for him to appear if the villain wasn't Imhotep from the previous two films. He was then written out of the script.


Trivia: Brendan Fraser was somewhat amused and annoyed by the fact that the O'Connells owned a giant estate in the film, as he felt they'd feel more at home in an apartment or smaller house. Director Stephen Sommers said that the reason for the large house was because a large-scale action set-piece takes place in their home, and it just wouldn't work with a smaller house or apartment.


Trivia: Despite playing the titular character, Mummy actor Arnold Vosloo doesn't appear in the film until 50 minutes in. Up until that point, only his voice is heard, and the character is portrayed by a digital model.


Trivia: Stephen Sommers has joked that the time-jump in-between films was done only because he didn't want to work with a baby, and a multi-year time-jump instead allowed the O'Connells' son to be an older child.


Trivia: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson reportedly suffered both sunstroke and food poisoning while on-set. It was said that despite shooting in the (very hot) desert, in between takes, he'd be shivering cold and wrapped in blankets.


4th Jan 2020

The Mummy (1999)

Trivia: Much about the character Ardeth Bay was changed during filming. For example: Originally, he was meant to be tattooed head-to-toe. But director Stephen Sommers opted to only give him a few tattoos, feeling actor Oded Fehr was too handsome to cover in ink. He was also meant to die in the final battle, but Sommers fell in love with the character and decided to let him live.


4th Jan 2020

The Mummy (1999)

Trivia: Reportedly, for some reason all of the camels inexplicably hated Kevin J. O'Connor, and wouldn't cooperate with his commands. The rather humorous scene of his character Beni trying to drag a camel who won't budge was a result of this.


4th Jan 2020

The Mummy (1999)

Trivia: There is a persistent rumor that Leonardi DiCaprio was originally cast as Rick, but was forced to drop out due to other contractual obligations. This rumor has never been completely confirmed or denied.


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