Trivia: The studio reportedly forced a number of changes during the production, including adding more fantastical elements (such as the Voodoo witch), toning the film down to a PG-13 and adding a child character to try to make it appeal to younger audiences. Director John Landis and star Dan Aykroyd hated these changes and nearly walked off the film, but begrudgingly agreed to remain on board. They both reportedly aren't very fond of the final film.
28th Jun 2022
Blues Brothers 2000 (1998)
20th Jun 2022
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Trivia: To make the effects of Audrey II look convincing, the animatronic was usually shot at a lower frame-rate, such as 12 frames per second, and then played back at the standard 24fps. This sped-up the shots and made the animatronic's motions look more fluid and lifelike. In order to compensate, whenever a human actor would be in-shot with Audrey II, they would have to act in "slow motion" in order for their movement to look right at 24fps. (You can kinda tell in a few shots if you look closely).
Trivia: Corey Feldman voiced Donatello in the first movie, but was not asked back because he was in and out of rehab at the time and the studio wanted to distance the film from him.
18th Jun 2022
The Lost City (2022)
Trivia: The film was meant to reunite Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, who had worked together earlier on the popular 2009 rom-com "The Proposal." However, Reynolds was unable to appear in the film for one reason or another, and his part instead went to Channing Tatum.
12th Jun 2022
The Lost City (2022)
Trivia: The movie was originally titled "The Lost City of D," which was believed to be a play on the non-fiction book and biographical movie "The Lost City of Z." However, the movie was simply retitled "The Lost City." While no official reason was given, it's widely believed that "of D" was dropped because in recent years, the letter "D" has been adopted and widely used as a euphemism for the word "d**k," almost exclusively with sexual connotations. (Which in fact is joked about in the movie itself).
12th Jun 2022
The Lost City (2022)
Trivia: There's a common complaint that often in movies, male actors are significantly older than the female actresses who play their love interests... sometimes to the point of it being flat-out creepy. By contrast, "The Lost City" has one of the rare movie romances in which is the female lead is older than the male. Star Sandra Bullock is actually 15 years older than Channing Tatum, who plays her love interest.
12th Jun 2022
The Lost City (2022)
Trivia: Many people have noted that the basic premise of the film is very similar to the classic movie "Romancing the Stone." This fact was not lost on the crew, who threw in a few homages to it. Not the least of which being that the book tour in the film is called "Romancing the Page," and the fact that Brad Pitt is named "Jack" - the same name as one of the protagonists from "Romancing the Stone."
Trivia: This film somewhat notoriously tones down the dark tone from the first movie and has a brighter, more "cartoonish" vibe. This is because the studio got hundreds of complaints from parents that the first movie was too dark and violent for young children. The studio caved and went out of their way to make the movie brighter and less violent, to the point the turtles barely even use their weapons. While this pleased parents, it greatly upset fans of the first movie.
Trivia: The comic creators originally tried to push for the studio to not include the Shredder in this film outside of a brief reference, so that way he could make a triumphant (or perhaps nefarious) return in a third film. However, the studio wanted to make the movie closer in tone to the cartoon, where Shredder was a recurring villain, and thus vetoed their suggestion.
Trivia: Judith Hoag played April in the first movie but was replaced by Paige Turco in the sequels. According to Hoag, the producers never called her about appearing in the sequels, though she believes it may have been her fault. She had a very hard time on the first movie due to the hectic schedule, and also took issue with the costume design and the amount of violence in the film despite it being aimed at children. She believes these creative differences are why she was recast.
10th Jun 2022
Child's Play 3 (1991)
Trivia: Perrey Reeves co-stars as Andy's love-interest De Silva. Coincidentally, one year before this film was released, she was a guest-star on the 90's television show "The Flash," based on the popular DC Comics character. And what was the title of her episode? It was "Child's Play." Just an amusing coincidence. (Albeit the "Flash" episode nothing to do with a killer doll).
9th Jun 2022
Morbius (2022)
Trivia: After the film's disappointing initial release, it became something of a meme online, with people making funny posts inspired by its poor reception. (Often with the humorous catchphrase "It's Morbin' time!" attached) The studio attempted to capitalize on this by re-releasing the film on 1,000 screens on Friday, June 3, 2022, hoping that it would get a second wind from its online infamy. This tactic backfired spectacularly, with the film only earning a dismal $300,000 over the weekend.
2nd Jun 2022
Cult of Chucky (2017)
Trivia: The scene where Tiffany calls Andy was added at the last minute. Originally, they didn't interact at all in the film. However, writer/director Don Mancini read several online posts from fans who were excited about the prospect of the characters meeting. So he quickly wrote a new scene where they could talk to each other over the phone.
2nd Jun 2022
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Trivia: Johnny Depp's death was filmed in the same rotating room that Tina's death was filmed in. The room and camera were flipped upside down, so they could drop the fake blood through the bed. However, during filming, the weight of the blood broke the supports and the room to begin to spin wildly, raining the entire crew with blood. The blood then hit some exposed cords, blowing all the lights and repeatedly shocking the blood-soaked crew in total darkness. Thankfully, a second take was not needed.
2nd Jun 2022
Seed of Chucky (2004)
Trivia: Jennifer Tilly was reportedly very game for playing herself in the film and had a lot of fun portraying a satirically exaggerated self-conscious/mean/slutty version of herself. In fact, she and writer/director Don Mancini had a little too much fun making the "Jennifer Tilly character" over-the-top... the studio actually had to give them a note telling them to make the character "a little more palatable," because while she was absolutely hilarious... she was also becoming completely unlikeable.
2nd Jun 2022
Happy Death Day (2017)
Trivia: The trailer for the film famously used 50 Cent's song "In Da Club" as Tree's birthday ringtone. However, the song is not present in the final film. Director Christopher Landon confirmed in a 2022 commentary track for the film's 4K release that they originally wanted to use the song in the film, but couldn't afford the rights due to their tight budget. But annoyingly, the adverting budget (which is separate from the film budget) meant they could afford to use it... but only in the trailers.
2nd Jun 2022
Highlander (1986)
Question: In the director's cut (which seems to be the most widely available version these days), what's the deal with all the backflips in the opening fight? The editing is very awkward. Fasil goes from running, to doing backflips, then back to running, then back to doing backflips several times, seemingly between shots, during a short section of the fight. Is it just bad editing? Or is the movie trying to suggest that it's a different person doing the flips? Or... what? It's so confusingly edited.
Answer: I always felt the idea was given he was trying to move very rapidly whilst also being silent. In a garage with those shoes on your footsteps are very loud. Perhaps he was trying to confuse MacLeod as to where he was.
I'm not asking why he's doing backflips. I'm asking why the editing is so confusing, since he goes from doing backflips, to running somewhere completely else, then back to backflips at the first location between edits. (Look up the clip "The Highlander (1986) 1080p : Underground parking Fight Scene. Epic!" on YouTube and pay attention around 4:20.) He also loses his sword whenever we see him doing backflips, even though he's carrying it when he's running. The editing makes absolutely no sense.
2nd Jun 2022
The Exorcist III (1990)
Trivia: The film features some well-known public figures and performers in strange cameos or small early roles. For example, model Fabio, basketball player/coach Patrick Ewing and future megastar Samuel L. Jackson all appear in the trippy dream sequence. (Albeit Jackson's voice is dubbed.) And legendary television/radio host Larry King is also briefly shown eating lunch during the diner scene early in the film. (The camera briefly lingers on him for about two seconds during the establishing shots).
2nd Jun 2022
The Exorcist III (1990)
Trivia: Much of the ending was restructured and reshot to make the climax more action packed. In fact, the entire exorcism scene and the character Father Morning was added in lengthy and rather expensive reshoots. In the original ending, Kinderman simply shoots Patient X/Father Karras/The Gemini Killer to stop the madness, then leaves the room. The studio felt the ending was a little too short and anti-climactic, and had William Peter Blatty write a new climax to end the film with a bang.
2nd Jun 2022
The Fifth Element (1997)
Trivia: The weird, jittery parasites that are on the bottom of the shuttle to Fhloston Paradise are actually an incredibly simple effect. They're Bumble Balls, an early 90's pre-school toy that shake, jitter and roll around with an inner motor. They were simply dressed up with fleshy rubber "prosthetics" to make them look like parasites. There's also a rumor that pieces of "Boglins," an 80's line of grotesque toy puppets, were used to dress up some of the "parasites" as well.
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Answer: The Director, Russell Mulcahy, started his career making music videos. He was known for using fast cuts and tracking shots.