Trivia: A quarter of the way into the credits there is another scene where it is revealed that the Silver Surfer lived.

Trivia: The guest that was rejected at the party really was Stan Lee who helped popularize the Fantastic Four through writing the comic book for many years. This is actually from the comic book wedding of Reed Richards and Sue Storm (in the 60s) where a guest who looked like Stan Lee was turned away from the wedding.
Trivia: Part of the reason Galactus does not appear in his true "comic book" form in this film (instead being portrayed as an organic, cloud-like being) is because the producers had initially planned on revealing Galactus in his "true form" in a spin-off movie about the Silver Surfer. Thus, they instructed the director and writers to change his form to obscure what he really looks like to keep his "true appearance" in the spin-off a surprise for fans. Unfortunately, this spin-off never came to be. Regardless, during the climax of the film, one can very briefly see subtle shapes inside of the cloud alluding to Galactus' face and head.
Trivia: Prior to the film coming out, a third film was already in early stages of development, with a fourth film also being potentially worked on as well. Michael Chiklis was reportedly told his character the Thing would have a bigger role in the third film's story, and Jessica Alba reportedly wanted the character Franklin Richards (son of Reed and Susan) to appear. The entire cast was contracted for three films and director Tim Story was opening to returning, along with co-writer Don Payne. Unfortunately, the second film didn't make quite as much at the box office as the original, and Fox ended up deciding to scrapping the planned third film in favor of a reboot that would come out in 2015, feeling that a reboot had a bigger chance of success. (And would subsequently be an enormous bomb that made just over half of this film's final gross).
Trivia: The studio attempted a rather peculiar marketing gimmick. They attempted to have quarters printed that featured the image of the Silver Surfer. The idea was eventually vetoed.
Trivia: Jessica Alba's blonde hair in this film is actually a wig. She had dyed her hair blonde for the first film, but it unfortunately damaged her hair, and she didn't want that to happen again.
Suggested correction: Not necessarily a mistake. Little kids can have a hard time keeping track of/focusing on things. I know little kids that have a hard time looking in the direction of the camera when their picture is being taken.
Phaneron ★
There's a difference between not looking at a camera when you don't care about having your picture taken and being able to follow superheroes that pass you, especially if you're waving at them. The reason it's a revealing mistake is because everyone involved had to pretend superheroes were passing them and the kid didn't know when to turn.