McComb: OK. This is a real mess now. I hope you're happy. This is a real mess. You turned what was gonna be a simple, ordinary murder into a bloodbath.
13th Jun 2023
Timecop (1994)
13th Jun 2023
Timecop (1994)
6th Jun 2023
Justice League (2001)
Continuity mistake: When the Thanagarian commander addresses the delegates in the locked room, there is a guard standing in front of the door, next to the projection. In the next shot, he has moved to the side by the wall.
4th Jun 2023
UHF (1989)
Kuni: Stupid! You're so stupid!
4th Jun 2023
Justice League (2001)
Other mistake: At the beginning, when Java is filming, you can see that the image on the lens is meant to be a reflection or a mirror image, as it should be. It appears that Mason's left hand is on fire when it's actually his right hand. However, the "23" on the building isn't a reverse image.
4th Jun 2023
UHF (1989)
Continuity mistake: At the end, when the homeless man is showing RJ his Rolex, his arm is extended out in front of RJ. When RJ starts to cry, the shot cuts and the homeless man's hand is suddenly on RJ's shoulder.
3rd Jun 2023
Justice League (2001)
Legends (1) - S1-E16
Continuity mistake: When we first see Music Master's car, it's mostly in the street. In the next shot, more than half of it is on the sidewalk. And then, when the cops show up, it's nowhere to be seen even though it was parked in front of the stairs.
3rd Jun 2023
Justice League (2001)
The Brave and the Bold (1) - S1-E12
Continuity mistake: When the car crashes into the café Flash is at, you see it hit the counter and fall back down, and nothing is on the hood. When Flash asks the guy if he's okay, there's a burger on a pretty flat part of the hood. In the next shot, it's gone, and the hood is completely crumpled up.
30th May 2023
Seinfeld (1990)
25th May 2023
The Good Place (2016)
23rd May 2023
Seinfeld (1990)
23rd May 2023
The Good Place (2016)
Jason Mendoza: Why don't you want your name on the opera house? I love getting my name on stuff. In Jacksonville, I got a flu virus named after me 'cause I kissed a bat on a dare.
22nd May 2023
Little Nicky (2000)
Sylvia Lopez: The Mayor's office today, in conjunction with the New York Board of Tourism, unveiled its new motto to replace the long-standing "I Love New York" slogan. "I Love Hookers" will now be the city's catchphrase.
22nd May 2023
So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993)
Charlie MacKenzie: Hey, mom. I find it interesting that you refer to the Weekly World News as "the paper." The paper contains facts.
May MacKenzie: This paper contains facts. And this paper has the 8th highest circulation in the whole wide world. All right? Plenty of facts. "Pregnant man gives birth." That's a fact.
22nd May 2023
Seinfeld (1990)
The Suicide - S3-E15
Jerry Seinfeld: The thing I don't understand about the suicide person, is the people that try and commit suicide for some reason, they don't die, and then that's it. They stop trying. Why? Why don't they just keep trying? What has changed? Is their life any better now? No. In fact, it's worse, 'cause now they've found out, here's one more thing you stink at. That's why these people don't succeed in life to begin with. Because they give up too easy. I say if pills don't work, try a rope. Car won't start in the garage? Get a tune-up. You know what I mean? There's nothing more rewarding than reaching a goal you've set for yourself.
22nd May 2023
Seinfeld (1990)
The Subway - S3-E13
Kramer: All right, Coney Island? OK, you can take the B or the F and switch for the N at Broadway and Lafayette. Or you can go over the bridge to DeKalb and catch the Q to Atlantic Avenue then switch to the IRT, 2, 3, 4, or 5. But don't get on the G. See, that's very tempting, but you wind up on Smith and 9th street, then you gotta get on the R.
Elaine: Couldn't he just take the D straight to Coney Island?
Kramer: Well yeah.
22nd May 2023
Seinfeld (1990)
Rental Car Agent: I'm sorry, we have no mid-size available at the moment.
Jerry Seinfeld: I don't understand. I made a reservation. Do you have my reservation?
Agent: Yes we do. Unfortunately, we ran out of cars.
Jerry: But the reservation keeps the car here. That's why you have the reservation.
Agent: I know why we have reservations.
Jerry: I don't think you do. If you did, I'd have a car.
22nd May 2023
Seinfeld (1990)
Gwen: I wondered what happened to my fiancé. I know he's here somewhere. Ellen, have you seen my fiancé?
Ellen: He's upstairs.
Gwen: Are you going upstairs? Tell my fiancé I'm looking for him. I have lost my fiancé, the poor baby.
Elaine: [In an Australian accent] Maybe the dingo ate your baby.
Gwen: What?
Elaine: [Australian accent] The dingo ate your baby.
22nd May 2023
Hot Shots Part Deux (1993)
[Phone Ringing].
Topper Harley: [Answering phone] Butcher of Baghdad, hello.
Woman on Phone: [Indistinct chatter].
Topper: Well, hello.
Saddam: Who is it? Who is it?
Topper: It's your wife, Hillary Rodham Hussein.
22nd May 2023
Hot Shots Part Deux (1993)
Topper Harley: You're the only one that knows how to get to the copter pad. If I'm not there in 15 minutes, you know what to do.
Colonel Walters: Yeah, we get the hell out of here.
Topper Harley: No. Wait another 15 minutes.
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