Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Bug: While using the Superscope, shoot 15 small shots. Then charge it up twice and shoot. If during charging the third time, the player gets hit, a glitch occurs giving the Superscope infinite ammo.

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Bug: Mr. Game & Watch has his Oil Panic move where he can catch 3 projectiles and throw oil back as an attack. But if he catches 3 of Ness' PK Flash attacks, a glitch occurs where if Game & Watch moves at all, he will explode violently and be sent flying off the screen for an instant KO.

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Bug: In earlier versions of the game, you can look at Daisy's trophy from the back, under her hair so that the camera clips through it, and see a third eye. This was fixed in later versions. (01:03:00)

Quantom X

Bug: This glitch can happen in other areas, but it is most common at the game's airports. Due to the area proximity vehicle spawning, where vehicles off an area are programmed to spawn if you are in or near that area, vehicles that don't belong can spawn in wrong spots. Like if you drive or walk past an air port, forklifts and luggage cars can spawn on the highway near by, as well as regular vehicles randomly driving around in the airport. It is funny when the speed glitch combines with this and you see a fork lift blasting down the Las Venturas highway at 90 MPH.

Quantom X

Bug: On certain roads and highways, traffic can get a super speed glitch. Most notably on the highway that circles Las Venturas. Cars will start jumping around a little in their movements and be doing apparently 100+ MPH. Some will still go slow and often get rear ended causing them to stick together or even explode instantly. Very hazardous for players with slow cars.

Quantom X

Trivia: If you zoom in on the moon with the sniper rifle and shoot it, it will change size.

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: Just before the rope bridge, Link gets into a fight with two centaur like creatures. As he zaps them, one of them drops a magic whistle. There is a shot showing Link by the bridge and Zelda and Zing going on the bridge. You can see a large portion of the ground by Link's feet, and there is no whistle there. It cuts to a close up of Link and he looks down at his feet, bends down and picks up the whistle. (00:12:15)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: Ganon has his minions push King Harkinian into the round room and the door is shut behind him. The King does not move from that spot as Ganon appears and talks him. Ganon vanishes and then the light appears. The King only takes a few steps back and then there is a bird's eye view. Suddenly the King is much further away from the door than he was and is now much closer to the opposite wall. (00:07:00)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Link is falling through the air above the castle, he grabs a hold of the legs of two of Ganon's bat like creatures. Between this shot, and the close up immediately following, Link's hands change positions on the creatures' ankles, and his arm and the creatures get closer together. (00:04:30)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: As the light in the room is expanding towards the King, he is leaning back almost against the wall in fear. It cuts to a close up and suddenly he is leaning forward, at which point he leans back again in fear. (00:06:55)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Factual error: After Ganon captures King Harkinian, he takes him to a circular room and says that Link and Zelda have one hour to surrender the Kingdom of Hyrule and the Triforce of Wisdom or the King will fall a very long time. After he says this, a bright light shines up from the center of the room and begins expanding, it being a hole. However, it is expanding WAY too fast to take an hour to make the King fall to his doom. At the rate of expansion, it would be to the edge of the room in probably just over a minute if not less. (00:06:55)

Quantom X

Chosen answer: It was originally built as a series of fortifications and ramparts for military use, and is now essentially a ring road with multiple lanes through Moscow. It's roughly circular by design.


Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Plot hole: Link goes after Ganon to save the King and winds up hanging on the tail of his Unicorn Pegasus in the air. Zelda was in her room in a high tower when Link used the diving board to get out to an even higher tower. Ganon blasts Link off his horse, and Link begins falling to certain doom towards the castle grounds. But miraculously, Zelda is there with a hay cart and saves him. She was all the way up in her tower and Link wasn't even out of the room for 2 full minutes. Yet somehow she was able to make it all the way down to the castle grounds, grab a hay cart, and be in just the right spot to catch Link. (00:04:50)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: After Link and Zelda hear King Harkinian scream when Ganon attacks, Link throws a broken table at the window and then a dresser to weigh it down to make a diving board. When the dresser is put on it, the board is angled up at 45 degrees and stuck that way. But then Link runs at it and suddenly the board is perfectly horizontal level, even with one side supposedly pinned to the floor by the dresser. (00:03:05)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: When Link hooks a rope to the top of a tower so he can swing in Zelda's room, her father King Harkinian walks up behind him and suggest he take flowers if he wants a kiss. As the King is moving around, during the same shot even, the jewel on his crown keeps fluctuating in size and even move around a little. (00:01:55)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Continuity mistake: Link walks out shortly after King Harkinian says his first lines of the episode and talks about how he is still not sure why he is living in the castle. He walks to the edge and sees Zelda and says he is trying to adapt. When he first walks up, he goes to the center of a circular ledge with a wall, and there is an empty plant spot to his left. It cuts to show Zelda in her room reading then back to him saying he is trying to adapt. Suddenly he is much closer to the plant holder near the edge of the circle ledge, and now there is a plant in it. (00:01:15)

Quantom X

Sing for the Unicorn - S1-E5

Audio problem: Right in the beginning, King Harkinian is walking about at night on the wall of his castle. He comments about the night air and how there is nothing like a good meal. During the last half of that, the shot changes to a side view as he walks to the edge and stops. His lips are not moving until he stops and you can see them move when he says the word Meal. (00:01:00)

Quantom X

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