Quantom X

Revealing mistake: After The Corpse first gets back out of 'hell', he saves a girl from some zombies in sleeping bag-like sacks. As they jump towards him, the animation is bad and they flicker around on the ground like a game glitch. (00:11:30)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: Asteroth appears to The Corpse and then the ground opens up. The Corpse is looking right at Asteroth, then the shot changes as the ground opens up and suddenly his back is to Asteroth. (00:06:30)

Quantom X

Plot hole: When the zombies have Taylor, The Corpse and Taylor have a conversation while the other zombies just hold him. Zombies would not have just held him without eating for so long. (00:04:20)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: While Charge is hunting down Rickshaw, he does a lot of stuff in a long time. Goes through guards, climbs steps, and then has a conversation with dying Rickshaw. The entire time, Shadow is standing in front of a TV with a countdown going down from 90 seconds. The time on her TV would have gone down to 0 several times over by then. it is on 30 seconds when Charge walks in on Rickshaw. Yet he is confronting the villain for over 2 minutes. Then cuts back to Shadow and it still shows 2 seconds on the TV. (01:08:00 - 01:11:35)

Quantom X

Other mistake: Charge kicks down the door of the room Rickshaw is in, and is just a few feet away from him, directly in front of Rickshaw. It makes a very loud noise as the door breaks. Yet Rickshaw does not notice at all until Charge walks in a few steps. (01:09:50)

Quantom X

Revealing mistake: When the final round starts and Rickshaw's broadcast ends, the usual countdown numbers appear on the screen. In this shot the camera is panning to the left, and you can see the numbers sliding around a little as they change. This makes it obvious they are superimposed on the film, and not actually on the TV. (01:01:20)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: During the flashback after Cutthroat is killed where Charge and Cutthroat are talking in the car, the positions of Cutthroat's face, head and hand keep changing constantly every time the shot cuts or changes. (00:53:00)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: In round 3, there is a pistol and a shotgun on the table. The shotgun on the left, the pistol on the right. But in a few shots, that is reversed. (00:48:35)

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Revealing mistake: There is a large rip on the side of Charge's mask. It is supposed to be that his mask has been ripped. But you can tell that the mask was designed to look like it was torn, the effects of sewing are obvious.

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: Charge gets to the laundry mat first, and sees a TV on. He sets his map down in front of it, and the close up of the map shows the TV is suddenly off. (00:07:25)

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Continuity mistake: Cutthroat awakes and finds a guy tied up in a chair. After talking for a moment, a sound and light show up behind Cutthroat and he turns around. The side of his face is lit up when he does. It cuts to a different angle and now his face is not lit up. (00:03:30)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: When Hansel says he left his dignity in that tree, he turns his head to his right. Then the shot cuts to another angle and suddenly he is looking down at his feet. (00:45:20)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: They trick one witch with a record recording of a boy that is lost. H&G are thrown down by it and the witch picks up a branch and begins zooming off like it is a broom. Hansel is behind her, yet despite the witch traveling faster than he is running, somehow he suddenly gets in front of her and smacks her with his gun. (00:31:10)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: Young Hansel and Gretel both get some scratches and cuts on their faces when lost in the woods before finding the candy house. But while they are staring at the witch roasting in the oven, the scratches on Hansel's face have disappeared, but Gretel's remain. (00:06:30)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2013

Hansel & Gretel (2013)

Revealing mistake: The father's fiancée is killed by a machete to the neck. She is quite obviously dead. But when Gretel picks up her cross necklace, you can see her eyes closed, but fluttering. (01:19:10)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2013

Hansel & Gretel (2013)

Revealing mistake: H&G trap Lilith in the oven and turn it up, Lilith catches on fire. You can see her skin and face begin burning and melt off. Her clothes combust. But her hair is perfectly fine up till the point when she explodes. Yet hair is very flammable. (01:24:00)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2013

Hansel & Gretel (2013)

Continuity mistake: After calling Gretel stupid meat, H&G are sitting on her couch. Hansel is wounded and leaning back, his head back. In the same shot, he then leans forward so he is slumped over and hangs his head. It then cuts to a further shot and suddenly he is leaning back again. (01:21:05)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2013

Hansel & Gretel (2013)

Continuity mistake: As Lilith is calling Gretel stupid meat, she is holding a bowl and is standing in front of her and Hansel. The side shots show Lilith's hand and bowl barely visible in the left side of the fame. Close ups on Lilith show she does not move any closer. But in the later side shots, she is suddenly much closer, having her torso and hands visible in the side shots. (01:20:35)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2013

Hansel & Gretel (2013)

Hansel & Gretel mistake picture

Continuity mistake: John is taken down by a trap set by Hansel and puts a big hole in his back. He gets back up and is shot down by the Sheriff. As he is getting up a second time, it shows his back. There is no hole in his back or shirt before the Sheriff finishes him off. It also shows no hole or blood on his back in one shot when he is chasing with the bear trap before he is shot the first time. (01:16:45)

Quantom X

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