Quantom X

10th Jun 2014

Killing Floor

Bug: Most notably with the M4, often times an assault rifle will be stuck unable to fire. It will act like I is firing, but just be recoiling with no bullets coming out nor the ammo count going down. You must switch weapons, then switch back to the assault rifle, then change it from semi automatic and then back to fully automatic to fix it so it can start firing again.

Quantom X

10th Jun 2014

Killing Floor

Bug: Foundry: Sometimes a Clot will get stuck on the railings in the cat walks above and just be hovering in mid air.

Quantom X

10th Jun 2014

Killing Floor

Bug: Offices: On the roof, the stair well to the right side of the building has a railing inside it. Often times a Crawler will get stuck colliding with the railing and can't go down the stairs. The crawler will sometimes even go to the end of the railing where it can get free, but then just double back and get stuck again walking into it.

Quantom X

10th Jun 2014

Killing Floor

Bug: Offices: On the roof, sometimes a Crawler will get stuck behind the protective fence and be unable to do anything but pace back and forth chirping. A player must go up there and shoot it through the fence to finally end the wave.

Quantom X

Revealing mistake: If you get a slow motion bullet cam shot on a zombie wearing a helmet or hat, and it's a head shot, you can see the hat fly off when the bullet hits, but often you will see the layers of the hat pass through the zombie's head with no collision.

Quantom X

3rd Jun 2014

Surgeon Simulator 2013

Surgeon Simulator 2013 mistake picture

Bug: At the desk, the floor has a blurry layer to it to make things that have been knocked off the desk appear out of focus because of distance. But if an item is hanging off the desk, you can see only parts of it go blurry.

Quantom X

3rd Jun 2014

Surgeon Simulator 2013

Factual error: If you pick up the computer mouse, you can move it around and the cord stretches with it. If you let go, it snaps back like a rubber band. Electronic mouse cords are not elastic. Not even back in the 80's to early 90's where this game takes place.

Quantom X

3rd Jun 2014

Surgeon Simulator 2013

Bug: If you grab the mouse and pick it up, you can move it around and stretch it out. Looking closely with your hand positioned just right, you can see the tip of the cord is not fully connected to the mouse. There is a separation, and it is larger the faster you move.

Quantom X

3rd Jun 2014

Surgeon Simulator 2013

Bug: At the reception desk, the computer mouse can be picked up. If you hold it and then flip your hand upside down, the mouse's cord will pass through your hand.

Quantom X

Bug: If your computer or connection lags too much on co-op mode, sometimes you will lose connection and be removed from the game back to the menu. Sometimes though, when the connection is lost, the screen just turns black with the spinning Pentagram at the bottom as a loading screen, but it just stays there. You are stuck. You have to close the game down and restart it.

Quantom X

29th May 2014

Larva Mortus

Larva Mortus mistake picture

Bug: Sometimes after killing an enemy, the blood will go through the wall and land in the black area outside of the map. Which is doubly weird since blood normally only stays around the same spot the enemy was killed in.

Quantom X

26th May 2014

Larva Mortus

Bug: Sometimes when starting any mission, the screen will look like the game is paused, it being darker and the word pause on it. However you can still move around and turn, though all attacking is disabled. You have to press the pause button twice to pause and unpause again to fix this.

Quantom X

26th May 2014

Larva Mortus

Bug: Sometimes after killing all the enemies in a room, you will not get the Room Cleared message. You might still hear an enemy grunting or groaning, but there are none present. Leaving the room and then returning will cause the enemies to respawn and will usually fix this glitch.

Quantom X

Bug: Cathedral of Resurrection: In the actual cathedral where you fight the boss, upon entering the room, you will likely hear sounds that sound similar to how the bones of a killed skeleton sound. But none are yet present. Looking around, especially on the bridge, you will find that the movable debris is not placed correctly. Like large bricks or boulders halfway in the ground. And this sound is the them suddenly getting popped up out of the ground by the game engine as the physics finally collide. It makes for an added scary factor the the horror game of objects jumping around on their own. But this is in fact a glitch not intended to be in the game.

Quantom X

Other mistake: Single Player Mode: When the player gets off a good shot of multiple kills with one bullet, the slow motion bullet cam will follow the bullet through each zombie hit. This is supposed to slow down all the game play for the bullet cam. However some zombies will resurrect themselves, showing a glowing orange pentagram around them, and stand back up after being killed once. It takes them a moment to resurrect. But this does not slow down with the rest of the game as it should during a bullet cam moment. And often times when a multi-kill bullet is passing though other zombies, you can see a zombie previously hit by that bullet suddenly get the orange pentagram around it and erect itself again before it even has time to react to the first bullet due to slow motion by bullet cam.

Quantom X

Bug: When a player is crouched down in some sloped surfaces facing down hill, their right leg can be seen glitching out a little as it bobs up and down, unable to adjust correcting to the body's position, and will pass through the player's arm and side some even.

Quantom X

Bug: Cathedral of Resurrection: Right after the fourth Safe Room, players will find a spot between that building and the next, where skeletons spawn. If a player goes to the left of the next building instead of going inside, it is a dead end that is burning. However there is debris in the way the prevents the player from getting close to the fire. However, if you stand right next to this debris, the player will act like they are being burned and begin to get wounded, despite there being no fire around them.

Quantom X

Bug: It's rare, but sometimes after knocking down a skeleton that doesn't die, it will completely stop moving and just lay on the ground, but with its lungs and heart still in tact and visible. The game thinks the skeleton is still alive, but the players will be completely unable to do anything to it. No amount of shooting it or blowing it up will destroy its lungs and heart to kill it, and it won't get back up. Depending on where in the mission this happens, it can force players to have to restart. Like if it is at a point in the game where in order to progress to the next spot, all enemies must be destroyed. This skeleton that can't die or do anything prevents progress at those points. But this is a rare glitch.

Quantom X

Audio problem: After killing a skeleton, its bones will fall to the ground and rattle around making loud noise. However the radgoll and physics for this was never finished correctly, and thus even after the bones stop moving, they continue to make the loud rattle noises until they vanish, which takes a while. And the bones tend not to stop moving either. This glitch is also present in NZA2.

Quantom X

Bug: For unknown reasons, often after getting a head shot on a zombie, the body will inexplicably launch up into the air a few feet in a weird glitchy ragdoll effect. This same glitch is also present in NZA2.

Quantom X

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