Quantom X

2nd Jun 2013

Halo 2

Bug: On the multiplayer level of Zanzibar, this is done with a Specter. The the right side of the generator building, there is some rubble and a door with 3 Plasma grenades next to it. The natural wall next to the building is at an almost 90 degree angle. If you hit this wall just right with the Specter, it will suddenly begin climbing the wall almost straight up and it will take you to the roof of the generator building.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Trivia: In the Faculty and Silo levels, there are scientists in lab coats running around everywhere. They are noncombatants that you get negative points for killing them. Approaching them will make them raise their hands and shake in fear. If you injure them weakly, like by shooting them in the foot or hand with a weak weapon a few times but where they don't die, some will turn on you. They will either pull out a DD44 pistol and shoot, or pull out a grenade. They will then act like normal enemies. Killing them after this still gives negative points.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Trivia: The first level, Dam, was originally going to be bigger. Another part was in construction when the idea was abandoned. If you stand on the dock of the dam overlooking the water side and use the sniper riffle, it is possible to see another guard tower across the water in the distance. That is the unfinished part of the level.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Factual error: Bullet holes by all guns look the same. Even the Watch Laser and Moonraker Laser make bullet holes identical to other guns. The Tazer even makes bullet holes.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Bug: This glitch can happen on most levels with doors, but is most noticeable on Faculty. When solders are chasing you and you go behind a door which shuts, the enemies try to open it but are often still running in place at the door. From the other side, many times you can see their faces penetrating the doors or walls as they attempt to go through. Is especially funny on doors they can't open. Just constant faces bouncing around on a door or wall.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Bug: This glitch causes an infinite number of enemies in a level where it is not supposed to be. Most notable levels are the Dam, and Archive. If you pick up your gun and kill the two interrogators in Archive, the gun shot brings the whole base down on you. You can stay in that room and kill the same solders over and over again coming through the door, which respawn back in their start point. They will continue to do so until you venture to their spawn point and kill them. The solder from that spot will stop spawning but others will persist until the same is done.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Factual error: Items in this game such as chairs and keyboards will explode with deadly force when shot with regular guns.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Goldeneye 007

Audio problem: Some items in the game are destructible. Most when shot will burst into flames and explode with a loud explosion. The item darkens and pieces fly off. Continued shooting of the item causes more loud explosions despite nothing burnable being left.

Quantom X

Audio problem: In the stages of Cornaria and Venom, the themes are reversed. The Venom theme plays on Cornaria, and the Cornaria theme plays on Venom. The Venom theme is also played as Fox's theme when it should be the Cornaria theme.

Quantom X

Factual error: Jake takes a huge piece of gold and condenses it down into a small strip. It is then lifted with no difficulty. For the science of the film to work, this would have to be done without losing any of the gold's mass, or they could just get a small piece. As of such, the condensed gold would be just as heavy, if not heavier than in its original form.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Super Mario 64

Trivia: Mario has an idle animation that changes the longer you go without touching a button. First he just stands there looking around. After a while, he stretches his hands and yawns, at which point he will sit down and lower his head as he begins snoring and sleeping. Leave him alone longer, and he will then lay down on his side and continue sleeping. Leaving him longer still, and he will suddenly let out an even louder snore, and begin talking in his sleep. He says various Italian foods, sighs happily, and finishes with a Mamma Mia before stopping. He will continue to lay there and snore, occasional talking in his sleep again, until a button is pushed at which point he hops up like nothing happened. This has been seen in the DS version up to the point where he lays down. It has not yet happened that Mario, or any other character has talked in their sleep in the DS version.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Star Fox 64

Factual error: On the Solar level, the other Star Fox team members only take damage from heat while they are talking. Being on the Lylat System star, they would be constantly taking heat damage just like Fox.

Quantom X

1st Jun 2013

Mario Kart 64

Bug: In multiplayer Battle mode, you can keep shooting Green Shells over and over again which will forever bounce around the track if they don't hit a player, another shell or item, or environmental hazard. If you have enough Green Shells bouncing around, the game begins to not be able to handle all the activity and the smoke behind the shells will disappear.

Quantom X

29th May 2013

Goldeneye 007

Bug: In the Aztec bonus mission, you can trick Jaws easily by leading him to the stairs room. He can't see past the sides of the stairs, as if there is a wall there. You can shoot him, and he moves, but he can't see or shoot at you unless he is on the same set of stairs as you.

Quantom X

Bug: On the stage Death in the Orient on multiplayer, there is an MMG on the Allied side. Players are unable to reload their weapons by pressing the action button when standing within 2 feet to approx 7 feet away from it. The character's gun just flashes and the screen twitches as if the game thinks you are trying to mount the MMG but are too far away.

Quantom X

Bug: We have yet to discover how it happens, or where exactly it does on the map for this glitch. But in multiplayer on the Battle Ships level, sometimes a bot will disappear out of visible game play. Pausing over time reveals that the suicide count of that bot continues to increase. It is as if the bot some how got stuck off the map and keeps dying over and over again there and is unable to respawn back on the map. This causes its whole team to lose with the very high negative score this racks up.

Quantom X

Bug: During a multiplayer battle when your character is killed, their body lies dead for a few seconds and the camera stays with their perspective until respawning. Just for a split second as the character respawns, their dead body stands back up where it was killed before vanishing. If you happen to get shot at that moment, you spawn with the damage from it. Explosions can even cause you to respawn and die again instantly.

Quantom X

Other mistake: In multiplayer, when your character dies, the bots continue shooting at the body until it goes away, unable to understand the character is not alive any longer.

Quantom X

Other mistake: In multiplayer, each of the computer controlled bots have varying degrees in skill and difficulty of different aspects of game play depending on which character is chosen. If a bot is Rickshaw, the accuracy of any gun is so overly bad, that he can have the gun pointed straight at you, and shoot the wall next to him. Basically, the bullet goes sideways out of the gun.

Quantom X

28th May 2013

We Were Soldiers (2002)

Trivia: In the beginning of the movie, the actor playing the French solder playing the trumpet, who gets shot in the neck, is the director's son.

Quantom X

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