Corrected entry: When Daniel plays the Joke on Johnny in the bathroom at the school dance he runs out of the bathroom before Johnny knows who it is but yet Johnny runs right past the kid dressed as spider man and out of the bathroom. How did he know it wasn't the kid who was dressed as Spider Man who sprayed him with water?
Correction: And the kid dressed as Spider man goes to cobra kai.

Corrected entry: The house that was bombed was also the family home seen in "The Partridge Family".
Correction: Actually, not even a close resemblance. Dixie's house is practically a shack while the Partridge Family home was enormous. Do a Google image search to see the huge differences.

Corrected entry: Regardless of the weather, you can't get electrocuted like Ice Cube did jumpstarting a car. A Car battery is DC voltage and cannot electrocute you like AC voltage can.
Correction: You most certainly CAN get electrocuted by DC current. Try holding the coil wire and have someone crank the engine. In your next life you will know the truth!

Corrected entry: The placement of the regions on the map is a bit mixed up: in reality, Budapest was (and is) to the Northwest of Transylvania, not to the Southwest. To reach the Vatican by starting off South from Transylvania would be more than a five hundred mile detour. (01:11:40)
Correction: We never see a "key" on the map, so for all we know, the map is just being displayed as if upside-down, so the blood-trickling effect would work.

Corrected entry: Look for the scene when the airline employee picks up Kramer (Robert Stack) to take him to the airport. As Kramer is talking to his wife in the full-length mirror (before he walks through it), you can see the tip of a boom mic in the top left of the frame.
Correction: There was no boom mike in the top left screen. There was a ceiling fan in that area which resembled a mike, but wasn't.

Corrected entry: God tells Bruce he can't mess with free will. However, he does when he makes Evan say lots of crazy stuff on TV.
Correction: He doesn't change Evan's mind such to make him want to say the gargled messages, he's merely controlling Evan's mouth as opposed to changing his thoughts. His will remains unchanged. On the other hand, forcing Grace to love him would be different than simply forcing her to utter the phrase "I love you" without her meaning it.
Except that Bruce is making Evan say gibberish against his own free will.
Free will is based in the mind. Bruce is only controlling Evan's body.
I think it could be argued either way. Bruce was controlling Evan physically (in addition to the gibberish he makes his voice higher), but Evan may still have had the free will to not open his mouth. We don't see the extent of Bruce's power though. Could he have forced Evan say something against his will? (i.e. something he would never say or believe). Since we don't see that, the correction seems more valid than the mistake.

Corrected entry: When Bond is first speaking to Jinx in the bar by the beach he is smoking a cigar. Various shots of him then Jinx show him sometimes raising his cigar to his mouth, then it not there in the next shot. (00:35:25)
Correction: He takes a puff while the camera is on Jinx.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the female replicant is shot and goes through the windows her shoes change from high heels to flat from shot to shot.
Correction: Her shoes are always flat in every shot.

Corrected entry: How did M know the phone number of Scaramanga's junk AND that Bond and Goodnight were aboard AND that Bond had completed his mission, at the end of the film?
Correction: The most obvious explanation is that Bond himself called in (while off-screen) to report his mission completed, but that for some reason he could not talk to M at the point. M is then simply returning his call on the phone number Bond left, to get a more detailed report.

Corrected entry: In the scene where they go to the mainframe to get the NOC list, there is, of course, an extremely secure computer. However, with all these security precautions, somehow, it allows logins when the security system knows that no-one can be in the room.
Correction: That is because the two are not connected. The computer is a stand alone unit that is not part of any network. If it were, then a man of Luther's talents would be able to hack into the security network, and then into the computer from there, without the need for an elaborate break-in.

Corrected entry: When Lydia takes pictures of the ghosts, she's using a Polaroid camera. When she shows Delia the photos (and the photos that are seen later on) they aren't Polaroids at all, they are big pictures. (00:39:25 - 00:53:20)
Correction: It is entirely possible to create larger copies of Polaroids. It is apparent that Lydia is knowledgable about photography (and dark room development), and therefore probably reproduced a larger copy.

Corrected entry: At the start of the movie, Ty Crane wonders how it feels to be "the next LeBron James". At the time, the future Cleveland Cavaliers star was an anonymous middle schooler living in a small town in Ohio, and there's no way a Californian high schooler would call himself "the next LeBron James".
Correction: It's nowhere said that the story takes place in 1999 - the real story did, the one in the movie not (e.g. Carter became coach in 1997). It's just an abstract of his story as coach and as stated at the beginning of the movie "Inspired by the life of Ken Carter".

Corrected entry: If you look on the front of the Trans-Am there is an eagle, which was on the hood of the real bandit's hood in the first two Smokey and The Bandit movies.
Correction: The eagle was on the front of the hood because it was part of the optional gold trim package that was a feature on the car. The eagle was in no way meant as a tribute to the first 2 movies. This is in no way a vaible trivia entry.

Corrected entry: Shortly after Machete tries to kill the Senator, he got stuck on a roof shooting all the 4 guys of Booth in the knee. A day later these bodyguards are walking around like they have never been shot in the knee. They should all be in hospital for weeks in reality.
Correction: This being a Grindhouse movie, a lot of reality has been ignored including people's injuries. Machete himself takes multiple wounds from bullets and even has his leg chopped up then continues on without so much as a limp. It is all a part of the over-the-top dark comedy feel of Grindhouse movies that this was done.

Corrected entry: When Bullseye stabs Elektra, we can see that the sai enters upwards through her stomach and the protrudes through her upper back (as is seen by the stretching of her outfit). However, when he throws her down onto the next building, as she's rolling around, we can see an exit wound (a small bloody hole) in the small of her back, between where her shirt and pants don't cover up her back.
Correction: That's not a wound, that's the blood that dripped down from the wound on the upper part of her back.

Corrected entry: When Libby had to shoot her way out of the coffin, the shot would have been so loud that her hearing would have been poor for days, yet she was able to listen to the conversation in the room at the end from behind a heavy closed door.
Correction: Two gunshots would not impair her hearing for days. I was at a shooting range recently and my friend fired several rounds from a loud H&K .45 in a confined, indoor space while I had my ear protection off. In less than 30 minutes my hearing had returned to normal.

Corrected entry: When the Boss's men come to get Slevin, he already has some marks on his face from being punched in the nose. But when he is in the car with the Boss's men (after one of them had broken his nose again), the marks on either side of his nose have gone, but are back when he meets the Boss.
Correction: Those are dimples in the bridge of his nose; if you notice Josh Hartnett has a bulge there. When he moves around you can see the dimples change color or disappear.

Corrected entry: In the final hand of the poker game, everybody is all-in and Bond wins. However, LeChiffre has a greater value of chips, meaning that Bond can only win from each player up the amount he put into the pot. Any money in excess of this should have gone back to Le Chiffre and the game continued between him and Bond. In the movie, Bond wins everything.
Correction: As this was a private game, they may have agreed to this ahead of time. I have played in private games where the standing rule is that if another player has more chips than you in an all in situation and you win, the other player's excess chips are forfeited to prevent the game from dragging on indefintely.

Corrected entry: When the boys are singing "What Would Brian Boitano Do?" Cartman says "Sh*t," but doesn't get shocked by the V-chip. Even though he is not on screen, he can be heard.
Correction: Cartman doesn't sing the line "Brian Boitano doesn't take shit", and you distinctly hear him join in only after, with "from anybody", just like he didn't sing the line with "ass" in it.

Corrected entry: If Mike's girlfriend got pregnant in high school in 1989, and the movie takes place 20 years later, how can his daughter still be in high school?
Correction: The younger Mike could be about to turn 18 and so assuming Scarlet was a month gone 8 months later would mean Mike would have been 18 when the baby was born. The older Mike could have only just turned 37 so it is possible that his daughter is 18 years old as seen in the film (she's a high school senior and so would be around 18).
Correction: These people all go to school together, they know each other well. Johnny knows that "Spider-Man" wouldn't have done something like that to him. Either out of fear or friendship, we don't know. Most people at that school would fit into either of those categories as Johnny is an extremely aggressive bully. Only Daniel, the new kid, would have had the nerve to do something like that.