Corrected entry: In the scene where the band is visiting Ray's music shop to buy some equipment, there is a dancing scene. In one of the scenes that show Jake and Elwood dancing, there is a rather large, black box just popping out of nowhere. If you play it slow, you can see that that single part was cut together from two different shots.

Corrected entry: Look for the scene when the airline employee picks up Kramer (Robert Stack) to take him to the airport. As Kramer is talking to his wife in the full-length mirror (before he walks through it), you can see the tip of a boom mic in the top left of the frame.
Correction: There was no boom mike in the top left screen. There was a ceiling fan in that area which resembled a mike, but wasn't.

Corrected entry: When Richard is trying to go back in time, the picture above him (that was removed earlier) appears above the bed in one quick shot, then is gone again in the next shot.
Correction: Not true. I watched the whole sequence twice. At no point does the picture re-appear. You must be thinking of the picture from the past that appears very hazily as he is trying to go back in time.

Corrected entry: When the Falcon leaves Hoth and is being chased by the Empire, there is a scene where the ship gets rocked about. During the 'impact', C-3PO's arm becomes dislodged, and you can clearly see human skin underneath. (00:36:20)
Correction: The actor who played C-3PO, Anthony Daniels, wore a black body suit and hood under the costume, at no point was his 'human skin' visible.

Corrected entry: In the scenes where Superman is flying - if the camera(s) get too close to Superman (Christopher Reeve), you can actually see the strings which are holding him up in the air.
Correction: This is too vague. There are many flying scenes where wires aren't visible at all because a chroma was used. The trick is to point out where exactly you've seen them.

Corrected entry: When Jack is talking to Lloyd the bartender, his Jack Daniels goes from being two thirds full to nearly empty two or three times without him having drunk any.
Correction: It's a hallucination.

Corrected entry: When Brenda is thrown out the window, Alice immediately runs outside to see Mrs. Voorhees pull up in the jeep. How can this be if she just threw Brenda in the cabin?
Correction: Mrs. Voorhees could have already placed the jeep a short distance away with the lights off. Alice provides enough horror-stricken time for Mrs. Voorhees to have dumped the body through the window then quickly run up the hill, gotten into the jeep, turned on the lights and driven it the short distance as though she were just arriving.
OR...maybe Jason helped her. After all, where was Jason during all this? He should have been grown at this time.
Jason wasn't introduced until the sequel, and he was *dead* in the continuity of the original film. After all, what's the point of avenging him if he's running around with his mother?

Corrected entry: When Bruno's dad plays the song "Fame" out of his cab, a truck driver starts a fight with him. When Bruno's dad punches him, the truck driver's hat falls off, but when the camera goes back they are still fighting, with his hat on again.
Correction: The driver could have picked up the hat.

Corrected entry: In Lilly Tomlin's fantasy scene, she sticks the spoon (all the way up to its handle) into the poisoned coffee mug. When she takes out the spoon, only half of the bowl part of the spoon is eaten away.
Correction: Perhaps by dipping the spoon in so deep, the poisoned coffee started eating away at it upwards. Besides everything else, this IS a dream sequence, when logic is an aside.

Corrected entry: Robin falls backwards out of a window from the top of the house and she dies. In a following shot of her, her chest is rising and falling.
Correction: That just means she didn't die instantly. She did have bad bodily damage and appeared to be slashed up by the glass quite a bit, probably even the neck. But she only fell from a couple stories up. That would very well have killed her, but not necessarily instantly, and she may have kept breathing for a few moments.

Corrected entry: When the Titanic has been raised and the scientist hoists the White Star company flag, he hoists it from completely the wrong place. That flag wasn't flown from the flagstaff at the stern - it belonged at the top of the mainmast. As someone who has studied the Titanic, this scientist would surely have known this.
Correction: The flag is being hoisted from the stern flagstaff because it's easier to reach. Besides the mainmast could have been declared off limits for safety reasons, due to the possibility of corrosion damage after decades under the Atlantic.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Danny has been summoned to the Judge's office at the Country Club, Ted Knight's character knocks the lamp off the table because it is in the way as they are talking. As Danny leaves the room, the lamp is on the desk.
Correction: The judge never knocks the lamp off the table. He pushes it hard away, but the lamp moves to the edge of the table and stays there. You can see part of the lampshade as they are talking, after he pushes the lamp.

Corrected entry: Mountie Police cars are not red in colour. They are blue and white. Clearly filmmakers assumed cars matched colour of uniforms.
Correction: Mounties uniforms are not red. Those are dress uniforms used mostly for graduation from depot, special events, and for formal ceremonies. The everyday uniform is dark blue. In 1980, while most RCMP cars were blue (almost purple) and white, they did have ghost cars of any color. And current RCMP cars are white with striping kits. They have not been blue and white since the late 80s.

Corrected entry: Princess Aura shows Flash how to fly the spaceship they are in while traveling to Aboria. There are 2 levers. She tells him the left controls altitude, and the right controls direction. After Aura annoys Flash, he shoves the right lever forward, and the ship nose-dives toward Fridgia. That was the wrong lever.
Correction: She tells him the LEFT one controls direction and the RIGHT one altitude.

Corrected entry: Towards the end after the Xanadu number, the mirrored curtain lifts and an overhead shot shows the eight sisters at the center, then dancing down the pink points of the star illuminated on the stage floor. The dancer at the 6 o'clock position starts down the wrong color point and then corrects herself before she reaches the edge of the stage.
Correction: The characters bad dancing is not a movie mistake. Although it is worth a laugh at.

Corrected entry: When John is in his Manhattan apartment reminiscing, we see his daughter throw a ball at him. If you take a close look at the ball, you will see how beat up it is. However, when the ball is falling down the stairs in his rented house for the first time, it has become new and shiny.
Correction: No. When the ball bounced down the stairs for the first time at the new house, it was just as beat up as when the daughter had first thrown it. It wasn't until it bounced down the stairs the second time - while it was wet from having been thrown into the ocean - that it appeared (obviously) wet and shiny.

Corrected entry: Late in the story the Time Storm reappears. The Captain and his XO watch it approach through a window on the ship's bridge, and quickly debate if they should try to outrun it. They're far out in the Pacific Ocean, but what's visible through the window looks like dry land, with greenery and some buildings. The scene must have been shot while docked at port.
Correction: What is seen is the flight deck, not land, with a greenish-grey hue due to the green-blue approaching storm, and the "buildings" are planes and deck markings.

Corrected entry: Judy joins the "Thornbirds" military regulations forbid assigning female service members, (Jessica Lynch not withstanding) to forward deployed combat arms units I.E the "Thornbirds." No female has ever been assigned to an airborne infantry unit at the platoon level.
Correction: When it is announced that she is a Thornbird, she even remarks that there aren't any women Thornbirds. Her friend replies "until now."

Corrected entry: While Jake is fixing the television, his wife enters the room and kisses Joey hello on the lips. When she leaves, Jake complains to Joey about kissing his wife on the mouth. However, when Jake's wife kisses Joey, Jake is looking at the television. He didn't see them kiss.
Correction: Maybe he saw them in the reflection of the TV, or heard it. He doesn't have to be looking directly at them to know that they kissed.

Corrected entry: When John Travolta is about to get on the mechanical bull for the first time the bull operator asks if he is right or left-handed - he says right, so the guy gives him a left handed glove. This makes no sense, because the prisoner who is a real bull rider is right handed and he also rides right handed. I don't remember but I believe Travolta rides with his right hand anyway.
Correction: In bull riding you ride with the opposite hand that you are,i.e. if you are right handed you would ride with your left.
Correction: I have watched this scene several times looking for this. The only black box I can see in this scene is the bottom of Ray's Rhodes piano. It's the model known as the "suitcase" piano, which has an amplifier and speakers in the bottom, as opposed to the "stage" model which had chrome-plated legs and was open underneath. The Stage piano had neither amplifier nor speakers onboard.