Corrected entry: The movie is set in 1967. When the husband comes out of the neighbor's house he tells Mia to call 911. 911 was not used as the national emergency number until 1968 (the first ever call using it was February 16, 1968). California only adopted 911 in 1972.

Corrected entry: When Henry throws Karen off the bed after she has pointed the gun at him and he points the gun at her in one shot she has both shoes on and in the other the foot nearest the camera has no shoe then again in a split second the foot has a shoe.
Correction: I've looked through the scene and she has her shoes on the entire time including when she falls off the bed.

Corrected entry: When Blade is poised above the pool of blood, you can see a safety wire behind him.
Correction: Not, you can't. I have watched the scene over and over looking for the safety wire, even going frame by frame, and it is not there.

Corrected entry: When the girls toss the Jack doll and Jack is thrown out the back of the car, the speed of the car never changes. Nobody is in the car to press the gas.
Correction: Nor is there someone throwing Jack out of the back of the car. Such is the way with magic.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film after the high school guys had attached cables to Porky's place to pull it down, they blow the horn on their truck to get Porky's attention. When Porky comes out onto the bridge with his henchmen, watch when he takes a swing back with his baseball bat, he accidentally hits one of his men on the nose. The actor tries to play it cool but you can tell it was not part of the script.
Correction: Well he may not have meant to hit him but he did. Perfectly acceptable for a movie, not a mistake. As for him trying to stay cool, who's to say he wasn't just trying to maintain his dignity?

Corrected entry: Throughout the fencing scene, Hallie and Annie switch accents. Hallie's wearing the green fencing outfit and speaks with an English accent at certain points, although she was the American girl.
Correction: You must have just been looking at it wrong or hearing it wrong. Sometimes it does sound like it, but they do keep their proper accents.

Corrected entry: During Izzy's first concert as the Steel Dragons lead man, when he recovers from his fall he goes over and starts singing next to Kirk, stage right. Just after he fingers the former lead singer's fans in the audience, he goes off stage to wipe the blood from his forehead. From that stage right camera angle, you now see Jorgen standing where Kirk and Izzy just were, and Kirk is now playing on stage left.
Correction: The guys in the band could easily have been moving while Chris was walking offstage.

Corrected entry: At the end where the killer cuts Natalie's stomach open, she screams through the choker. Later, she shows no signs of pain or even the wound.
Correction: This kind of entry was already corrected before. Paul walks into the room, after Reese is stabbed, and Natalie unties herself and gets up. When she gets up, look at the bottom of the screen, and you'll see some blood on Natalie's stomach. Also, since Reese is close to death, and Brenda threatens to shoot someone, Natalie probably wont be thinking about her cut.

Corrected entry: Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis were both nominated for Oscars for this film.
Correction: How can something that was reported in every newspaper (and on every television news programme) in the world possibly be 'trivia'?

Corrected entry: Where they get in the police car and put the siren on the hood of the car, he places it by reaching out of the window. In the next shot, the window is closed, and the wire that was passed out of it is instead between the car and the car door.
Correction: Émilien takes the blue light unit out of a case as he and Daniel leave the police station and places it onto the roof of Daniel's taxi before they get in. As he gets in, he takes the wire with him through the open door. Later (in the sequence) when told to take the "fairy lights off", however, he does reach through the window to remove the light and the wire is no longer trapped between the door and the car - obviously they must have stopped somewhere and changed where the wire went.

Corrected entry: Thomasina refers to the navigator as her granddaughter, yet at the end, the navigator refers to Thomasina as her great-grandmother.
Correction: This is a character decision. My own great-grandmother refers to me as her 'grandson' and not her 'great-grandson'.

Corrected entry: Dick Goodwin's boss gives him one week in New York to find proof. On the day he meets Charles Van Doren, Van Doren has just appeared on the Today Show where he said that he's been on Twenty-One for 9 weeks. However, by the time Goodwin interviews Herb Stempel; Stempel mentions that Van Doren has been on Twenty-One for 11 weeks. This indicates that Goodwin has been in New York two weeks and would've had to have returned to Washington, D.C. and give up his investigation.
Correction: Exactly as it happened in real life - Goodwin had establsihed a lead within a few days and stayed in New York to follow it through.

Corrected entry: When the girls are asking Sarah about her scars you can see that the scars go up her arm rather than across her wrists; Bonnie even says, "You did it the right way." However, when Nancy slits her wrists she asks,"What's happening to your scars?" but she slits across Sarah's wrists and the scars that were there (going up her forearm) are gone.
Correction: Nancy used an illusion to make Sarah hold out her wrists, as evidenced by Sarah saying, "It's not real."

Corrected entry: In the scene at the dinner table, in some shots Teddy doesn't seem to be there, but later he is sitting at the table and is part of the action.
Correction: Teddy is there in all the shots he should be visible in up until the shot that zooms in on David breaking. In this shot Teddy's chair is empty. But since Teddy is an intelligent toy with at least some degree of free will, he could have moved out of the chair for whatever reason. Maybe he didn't want to watch David break.

Corrected entry: There is a scene where Kevin Kline wakes up to his alarm in the morning - the clock says 6:30 PM.
Correction: He probably doesn't care if his clock says AM or PM, just the fact that it has the time.

Corrected entry: When Lady is running out of the pet shop after being muzzled, there is a macaw flying out with her. However, when Lady is running towards the exit in the pet shop, there is no sign of the macaw. (00:35:56)
Correction: He could have turned and flown in another direction.

Corrected entry: When the main characters are into the second fantasy (the one about the war with the Germans), they get to the bunker to get the map and the doors of the bunker closes and Babydoll gets stuck with the enemies inside. Then, there is a shot just when she's about to kill the soldiers that are aiming at her with their guns, and you can see in the background that the gates are open and not closed.
Correction: That's not the main bunker gate. It's the side door from which the courier escapes.

Corrected entry: The film takes place in 1940. In at least two scenes on an airfield, a Land Rover (possibly a made-for-defence purposes Defender model) can clearly be seen. The Land Rover was not developed until after WW2 & not actually put into production until 1947, as the British "answer" to the US Jeep.
Correction: This is utter nonsense. The vehicle was a period Bedford MW 15cwt truck. There is no Land Rover anywhere in this film.
And even if it was a Landover it wouldn't have been a Defender seeing as the film was made in 1969. The coil sprung Landrover didn't come out til 83.

Corrected entry: In the opening scene when Will takes a shot in slow motion, as you see the bullet in slo-motion you can see Martin Lawrence react to the bullet hitting his ass before the bullet even reaches him. (00:09:15)
Correction: Either he was starting to react to the man with a shotgun, whom he was just seeing, and then his reaction switched to pain from the shock of the bullet. I've seen the movie numerous times and he seems to react just after the bullet hits him.

Corrected entry: When April's phone is hanging through the ceiling during the fire, the actual phone is off the hook when it starts ringing.
Correction: Like another correction stated before, that is an answering machine, not a phone.
Correction: The husband John asks the wife to "call an ambulance" not "911" when he exits the neighbours' house.