Corrected entry: When the lightning storm begins, it is made very clear that an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) has disabled all electronic equipment, including Tom Cruise's watch. However, when the aliens begin disintegrating people, one man is seen holding up a video camera recording the events before being disintegrated himself. An EMP effectively destroys electronic equipment, causing circuit breakers in the device to overload, making such an "instantaneous" repair impossible. In fact the effects of the EMP are never even referred to again throughout the rest of the movie, with people using lights, televisions, phones, cameras and radios as if nothing happened to them. Can't be due to things being turned off - every car we see (except Tom's) is broken, and they can't all have been running during the storm.

Corrected entry: Both the Yugoslav police officers Poirot is speaking to at the end are black. The chances of a black person serving in the Yugoslav police in the 1930s were zero.
Correction: My great-grand uncle Lionel-Joseph Yusenko was adopted from Trinidad by a Yugoslav couple. As a young man in the 1930's he served in the Yuganske Polistat - the Yugoslav police. He was black.

Corrected entry: During the final chase scene, the tanker that Max is driving has its driver's door pulled off. As the camera pans to the side you can clearly see the crew member - most likely the stunt co-ordinator - crouched down by the passenger seat.

Corrected entry: The Witch of the West refers to the Jitterbug dance number omitted from the final film: "I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them...." (01:14:30)
Correction: True she does. But just because we don't see it does not mean it didn't happen.

Corrected entry: The Cullens are watching a news report about the violence in Seattle. It is night time in the report, and the reporter says "this is CNN live.". Cut to the Cullens watching the newscast, and it is daylight out. Forks and Seattle are both in western Washington, it could not be night in one place and day in the other.
Correction: I watch CNN "live" all night at work. It was recorded live, not necessarily happening at that very moment but it's big news so they show it repeatedly.

Corrected entry: At the end of the film when the cop lays out all of the contents of his pockets on the table (gun, handcuffs, etc.) when talking to Cindy, the items change their positions a few seconds later. (01:13:50)
Correction: I've just watched this scene 3 times now and can't see any item that moves.

Corrected entry: Look at Leia's sex slave costume carefully in the shot of her hip/hand next to Jabba's twitching tail. Notice how there are no panty lines, right? Then look at the scene of her running to the gun on the Sail Barge - her skirt blows back, revealing a pair of dark panties underneath. (00:21:50 - 00:34:35)
Correction: Quite apart from the fact that it is really, really sad to make such an observation, not all panties leave lines. I really do not think that Carrie Fisher would have agreed to be on a film set without underwear (she doesn't do nude scenes), and the fact that you can't see her frilly knickers in every single shot does not mean they aren't there.

Corrected entry: Wonder Woman says they can't fly commercially because Steve Trevor doesn't have a passport. Except the movie established that only Wonder Woman sees him as Steve Trevor. To the rest of the world he's still the man whose body Steve has inhabited, so there's no reason he can't use his passport.
Correction: In 1989, the earliest date I could find records for, only 3% of US citizens had passports. The overwhelming likelihood is that the real man doesn't have a passport, and given they've spent time in his apartment too, looking for clothes in a montage we didn't see every second of, they clearly also looked around for other relevant information/documents.
Correction: There's no reason to assume the man he is inhabiting has a passport.
Except common sense? The point is she says Steve doesn't have a passport, not thinking about the original body owner having one. Or getting one really quickly.
The percentage of American citizens with passports is quite low. It's far more likely that he would not have a passport than that he would.

Corrected entry: While everyone is on Skull Island, Hayes tells Jimmy he was in the Army, and had a Drill Sergeant. However, the first U.S. Army Drill Sergeant course wasn't offered until 1964. Prior to this, Drill Sergeants were known as Military Training Instructors.
Correction: Although correctly termed "Military Training Instructors" as a true title, they were still known informally as drill instructor or drill sergeants to the men under their command.

Corrected entry: When Peter is delivering the pizzas to the receptionist, she can be seen sipping her drink through her straw. The straw can be seen in the container, but not in the liquid as she sips.
Correction: She might just be trying to push the straw up and down the bottle to find the liquid because we eventually do hear the slurping sound from water going through the straw.

Corrected entry: During the scene where Memphis (Nic Cage) is driving the lovely Shelby GT500 Mustang, and he knocks off the mirror, the car stalls as if it's reacting to the damage. He then leans down and tries to start the car by simply turning the ignition like he has a key, but when he first gets in the car and starts it, he uses 2 thin pieces of metal and he had to use both hands. (01:34:48)
Correction: After the lock is picked you only need the one larger piece of metal to turn the ignition to the start position. That's why it took 2 hands to steal the car, but only one to restart it.

Corrected entry: Lord Farquaad wants to marry a princess to become a real king. The mirror shows him three princesses to choose from: Cinderella, Snow White and Fiona. But Cinderella wasn't born a princess! In fact, her only chance to become a princess was to marry a prince. (00:18:40)
Correction: That may be true for the fairy tale that the character is adapted from, but there is no evidence it is true for the character in this movie. As we see of throughout all four Shrek movies, many characters differ from their traditional counterparts. Rapunzel is bald with a wig, Snow White has tattoos, the Big Bad Wolf is friends with the Three Pigs, Red Riding Hood is a thief, etc. There is no reason to conclude that Cinderella isn't also a non-traditional version.

Corrected entry: At Henneth Annun, Sam suggests to Frodo to use the Ring to escape. Frodo and Sam are sitting in front of three barrels and also in the room are sacks, a crate and candles burning behind them. When Faramir arrives, Frodo and Sam are now sitting on blankets, there are no barrels in sight, the walls are different, there is an extra crate, with food on one and the candles are grouped differently. (01:52:45 - 01:53:45)
Correction: I think this is less an error but more of an intentional passage of time thing. These scenes take place at different times, as the light coming in behind them goes from yellowish-white (daytime) to blue (nighttime). Henneth Annun is an outpost and they could have cleared a room previously used for storage, hence the crates and barrels, to a place to keep prisoners, hence the blankets and lack of barrels.

Corrected entry: In the scene where all of the guys go hunting, after it shows Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn talking, in the next shot all of them are in a row and it's panning down. Through the leaves of the tree in the foreground, if you look closely at the trunk of a tree, you can see a mans elbow and part of his head sticking out from beside the trunk.
Correction: The object that is sticking out from the tree is too far away and too blury to be sure what it is. It is possible it can be a branch, something behind the tree. But I played it in slow motion, zoomed and saw nothing that is clearly identified as a mans elbow and head

Corrected entry: During the beginning at Malfoy Manor, Voldemort uses his wand to glide Charity Burbage over the table until she is very close to its end. He murders her, and she falls onto the table, very near to Voldemort, and where Draco Malfoy is sitting. However, when Nagini crawls onto the table, she slithers well past Draco, where the body is supposed to be lying, and lunges for the kill. (00:08:55)
Correction: Charity Burbage is beyond the opposite end from Voldemort, and he glides her just onto the far end, then kills her. Draco is looking away from him, towards the body. As such Nagini having to go past Draco is correct.

Corrected entry: When Anna, Kristoff and Olaf get thrown by Marshmallow, Anna does not have her hat on when they are sliding, yet her hat is back on in the next shot.
Correction: Just re watched the scene and she has her hat on.

Corrected entry: When Indy and company arrived at the temple containing the Crystal Skulls, they needed the key to access the stairs leading down to the temple (or whatever it was). As they descended the stairs, the steps disappeared into the wall, and they fell into the water but stayed perfectly dry. So, how did the bad guys get down with no stairs or other visible means, and also appear dry in their next scene?
Correction: The well-equipped Soviets could have used ropes to descend to the temple's entrance, which would also allow them to remain dry. As to Indy and company falling into the water and then reappearing dry inside the temple, that is a separate mistake which has already been noted.

Corrected entry: When Marty is first getting ready for the beginning of the movie shoot, he is holding up clothes and he is still blue with orange hair. In the next scene when he is going to the limo, he tells Monty he was up all night with a scrub brush and a can of turpentine. The scene with him picking out the outfit was in the morning, so if he was up all night, wouldn't he have already cleaned the blue and orange off?
Correction: You're mistaken about the timing/sequence of events. When Monty relieves Rocco (who has been "babysitting" Kaylee and Jason) it is still the night before the first day of the movie shoot. It's at this point it begins to cut back and forth between shots of blue-Marty (and Mr. Funnybones), who begins his quest of the perfect outfit for the next morning, and shots of Jason and Kaylee, who only just begin their instruction of the "troops". In the final shots of blue-Marty and Jason, when they both say, "It's showtime," it is still nighttime, each still has more work to do that night which we needn't see onscreen - Jason needed to go through specific details of the plan with the group and blue-Marty "spent half the night with a scrub brush and a can of turpentine". In fact, the last outfit we see blue-Marty trying on is not the outfit he is actually wearing the next morning, when Frank picks him up.

Corrected entry: When Jim is at band camp and is caught by a counselor, he runs into a bell. The bell swings TOWARDS Jim instead of away from him, meaning he didn't even touch it. (00:27:56)
Correction: He did touch it. If you look closely it's the bell coming back that you see.

Corrected entry: When they are searching the house, look at the window at the top of the stairs after the lightning strikes, you can see a person's face in it. (00:47:10)
Correction: I have examined this scene, and there is no face reflected in either of the windows at the top of the stairs. The only misconception there may have been is that there are central decorations inside the pane of glass. But no reflected face.
Correction: The EMP seems to be caused by their transportation systems. It is likely this is a byproduct of their system, not an intentional weapon. This puts to question how constant it is. Does it really burst evenly out? Or does it fire off in different waves in some unstable pattern. It is likely that some equipment sitting in the right place at the right time could be spared. This would explain the news crews who were able to photograph at least some of the events (most likely using long range zoom).
Joshua Skains