Corrected entry: Anyone who's ever been on a boat knows how dangerous it is to have a bigger boat floating nearby - it produces huge waves that make the little boat tilt and many times turn over. Now what kind of waves would such a huge ship as Titanic produce!? However, at the beginning of the movie, when Titanic is leaving the port, there is a fishing boat nearby with a fisherman in it - and nothing even moves. (00:26:55)

Corrected entry: When Arnie goes on to the church for the first time, the priest dismisses him and exits through a door. When the door is open you see an ornate banner on the other side in a well lit room. When Arnie walks through the door it is into a small dark room at the top of some steps with no banner.
Correction: It's not the same door; it's not even hung on the same side. It just cuts to Arnold finding the door to the cellar, as it's not that interesting to watch him walk through a random room.

Corrected entry: Someone says the planes only have an hour. They could get to New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Hartford, and maybe even Pittsburgh, Buffalo or Toronto - to name a few places.
Correction: One possible explanation for the fact that nothing got rerouted is because of the two storms. One storm already knocked out at least one airport, it is possible that between the two storms the other airports were shut down or at least operating at reduced capacity.

Corrected entry: After the shooting at the diner, Sullivan is driving away with his son. At some point Sullivan drives off the road into a farmer's field. In the overhead shot of the car driving off the road into the field you can clearly see another set of car tire tracks from a previous take.
Correction: Why is it automatically assumed something like this would be from another take? Isn't it possible that the existence of preexisting tire tracks may have influenced his decision to turn there in the first place?

Corrected entry: Once the baby alien has been sucked out of the window they appear to be flying through a pretty shot of sunlit clouds. This would mean that they had reached the upper level of the troposphere at least (approximately 15 miles depending upon whereabouts on the planet they were and what the current barometric conditions were). Therefore there are two things wrong (1) Firstly the depressurisation that sucked the alien baby out would continue just as if a whole had been made in a jetliner. Ripley and Call would therefore still have to hold on. (2) Secondly the temperature at the top of the troposphere is about -60 degrees Fahrenheit. All moisture would freeze instantly, whereas they stand there having a chit chat as if they were on the deck of cruise liner. (01:40:25)
Correction: 1) Depressurisation would end as soon as they ran out of air. 2) That -60 degrees neither freezes things instantly, nor would even do so quickly as it would have to come in through the small hole made, as the ship is (minus the hole) sealed and insulated from the outside. One's an andriod, the other's half alien, I don't see any problems here.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie,in the scene where the man jumps off of the boat with Bond and Domino, what happens to him? Bond and Domino get in the inflatable boat the plane drops, but in wide shots of the scene, the man is nowhere to be seen.
Correction: Afterwards you can see the plane drop more than one lifeboat. He simply might be on another one.

Corrected entry: Throughout the film, Kevin Bacon's character is seen with sticky sensor wires stuck to the top of his head and around his face. But we never see him get his hair cut off, even though we even see he has no hair when they first attempt to make him visible. Also, just a short time later, we see Kevin swimming in a pool, with a full head of hair, and later it is gone again.
Correction: He has hair the entire time, even when they try to reverse the quantum shift. It appears last in the process, but it is briefly visible. The sensors stuck to his head are pretty small, and it would be no problem attaching them to his scalp under his hair (or cut a tiny portion of hair away to attach sensors). The only time his head is completely bald, is at the very end, after he has been set afire and his hair has burned off.

Corrected entry: How does Darla find time to leave the recital, get changed, and be in the rich kid's pool before Alfalfa can get there running, when he left before the ballet recital was over?
Correction: Since the recital was over when the two left, Darla was supposed to have ridden with Waldo. So it seems logical she'd change into her swimsuit there. And it also, during the chase scene, gives you the idea that they have been running for awhile. So it is possible she had time.

Corrected entry: When Shinzon begins to descend the staircase in the meeting chamber in which he first meets the away team, he raises the light level, causing the Viceroy to step back into the shadows, because Remans are sensitive to light. But when the meeting is over, the Viceroy walks back up the steps with Shinzon before Shinzon tells the computer to lower the light level again, with no ill effects. It actually appears that the light had already been lowered, and didn't change again after Shinzon's order. (00:33:20)
Correction: The Remans are only sensitive to light due to them spending several years underground, it does not kill them. Most likely the viceroy's eyes would hurt when he stepped into the light, but he chose to ignore the pain so that he could accompany Shinzon after the meeting with the Enterprise crew was completed.

Corrected entry: In the film, the two sports writers (Ring Lardner and Hugh Fullerton) are noticing the poor play of the Black Sox. In reality, ailing Hall-of-Fame pitcher Christy Mathewson pointed out their pathetic play. In fact, Mathewson, who played a key role in discovering the perpetrators, wasn't even mentioned in the film.
Correction: Not a mistake, but discrepancies between life and the movie's events.

Corrected entry: On the back of the VHS case it reads 'Like Smokey who has 24 hours to pay back Deebo...' Actually, Smokey has to pay back Big Worm.
Correction: Pictures or text on DVD or VHS cases are not parts of the movie, and are not valid movie mistakes.

Corrected entry: When Dylan and Alex go to help Natalie, they have no goggles on, but when we see them travelling on the bikes, they do. (00:32:40)
Correction: These girls are spies. They are supposed to have hidden things in their clothes, shoes, etc.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Batman uses one of the gadgets in the Batmobile to drive up the side of the building to escape from Two-Face's henchmen, where does he go from there?
Correction: It can be safely assumed that if a vehicle is designed to make it possible to drive up a wall, it has some means of getting back down at a later time. It is unnecessary for the viewer to see each 'gadget' in use.

Corrected entry: The young Alan (Adam Hann-Bird) has brown eyes. The older Alan (Robin Williams) has blue eyes.
Correction: Not true. Both have bluish green eyes.

Corrected entry: I hate to say it, but Area 51 is not located in the Utah desert as shown in several desert scenes. Area 51 is in Nevada surrounded by mountains.
Correction: The movie labels Area 51 as being in Nevada, when Air Force One is flying there.

Corrected entry: In the part of the movie when the "babysitter" is in the passenger seat of the vehicle, her seat belt is on. When they flash away and then back to her the seat belt is off. They cut away and come back for a third time, she then has the seat belt on again.

Corrected entry: When Cris wakes Liz up at the end of the movie, he's wearing the grey t-shirt that she would have bought him when she went grocery shopping later that morning. He couldn't have it yet.
Correction: In fact, he did have one, he first appears with it when playing pool at the begginning and wore it throughout the movie. The one Liz gave him is very similar or alike.

Corrected entry: Martin bangs Saverio Guerra's (Benny) head into the armored truck's steering wheel. If you look close, you notice his head doesn't even come close to hitting it.
Correction: I just watched the movie and his head does hit the wheel.

Corrected entry: When Bridget and Daniel are in the convertible going to the country for the weekend, her scarf flies off. If you look carefully in the wide shot, you can see a crew member's hand in the backseat pulling it off and then tossing the scarf to the back of the convertible to fly away. (00:32:00)
Correction: I've seen this part in slow-mo, frame by frame and it's impossible to see a hand anywhere. Maybe a faint shadow resembling a hand for a frame. In any case, at regular speed, you can't possibly see it.

Corrected entry: In the final battle scene, when Aragorn and crew are creating a "diversion" outside the gates of Mordor, everyone is on horseback. Later in the scene, when Aragorn and the other warriors charge the enemy, they are on foot. Even if they did dismount, where are the horses? (02:32:00)
Correction: In close combat with no room to manoeuvre, being on horseback can be a serious liability - the possibility of being pulled off and then killed before getting up is too high, so it makes sense to dismount. The Host would not want riderless horses around - the likelihood is that they'd spook and prove a danger to the soldiers around them - so they simply designated a couple of riders to lead the horses out of the combat zone. It would have taken some considerable time for the Mordor forces to surround them, so there was plenty of time for this to happen.
Correction: Having served onboard an Aircraft carrier for nearly 5 years I am very familiar with the wake a large ship can produce. The scene you refer to did not finish, that is the wake that was produced had not had enough time to reach the small vessel. The speed of the Titanic is approx 8 - 10 knots as she exits the port. The wake from her would have amounted to about 1 to maybe 2 feet of swell. Even when it did reach the small boat it would have been exciting bobbing up and down on the wake but it would not have capsized the small fishing boat. I have seen this played out with our carrier many times. One instance in the harbor of Japan, many small craft from 10 - 15 feet in length were rocked by our wake as we passed them at less than 20' but none ever capsized or had the occupants thrown overboard. They were Greenpeace demonstrators and put themselves in harms way for their beliefs and were far closer to us than the fisherman was to the Titanic, a ship of equal size to us.
James Rowell