Corrected entry: Guys that are going to bat next do not sit in the dugout ready to hit. They go to the on-deck circle to warm up, then to the batters box. We see Snipes go directly from the bench to the plate.

Corrected entry: When the motorcycle rider in the rebel flag jacket gets on the truck behind the sleeper he starts pulling off the air lines. Anytime a part of the braking system on a truck fails, spring loaded braking occurs, thus stopping the truck. Of course, Swayze somehow manages to continue on down the road...
Correction: You are correct about the spring brakes engaging if the brake system fails, but there are two scenarios that might make this possible. First, if only the service gladhand is removed, the supply line will still supply air to the trailer and not engage the brakes. Second, if the trailer was manufactured before 1976, the spring brakes do not operate the same way as newer systems. If the trailer is before the CVSS requirements, it is possible for the brakes not to engage if the brake pots have no air in them. A leaking air supply line, or brake chamber may allow the wheels to still turn in this instance. Finally, while illegal to operate a trailer this way, the trailer brakes may have been caged, which would leave the trailer with no brakes at all. And, the tractor has a separate system, with a trailer protection valve, allowing it to move whether the gladhands are connected or not.

Corrected entry: When the travel pod arrives at the Enterprise with Scotty and Kirk, The computer says "Travel pod available Cargo 6", but the sign above the door says "5".
Correction: Some systems of the newly-refitted Enterprise were still malfunctioning (such as the Warp Drive and transporters). It's possible whatever subroutine was responsible for announcing shuttlepod availability was malfunctioning as well. Also, this computer voice was removed from the DVD Director's Edition of the movie.

Corrected entry: During the trip to the Moon, the spacecraft's captain makes a friendly call on his passenger, Dr. Floyd. Although they are weightless, the captain leans onto Floyd's chair under his full body weight.
Correction: Microgravity doesn't paralyse your muscles. Someone used to 'weightlessness' would be able to pose in such a manner simply by leaning at the right angle.

Corrected entry: After the fellowship sets out from Rivendell, when they've stopped on the rock formation for a break, Boromir is giving Merry and Pippin sword lessons. Pip misses a block and Boromir nicks him with his sword. If you look closely, you can see Pippin saying "Ow, sh*t." but all we hear is "Aaagh.".
Correction: Nonsense. He says "Aaagh" and makes a pained face. Anything else is merely speculation and doesn't count as a valid mistake.

Corrected entry: While Barbara is praying at the gravesite, Johnny is standing next to her, impatiently waiting for her to finish. At the site of lightning and sound of thunder, he reaches into his coat pockets for his gloves and puts them on. Unfortunately, he left this pair of gloves on the dashboard of their car when they first arrived at the graveyard.
Correction: This "mistake" wrongly assumes that the camera views a character's every action. For example, we also never see Johnny take the keys from the ignition, but it's obvious that he has them when Barbra flees to the car only to find there are no keys. Following their exit from the car, Johnny is in fact seen stuffing something in his pocket as he walks up to Barbra. He later retrieves the gloves from this same pocket. So although it is not explicitly shown, both the keys and gloves were put into this pocket while he held the flower arrangement with his other hand.

Corrected entry: After Draco is escorted out of Slughorn's party by Snape, and Harry begins to spy on them, you can see crew rugs used to quiet Draco and Snape's footsteps. The same rugs are visible earlier in the film when Harry and Ron walk down a corridor after Slughorn's class.
Correction: There is no rug in the corridor when Harry and Ron head toward Slughorn's Potions class (not "after"), and there is no rug in the corridor when Snape pushes Draco up against the wall, while Harry overhears them.

Corrected entry: When Harry arrives at the Weasley's we see the clock that shows where everyone is. We see the twins' and Ron's picture moving to show they're home, but no-one else's picture is in the same place. Shortly afterwards we see that everyone else is already home, except Mr. Weasley. (00:11:15)
Correction: In the close-up, Molly, Ginny and Percy's picture hands are pointing toward the Burrow's garden, so I don't understand why you say "no-one else's picture is in the same place". Then, "shortly afterward" of course they are at home, they were only right outside. And then Mr. Weasley arrives home. Where's the mistake?

Corrected entry: After shooting yourself at close range in the temple, there would either be a huge entrance wound (and not a few small drops of strategically placed blood) or a nasty exit wound, with Juliet's lovely brain splattered all over her true love's face.
Correction: It depends on a lot of factors. With a smaller caliber gun like that, the entrance wound could easily be small and relatively bloodless. A smaller caliber bullet could also easily hit the skull, and bounce around the brain pan without exiting.

Corrected entry: After Obi-Wan and Yoda arrive at the Jedi temple to find all the slain Jedi, there is shot of them standing together, a pile of 'younglings' on the floor. One small boy, his face to the camera, visibly twitches and blinks as Obi-Wan remarks that, 'even the younglings,' were killed.
Correction: Every single one of the kids lies perfectly still; none of them as much as blink.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Marv is getting beaten up by Wendy and Gail while tied to the chair, the blood on his face is constantly disappearing and re appearing. Especially visible is a huge smear of blood on his chin which just vanishes in mid cut.
Correction: It may seem like that but it is incorrect, it is the camera shots/angles that make it seem that blood is disappearing and reappearing.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Aunt Clara prepares for the hex, Nina prances around and blurts out Nicole (Nicole Kidman) instead of Isabel, her character's name.
Correction: This is actually a myth. Nina says, "I believe in unicorns." not "I believe in you, Nicole". Playing the audio in slow motion lets you hear the word in question.

Corrected entry: Toward the end of the movie, when Teddy is going to the lighthouse to rescue his partner, he is seen jumping over a wall. He lands in a large amount of fallen leaves. As he does so, the edge of the mat that breaks his fall is visible beneath them.
Correction: Everything teddy does is set up so would make sense that they would take care to protect him as much as possible, the mistake may in fact be part of the setup, not a filming error, teddy wouldn't have known what he landed on.

Corrected entry: In the opening car chase, Bond's Aston Martin switches from silver to black.
Correction: No it's grey throughout the scene. Occasionally some paint gets scraped up to reveal silver underneath, or sunlight reflects on the surface so the black doesn't show, or it gets covered in parts by light colored dust/silt.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ethan is fleeing from the old car and the Range Rover, both vehicles are able to keep pace with his "crotch rocket". Any bike of that size could out pace those vehicles by miles. There is no way that the trucks in the big chase scene would have kept up with Tom Cruise on the motorcycle, especially on such a curvy road. Motorcycles have better acceleration, maneuverability, and they can corner better and at faster speeds.
Correction: Actually, the opposite is true. The motorcycle can accelerate much faster, but no motorcycle has the stability of a four wheeled vehicle in corners. I can take corners marked for 50 kmh in my car at 110 kmh in my BMW, but can only take the same corner at about 75 to 80 kmh on my motorcycle. Motorcycles simply don't corner as well as cars.

Corrected entry: This huge demon monster flies around and is seen by at least 30 people, and the day after this demon kills all these people. Everyone just goes on with their daily life. Where the hell is the FBI and the National Guard, this thing just killed 10 people and there's no search the next day for this demon that killed about 5 police officers?
Correction: It takes time to mobilize the FBI and the National Guard, or anyone on that level. Perhaps they were on their way by the time the end of the film takes place. In fact, if you watch the third film, which starts right after the Creeper takes Derry in the first film there were lots of law enforcement officials inspecting the truck and searching for the Creeper, so it's not like they weren't informed.
As for going about their business, well, life goes on. Things still need to be dealt with so perhaps they're dealing with things that need to be dealt with while still thinking about the events that occurred.

Corrected entry: At the end of the Valley party, Cher and her friends are walking to the car. When she gets in she is holding a snowman that is glowing, but you can clearly see that the cord is not plugged in.
Correction: Have another look. First, before Summer and Tai get in the car we see the long cord that runs up the stairs, towards the house. Second, when they are in the car with Frosty the Snowman, the cord hangs over the car door, and when Tai waves the cord moves - it is white above and black below.

Corrected entry: In the car chase, just before the villain's black sedan is lifted off the road by helicopter, to be dumped into the Tokyo bay (that was before environmentalism) there's a shot from behind inside Bonds sports car. They race madly....with the speedometer needle clearly showing zero!
Correction: See similar mistakes in Die Another Day and Sideways. While in reality this means the car is mounted on a wheeled trolley for filming, in this fictional universe it means the car's speedometer is broken.

Corrected entry: In the last scene with Victoria, she's looking through the window at Bella and Edward at the prom. But if they were at such close proximity, Edward should have heard Victoria's thoughts, as he does near the end of Twilight: Eclipse.

Corrected entry: In most Rob Schneider movies, Adam Sandler is one of the actors.
Correction: That is because Rob Schneider got his start doing Adam Sandler movies. Most of his notable films have been Happy Madison productions. Not valid trivia.
Correction: There is no requirement that the next batter be in the on deck circle. While most batters do go to the on deck circle, the fact that this batter does not is not a movie mistake, just an unconventional action by a character.
Kevin Hall