Corrected entry: In the part of the movie when the "babysitter" is in the passenger seat of the vehicle, her seat belt is on. When they flash away and then back to her the seat belt is off. They cut away and come back for a third time, she then has the seat belt on again.

Corrected entry: The house that was bombed was also the family home seen in "The Partridge Family".
Correction: Actually, not even a close resemblance. Dixie's house is practically a shack while the Partridge Family home was enormous. Do a Google image search to see the huge differences.

Corrected entry: When Grandpa is reading to the boy, first the boy's sandwich is whole, then there are some bites taken, then it's whole again.
Correction: The boy's sandwhich is cut in two pieces. so he probably just finished one and started on the other.

Corrected entry: The scene where Robocop and Lewis are at the steel mill after he was all shot up by ED-209 and the police, Robocop removes his helmet. Robocop all through the movie has a black lining on the sides of his face and chin. When he removes the helmet they just disappear. (01:20:50)
Correction: The helmet may well have been holding the chin strap in piece. When he lifted the helmet, the chin piece simply fell away (off camera).

Corrected entry: When Johnny and Baby have the conversation about 'Have you had many women', Johnny gets out of bed totally naked. However, when Baby rolls over you can see that she is wearing underwear. This isn't very probable if they have just had sex. (01:05:05)
Correction: When we see them, they're lying in bed having a coversation. Which means that they didn't *just* finish having sex. She had enough time to put on her underwear. Plus, Johnny's her first lover, who's to say that she was comfortable being completely naked?

Corrected entry: When Kevin Costner leaves the function near the start of the movie with the female star they take a taxi. Costner sits to the left of the female. The camera switches to the driver - returns to the seat and Costner has "moved" places, before they have begun to "get acquainted".
Correction: After the shot faces the driver it then shows what the driver sees in the mirror, thus Kevin is on the opposite side of the girl as it is a mirror image. The camera then switches back to Kevin and the girl in the back seat and they are sitting the correct way, with Kevin on the left.

Corrected entry: When Ash's hand is kicking his ass in the kitchen in front of the sink, you can see it's daylight outside the window. It's supposed to be night time. (00:28:30)
Correction: It is not daylight outside.There are, however, a number of very bright floodlights placed in the woods outside the cabin (these, or rather the lights from these, are shown throughout the movie). You can even see shadows of leaves falling on the window itself - these would not appear in daylight.

Corrected entry: When the girls toss the Jack doll and Jack is thrown out the back of the car, the speed of the car never changes. Nobody is in the car to press the gas.
Correction: Nor is there someone throwing Jack out of the back of the car. Such is the way with magic.

Corrected entry: The RCMP officer at the rendezvous is a captain. But the Mounties (in common with other Canadian police forces) have always used British-style police ranks. He would actually be an inspector.
Correction: The RCMP officer never refers to his rank, Ness refers to him as a captain which is a character mistake.

Corrected entry: As Ann Archer is walking in the kitchen before the famous revealing of the bunny in the pot, look closely behind her and in the window you can see something moving slowly outside that looks like a crane.
Correction: It is a garbage truck.

Corrected entry: During the grand finale when the vampires are in Sam's house, he shoots Dwayne with a bow and arrow and Dwayne falls to the floor pretending to be dead. His left arm is down his side. The shot changes to Sam who is looking at him and then returns to Dwayne whose left arm is now up next to his head so that he can push himself off the floor. (01:22:15)
Correction: Just like you said, he is "pretending" to be dead, hence is alive and able to move. In fact, that is part of his plan to jump up and attack Sam when he comes closer. The shot cuts away long enough for him to have moved his arm.

Corrected entry: When Superman is on the moon and straightens the American flag and Nuclear-Man comes from behind and knocks Superman and the flag down, the next shot shows both men fighting on the ground with the sun shining behind them. If that is the only source of light in the solar system, where is the light coming from in front of them?
Correction: From the moon's surface. It's bright. That's why you can see the moon from earth. The same way you can see a person's face even if the sun is behind him.

Corrected entry: When Lt. Bogomil gets shot in a driveby while helping Brigette Nielsen's character with her car, you can plainly see that the driveby car is a black 1987 Camaro. However, later in the movie the same gunmen are shown driving a black 1977 Camaro.
Correction: I'm having a hard time seeing the mistake here. Basically what's being stated is that 2 different cars are being used by the same criminals on 2 different occasions? Not only is it entirely plausible that they used a second car for a different shooting, but it is a good idea, in case the plate of the car they used in the Bogomil shooting was reported by an eyewitness (since it was a shooting in broad daylight and all). A smart criminal might have ditched the car entirely.

Corrected entry: During the scene when Charlie has to come up with 20 put-downs about having a big nose (in the bar), he rattles off 19 insults and asks "How many is that?" A gentleman in the bar yells, "Fourteen, Chief!" Then Charlie proceeds to give six more insults for a total of 25.
Correction: This isn't really an error. Perhaps the man wanted to get Charlie to say a few more.

Corrected entry: There's a scene where Sgt. Hartman goes to punch Pvt. Joker in the stomach. If you look carefully, he starts to punch with his left, then we instantly see Joker getting punched by his right. (00:03:55)
Correction: It was not a mistake, Hartman just used his left to go forward while punching Joker with his right hand.

Corrected entry: When Sub-Zero pushes Weiss into the net, Weiss slides towards the camera. Just before hitting the camera, you can see the camera guy's hand sticking out to stop Weiss.
Correction: Weiss never slides towards the camera, the camera is always behind or to the side of him. And he never hits anything other than the net, and there's never someone else's hand seen.

Corrected entry: When Bud is talking to Carl's co-workers at the airplane hanger they are working on aircraft N455OT. The plane is painted in Bluestar colors. The last 2 letters, OT, signify the aircraft belongs to Avant Airlines. (01:00:25)
Correction: "OT" on the N number does not signify anything. The N number is 4550T (455zeroTango). The FAA does not issue N numbers using the letter "O" as it can be confused with "0" zero (as is the letter "I" can be confused with the number one 1). Google N4550T and you can see it was a BAC 1-11 that was parted out in the early 90's.

Corrected entry: It's from a few of the scenes in Lambert Airport. Steve Martin walks into the terminal, his tie and shirt are soaked from the snow. His hair is a mess. He takes the tie off. After exchanging "F-Bombs" with the Car Rental clerk, he walks outside to catch a cab. Check out his clothes. He has on a fresh-new tie, new clean shirt and his hair looks brand-new.
Correction: There's nothing to indicate that time didn't pass between Edie McClurg's last on-screen line and when he walks out of the terminal to try for a cab. He could've gone to the washroom to freshen up and try to re-gain some dignity after the long walk from the car rental lot. Plus, Neal later says he was told by the agency they were sold out of cars, further evidence that more time passed between the shots.

Corrected entry: Watch Dot's legs at the wedding, when she says, "I was so excited, I couldn't hold my oil!" If you look underneath her, you will see some lines, the track for her to slide on or a mark where she's supposed to be.
Correction: The floor is made of tiles and the lines and marks are part of that design. It appears that Dot rolls freely on skates, and the only mark I saw near where she was standing when saying her line was a part of the tile design.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie when Keith runs after Watts, she wipes her tears away on her right side of her face but in the next shot, the tears are still there...
Correction: It's not the very next shot. It cuts back to Keith between the two, and Watts has been steadily crying. She obviously wiped some tears while more fell, accounting for tears being on her cheeks afterward.
Correction: She takes it off to turn around and tell Brad "No Chocolate" and Sara "Time for your cough syrup" and then buckles it back as she asks Joe Gibb to drop them off as soon as he can.