Corrected entry: When Peter is delivering the pizzas to the receptionist, she can be seen sipping her drink through her straw. The straw can be seen in the container, but not in the liquid as she sips.

Corrected entry: The number of cars on The Polar Express changes throughout the movie. In some scenes, like the frozen over lake, the train has a total 7 cars including the engine. In other scenes, like the arrival at the North Pole, the train has 10 or more.
Correction: I agree that the amount of carriages (cars) changes throughout the film. But this is no ordinary train. It's the Polar Express and anything can happen on the Polar Express: it stops in your street, it has a dozen or so waiters who serve you hot chocolate in an instance and then disappear and foremost: it is able to act as a roller coaster. In other words it is a MAGIC train and magic trains can change their amount of carriages (or cars) just like that.

Corrected entry: The placement of the regions on the map is a bit mixed up: in reality, Budapest was (and is) to the Northwest of Transylvania, not to the Southwest. To reach the Vatican by starting off South from Transylvania would be more than a five hundred mile detour. (01:11:40)
Correction: We never see a "key" on the map, so for all we know, the map is just being displayed as if upside-down, so the blood-trickling effect would work.

Corrected entry: During the mattress surfing game the Princess goes down on a flower mattress but arrives at the bottom on a striped mattress. (00:58:30)
Correction: The mattress surfing scene is full of quick cuts; when Princess Mia sides down, it was in two separate occurences.

Corrected entry: When they shoot the "Jay Leno" zombie in the head, as the piece of scalp flies up from his head, a grey/silver piece of tubing is visible underneath the prosthetic - maybe an explosive charge? (00:17:05)
Correction: It wouldnt be a piece of tubing or anything, because thats not how they did the head explosion trick. they put a fake piece of brain under two flaps of "scalp" that open like a trap door, they tied a string to the fake piece of brain, and yanked it out, making it look like he was being shot. the gray thing you saw must have been a chunk of brain or something.

Corrected entry: At the slumber party, don't any of the attendees realize that all of a sudden the "Wilson sisters" have black hands? (00:48:30)
Correction: Who knows if they noticed or not? Maybe they noticed, but didn't say anything, because they didn't want to draw attention to them. Perhaps they thought they had a skin disorder. Just because nothing was said does not mean it was not noticed.

Corrected entry: Soon after Alan returns to Tracy Island from school, Jeff says to him 'Why aren't you wearing your retainers?' Retainers are teeth braces that can easily be removed and put in by hand. If this is the case, then why does it hurt Alan so much for them to be removed later in the movie?
Correction: It's not mentioned how long Alan has had his retainers. For all we know, they could be brand new, and still very uncomfortable for Alan to wear. Anyone who has worn any type of brace, or retainer, will know that they are very uncomfortable to put in and remove at first.

Corrected entry: In the scene on the ship "Charlotte," the main characters find a pipe with a clue etched on the handle. The clue mentions the number 55 which Ben figures out to be the number of men that signed the Declaration of Independence. There are actually 56 signatures on it. (00:11:55)
Correction: The fifty-sixth signature was not added to the document until 1781, by Thomas McKean of Delaware. The clue was written before this time; therefore, it is correct in stating that fifty-five men signed the Declaration of Independence.
Additionally, Richard Stockton-a New Jersey delegate-was captured in November 1776; he was tortured and repudiated his signature, forced to swear allegiance to King George 3. The other 55 signers never recanted, despite great hardship. Hence, there were the "55 men in iron pen..." who had signed, regardless of timeframe.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Kip tells Napoleon he's training to become a cage fighter Kip is typing on the computer in a chat room, but when Napoleon goes down to "Fight" with Kip, the computer is not even on.
Correction: It is very likely that Kip turned off only the monitor so that Napoleon would not see what he was saying in the chat rooms.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the tidal wave goes through New York and the wave is shown crashing over the Statue of Liberty, the Statue of Liberty is facing towards New York - it should be facing the opposite way.
Correction: Checked, double-checked - simply not so. The camera pans around the statue in a sweeping motion so parts of the city are seen in the background, but when it finishes the circle and moves slightly closer, it is evident that the statue is facing the way it is supposed to be.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, they state that Stan was elected to the Hall of Fame on the "next ballot". This could not be true since Major League Baseball players only become eligible to be voted into the HOF after waiting 5 years from the last game as a player. (The only exception ever granted to this was Roberto Clemente, whose time requirement was waived after he was killed in a plane crash).
Correction: The Board of Directors of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. reserves the right to revoke, alter or amend the [rules of election] at any time. The hall of fame could have viewed Stan's case as a special case since he was already in 4 elections, and make an exemption for him. Also Roberto Clemente was not the only exception. Roberto was the only exception that ever got inducted but Thurman Munson was eligible to be voted on in only a year and half's time after his last game.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Elle is talking to Budd as he dies, there is a porn mag next to his head with a large phone number across it, but upside down, reading "TAWT-KRAD-008-1". After he dies, Elle phones Bill and you can see over her shoulder Budd's head with the mag now facing 180 degrees the other way.
Correction: There are 2 copies of the (presumably same) magazine (perhaps 2 separate issues, same ad on the back), and they are positioned with one turned 180 degrees on top of the other.

Corrected entry: The Phantom breaks all the mirrors at the very end and the way the glass shatters shows that it is coated glass, which wasn't invented until 44 years after the movie was set. The movie was set in 1870 and coated glass was invented in 1914.
Correction: Silvered-glass coated mirrors were invented by German chemist Justus von Liebig in 1835; by 1870 the manufacturing process was automated and these mirrors were in common use.

Corrected entry: Why didn't they show the pictures of Ethan and Keifer to Mom at the same time? Obviously they didn't trust Ethan totally, they showed both pictures to the landlord after the interview with Ethan. (00:39:30)
Correction: They didn't show them both to Mom because at that point he was a suspect. But when they went to the landlord, they were still considering Ethan Hawke a suspect which is why they showed both photos.

Corrected entry: In the middle of the film when Achilles has killed Hector, he falls to the ground, and if you look behind him when he's on the ground, the castle wall can be seen, therefore signifying that he fell at the wall, yet on all other shots he is quite some distance from the castle wall. (01:56:55)
Correction: There is absolutely no continuity error regarding the proximity of the city's vast wall behind and to the sides of Hector.

Corrected entry: When Adam is taking the photo of Lawrence in the parking lot, the first two times we see the scene his camera flash goes off, the shutter snaps, and that's it. However, the the third time we see the scene the flashbulb emit a loud, rising pitch sound as the flash recharges just like it did when he was taking pictures in his apartment before being abducted.
Correction: The first two times are Adam's recollections. He is talking over what happened.

Corrected entry: In the basketball scene, Reuben tells Sandy that Polly has impressive high school stats, even though she moved to Michigan after 7th grade. How does he know her high school stats?
Correction: Reuben didn't say "high school stats", he said "yearbook stats" - referring to her junior high/middle school activities.

Corrected entry: When Ivy is climbing out of the pit, she puts her cane on the very edge so that the handle overhangs a little. When she finally gets out, her cane is much further away, next to her white sack (previously thrown out of the pit). (01:19:30 - 01:20:15)
Correction: Ivy puts her cane on the edge of the pit, then slings her pack next to it, both are on the edge of the pit. As she climbs out of the pit, she moves them both further away from the pit with her body, as she slides along the ground.

Corrected entry: The rescue mission in this movie references Toy Story 2 in several ways. One is crossing a street hidden under everyday items. Another one is going into a skyscraper to save a friend. Another is traveling through an air vent.
Correction: I don't think this is trivia, as it is too obvious.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the film, the King chains up the doors of the Krusty Krab to keep his daughter from getting inside and distracting him any further. Later on, though, the chains have disappeared and the daughter is able to walk straight into the Krab without any trouble at all.
Correction: The locks were burned off by the fire that King Neptune tries to zap Krabs with. SpongeBob, Patrick and Krabs didn't get burned because they were behind the crown, which reflected the flame. (Most of the mistakes listed here are just cartoony errors - like this one.).
Correction: She might just be trying to push the straw up and down the bottle to find the liquid because we eventually do hear the slurping sound from water going through the straw.