Corrected entry: At the end where everyone is singing in their graduation gowns, when they grab their caps and throw them up, you see in the front Stephanie grab hers but it drops off her head.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the female replicant is shot and goes through the windows her shoes change from high heels to flat from shot to shot.
Correction: Her shoes are always flat in every shot.

Corrected entry: Watch when Carol Anne and her mother are in the tub with the red goop all over them. The father rubs a wash cloth over the face of Carol Anne to clean off the goop and the unconscious child tries hard but her eyes squint.
Correction: The human body is still prone to twitches and reflexive movement even when asleep or unconscious. Perhaps dad was a bit rough with the washcloth and her facial muscles reacted. Not to mention that Carol Anne was starting to awaken.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film after the high school guys had attached cables to Porky's place to pull it down, they blow the horn on their truck to get Porky's attention. When Porky comes out onto the bridge with his henchmen, watch when he takes a swing back with his baseball bat, he accidentally hits one of his men on the nose. The actor tries to play it cool but you can tell it was not part of the script.
Correction: Well he may not have meant to hit him but he did. Perfectly acceptable for a movie, not a mistake. As for him trying to stay cool, who's to say he wasn't just trying to maintain his dignity?

Corrected entry: After Flynn, Tron and Ram escape on their light cycles they decide to dismount them. The stick that was presented to them in the game grid to create the light cycles disappears and breaks apart when they dismount their light cycles. They even show a look of surprise when the stick breaks up. Because of this they should not be able to recreate the light cycles, yet after they drink the "power" water they are once again riding light cycles. (00:47:00 - 00:50:40)
Correction: If you've played the game "Tron 2.0", you'd understand how this works. The 'Stick' (Or Handle) is actually a subroutine that gets added to the main program. If they ever need to use the subroutine again, all they need to do is do the motion of getting onto a lightcycle and the lightcycle appears.

Corrected entry: When Chekov calls Dr Carol Marcus about coming to take the Genesis device (after being subdued by Kahn) there is a science tech in the background, he is African American. Watch him, and his reaction to Chekov's statement about coming over to Regula One. At that point Chekov has mentioned just coming over. The techs reaction is one of questioning annoyance, he then darts his eyes realizing that he's reacting to the right thing at the wrong time.
Correction: His eyes don't quite 'dart' - he simply looks at Dr. Marcus after making that 'annoyed' face in reaction to Chekov's line 'We will be there in 3 days'. There's any number of perfectly normal reasons why this visit alone would annoy him. This would only be a 'mistake' if he'd also shouted 'You can't take Genesis.' (Though even that could just be the reaction of a paranoid conspiracy theorist. proving him correct in the process.)

Corrected entry: After Clint Eastwood shoots down the 'Badger' reconnaissance plane, it should have given away his position. But the Russians at the command centre still had no clue as to where the Firefox could be. There isn't even a mention of the missing recon plane.
Correction: Meaning they weren't aware of it yet.

Corrected entry: Pink's only line of dialogue that is not from a Pink Floyd song is "Next time, fuckers," screeched from the window of his hotel room after he trashed it.
Correction: Young Pink has several lines of dialogue that are not from Pink Floyd songs, and 'Next time, fuckers' is Bob Geldof's only non-song line of dialogue.

Corrected entry: When Norris and MacReady are climbing down into the crater that has the spaceship in it, you can see in the right corner of the screen a crewmember climb up, then look startled and drop back down behind the ship. Only visible in the widescreen version. (00:37:30)
Correction: I've looked all over this sequence and can't find the mistake. Does anybody have a screencap or can otherwise confirm?

Corrected entry: In the scene where Damone is in his room calling people so he can get paid back loaned money, you see a picture of Pete Townsend behind him. But when Damone hangs up, he looks up and the shot shows that he is presumably looking at Pete Townsend's picture, only to pan back to Damone and the picture is behind him.
Correction: It is possible he has more than 1 picture of Pete Townsend in his room.

Corrected entry: When Elliot and his brother are driving to the park to rescue E.T. there are two men riding along in a plastic tube connected to the van. There are two black ropes inside of this tube in which the men are trying to use to approach Elliot. When Elliot unhooks the tube from the van the ropes continue to hang from the back, and drag along the street. In the next scene the ropes have disappeared.
Correction: You can see the ropes falling on the street when Eliott removes the last pin.

Corrected entry: The red truck that haunts Garp is seen twice in the movie. The license plate changes.
Correction: The truck could have been re-registered or replaced with a very similar model. The truck is in scenes that are years apart (first Duncan is a baby, later he is a much older kid. Garp also says the driver has been terrorizing the neighbourhood for years.) Granted, the driver does look the same in each scene (he must age like most of the characters in the movie) and the same or similar rags are tied to the truck. So the same truck was probably used for filming but the number plate changes aren't a mistake.

Corrected entry: An error between Part II and III. In part two, Ginny hits Jason with the machette through the shoulder and through his chest. There is a scene later at the end of Part II where Jason, unmasked, crashes through a window and the machette is still in place in his chest. This contrasts with the shot in the beginning of Part III where he "comes back to life," but in Part III the machette is not in his shoulder but in his hand.
Correction: The shots in the previous film where Jason jumps through the window are either a dream or hallucination of Ginny's, and the shot in this film where the machete is in Jason's hand is reality. It's not a far stretch to think that Jason was wounded badly and went his own way after the confrontation.
Where is it ever stated in the movie that the end of part two is Ginny hallucinating or dreaming? It isn't, at all.

Corrected entry: When the colt is leading a stampede of wild horses that run over Jim, there is a man riding a horse in the back of the pack.
Correction: There are in fact two wranglers herding the horses, the second one is in the middle of the shot amongst the "wild horses."

Corrected entry: British actor Ben Kingsley who played Mahatma Gandhi is of Indian and English descent.
Correction: This is trivia about Ben Kingsley, not about the film Gandhi.

Corrected entry: When Thulsa Doom shoots the snake arrow after Conan and his companions rescue the princess, it hits Valeria in her right side and you even see the arrow as she is climbing off the horse. The next shot shows Conan removing the snake from her left side as she is lying on the ground.

Corrected entry: Poirot finds out from insurance documents that the surviving husband of the murdered Yorkshire woman in the beginning of the movie, Alice Ruber, was called "Felix Ruber." Poirot had been told by hotel guest Patrick Redfern, a Latin teacher, that "Giuseppe Verdi" means "Joe Green" when translated into English. Poirot explains during the murder's solution that this triggered him to translate the two Latin adjectives "felix" (strictly: 'filix', not 'felix') and "ruber" into "fern" and "red", respectively, and thus "red fern." It is part of the evidence that Felix Ruber and Patrick Redfern are one and the same person, meaning that Patrick was involved not only in the island murder but also in the Yorkshire murder.
Correction: This hardly qualifies as trivia, as it's a major plot point, and is explicitly explained in the movie.

Corrected entry: At the end Apollo and Rocky face each other in a one on one fight - no crowd, no cameras or press, just the two of them there. But once they put their gloves on they can't lace each other up - there has to be a third person.
Correction: They didn't have to lace them up. They just put them on, then pulled them tightly with their teeth. They weren't trying to get them laced up for a real fight.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, when they are driving away in the pick-up truck - the brake lights flash several times without slowing the truck. I'm told this is a low-tech method of making the truck tires "peel-out". They selectively disable the rear-brakes, which causes the rear wheels to spin when the brakes are applied to the front wheels. They forgot to remove the brake light fuse which would have masked this technique. (01:48:05)
Correction: Brakes do not apply as soon as the brake light comes on. You have to push the pedal down sometimes halfway before the brakes will apply. With the bouncing the truck is doing the pedal could bounce around enough for the light to turn on.

Corrected entry: When Annie has brought Sandy back to see the orphans, Annie sings a bit, then some others, then Tessie. She sings: 'Specially when you're all alone in the night and you're small and terribly frightened..." it's clear that her lips are not in time with her recording.
Correction: Molly moves in front of Sandy and is moving her lips ever so slightly which makes it appear that she is supposed to be singing this line. It is actually the little girl hugging Sandy's lower half, resting her head near his tail, that is singing this line of the song.
Correction: This is hardly a movie mistake. It could barely pass for trivia either. Okay, so Stephanie's cap fell off - accidents happen.