Corrected entry: When the lightning storm begins, it is made very clear that an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) has disabled all electronic equipment, including Tom Cruise's watch. However, when the aliens begin disintegrating people, one man is seen holding up a video camera recording the events before being disintegrated himself. An EMP effectively destroys electronic equipment, causing circuit breakers in the device to overload, making such an "instantaneous" repair impossible. In fact the effects of the EMP are never even referred to again throughout the rest of the movie, with people using lights, televisions, phones, cameras and radios as if nothing happened to them. Can't be due to things being turned off - every car we see (except Tom's) is broken, and they can't all have been running during the storm.

Corrected entry: While everyone is on Skull Island, Hayes tells Jimmy he was in the Army, and had a Drill Sergeant. However, the first U.S. Army Drill Sergeant course wasn't offered until 1964. Prior to this, Drill Sergeants were known as Military Training Instructors.
Correction: Although correctly termed "Military Training Instructors" as a true title, they were still known informally as drill instructor or drill sergeants to the men under their command.

Corrected entry: In the scene where all of the guys go hunting, after it shows Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn talking, in the next shot all of them are in a row and it's panning down. Through the leaves of the tree in the foreground, if you look closely at the trunk of a tree, you can see a mans elbow and part of his head sticking out from beside the trunk.
Correction: The object that is sticking out from the tree is too far away and too blury to be sure what it is. It is possible it can be a branch, something behind the tree. But I played it in slow motion, zoomed and saw nothing that is clearly identified as a mans elbow and head

Corrected entry: After Obi-Wan and Yoda arrive at the Jedi temple to find all the slain Jedi, there is shot of them standing together, a pile of 'younglings' on the floor. One small boy, his face to the camera, visibly twitches and blinks as Obi-Wan remarks that, 'even the younglings,' were killed.
Correction: Every single one of the kids lies perfectly still; none of them as much as blink.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Marv is getting beaten up by Wendy and Gail while tied to the chair, the blood on his face is constantly disappearing and re appearing. Especially visible is a huge smear of blood on his chin which just vanishes in mid cut.
Correction: It may seem like that but it is incorrect, it is the camera shots/angles that make it seem that blood is disappearing and reappearing.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Aunt Clara prepares for the hex, Nina prances around and blurts out Nicole (Nicole Kidman) instead of Isabel, her character's name.
Correction: This is actually a myth. Nina says, "I believe in unicorns." not "I believe in you, Nicole". Playing the audio in slow motion lets you hear the word in question.

Corrected entry: At the start of the movie, Ty Crane wonders how it feels to be "the next LeBron James". At the time, the future Cleveland Cavaliers star was an anonymous middle schooler living in a small town in Ohio, and there's no way a Californian high schooler would call himself "the next LeBron James".
Correction: It's nowhere said that the story takes place in 1999 - the real story did, the one in the movie not (e.g. Carter became coach in 1997). It's just an abstract of his story as coach and as stated at the beginning of the movie "Inspired by the life of Ken Carter".

Corrected entry: Regardless of the weather, you can't get electrocuted like Ice Cube did jumpstarting a car. A Car battery is DC voltage and cannot electrocute you like AC voltage can.
Correction: You most certainly CAN get electrocuted by DC current. Try holding the coil wire and have someone crank the engine. In your next life you will know the truth!

Corrected entry: Early on, it mentions Sharkboy grows gills. On the planet Drool, he is holding his breath when he swims underwater to escape the electric eels.
Correction: The heroes are losing their powers, which would explain his inability to breath underwater at this point.

Corrected entry: In the movie poster for this film Nicole Kidman's face is superimposed over a shot of the flags in front of the UN building. The UN flag is shown first, followed by the US, Canada and UK. In reality the flags are in alphabetical order.
Correction: How is that a movie mistake? The posters for movies usually different than actual scenes in movies, and are generally artistic impressions rather than history lessons.

Corrected entry: In the beginning, Nolan Walsh drives past a sign facing the camera, which says 'Welcome to Kentucky', meaning he is plainly driving OUT of Kentucky. However, the Walsh Farm and the Turfway Stadium are meant to be IN Kentucky.
Correction: I don't know where you live, but in America, "Welcome" means "You are entering this place."

Corrected entry: During the film, Rita Skeeter's and Harry's glasses have no lenses in some scenes.
Correction: Too vague. Which scenes?

Corrected entry: When Keaton first goes to see the EVP guy, he tells Keaton that EVP is not "live" and can only be heard on tape after a recording has been completed and then played back. However, at the end of the film, after Keaton's ex-wife gets into the car, she changes the radio frequency and you can here supposedly Keaton say he is sorry. But it was on "live" radio.
Correction: I've researched the subject of EVP and this is a quote from the Wiki site "The voices can also manifest over the white noise between un-tuned stations on a radio" So therefore this is quite feasible.

Corrected entry: In "Saw One" the pipe near the door on Larry's side has some green mold between it and the wall in "Saw Two" however it does not.
Correction: Mold needs organic material to feed on. If there was none (e.g. the pipe was not conveying sewage anymore), the mold would die.

Corrected entry: When V first saves Evey from the fingermen, he cuts a 'V' into the poster on the wall. When he finishes, the two cuts do not meet at the bottom. However, after the camera has cut to Evey and then back to V, the cuts suddenly meet at the bottom.
Correction: The V is completed, we see this when V slices through his previous slice with the blade, and actually creates an overlap of the two lines. The only reason it appears incomplete is that physics and airflow caused the paper to remain 'plastered' to the wall, but this was gone seconds later when we see it again, and that flap of paper has fallen loose from this 'vacuum' effect, making it appear that it was not complete to begin with.

Corrected entry: In the first fight scene when Christian Slater grabs the artifact off the counter, he gets kicked out the back door with the artifact in his hand. He rolls off the little platform and artifact has disappeared, the following shot he has it back in his hand.
Correction: The artifact is in his left hand, and we see him kicked out the door. From the exterior shot, the artifact is in his right hand, and he switches it to his left again once he rolled on the ground. The actual mistake should be the artifact switching hands while he is kicked through the door.

Corrected entry: In the Destruction Derby, Herbie gets smashed for the second time. One of his front wheels is bent almost completely sideways, making it impossible for Maggie to drive him around and win, let alone drive him home.
Correction: Herbie can wink a headlight. That's contorting metal and glass at will and without damage. I think a bent wheel could be overcome.

Corrected entry: When they first find the plane, Walker opens up the window and his flashlight starts to fall into the plane. Walker grabs the light with his left hand, but when the shot cuts to inside the plane, it is in his right. (00:22:00)
Correction: He could have simply switched the flash light into the other hand while swimming into the plane.

Corrected entry: During the trading station robbery, the man who opens the safe and says "You're independents, eh?" is voiced over by Firefly creator Joss Whedon.
Correction: Actually that man said his own dialogue with his own voice. Joss's voice is what you hear coming from down the stairs in the "hidden" vault.

Corrected entry: When John Smith is receiving information on Benjamin "Tank" Diaz, he is told the only weak spot is 10 miles north of the border. Jane Smith is told the only weak spot is just south of the border. Even though they receive different areas to go to, they show up at the same place. (00:27:00)
Correction: Different borders. Their agencies are working out of neighboring countries.
Correction: The EMP seems to be caused by their transportation systems. It is likely this is a byproduct of their system, not an intentional weapon. This puts to question how constant it is. Does it really burst evenly out? Or does it fire off in different waves in some unstable pattern. It is likely that some equipment sitting in the right place at the right time could be spared. This would explain the news crews who were able to photograph at least some of the events (most likely using long range zoom).
Joshua Skains