Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Season 9 generally

Question: I'm just dying to know why they refer to issues from a non existent "season 9" during the 3 part episode. If Red Dwarf ended at season 8, continued with season 9 with "back to earth", how is it they keep referencing a season that never happened?


Chosen answer: In the fictional version of the real world that the crew visit in "Back To Earth", apparently a season nine did happen.


Question: When Bruce Wayne steps out of his sports car to enter the fundraiser, a lot of paparazzi start photographing Bruce Wayne then you hear a strange noise and all the photographers cameras shut off/down. Did Bruce Wayne have a gadget to cause this or was it someone else.


Chosen answer: Yes. Bruce is seen to have pressed a device similar to car alarm. It was most likely a small scale electric magnetic pulse. One designed to switch off certain devices (such as cameras). The same technology is used later during the movie when Batman re-appearances during the chase scene (the lights turn off temporarily).


Question: When Addie sets Brooke up on a date with her husband Andrew's friend, Brooke is uninterested during the date. At one point Addie calls her to help her get out of the date and the first thing she says ism "Is this when I'm supposed to call?" How did Brooke and Addie plan this? Brooke was pretending to be intrigued by the guy's story about his job and listening intently therefore she couldn't have been communicating with Addie by texting during the date and they couldn't have planned it ahead of time.

Answer: It's a common ploy to help a friend out of a bad blind date. They didn't need to plan it.


Of Ice and Men - S2-E7

Question: Stan ditches Francine as a skating partner to skate with Roger because he's better than Francine and he does that because he wants to win the skating championship. Later in the episode, Stan realises it's not the winning that matters, then ditches Roger to skate with Francine not to win. But she declines. Why would she want to skate with him and not skate with him when he doesn't want to do it just to win?

Chosen answer: She declines because she is still angry with him for ditching her.

Question: If everyone involved in the scheme knew that Clayton's mother would get in the way and really didn't want to let Jack do the surgery why did they call her to the hospital? Yes she's on the call sheet but couldn't they erase her name of the sheet to make the surgery and scheme go smoother? I mean it's $100 million dollars at stake and they have had a year to plan everything out.


Chosen answer: They still had to follow hospital protocol, they couldn't risk getting into trouble over a technicality at such a critical stage of their plan. Since he had just married Jessica Alba, her rights as his wife now superseded those of his mother, and so as far as the scheming group knew, the mother was essentially powerless to make decisions for her son. They had no way of knowing she would go to the lengths that she did to save him.


Question: Why was the key broken off in the lock to the hoodoo room? Don't the servants use the room every few years to transfer their souls into someone else? Why break the lock to the main room you need to do your sacrifices in?


Chosen answer: I believe it was part of the plan to get Caroline to believe in hoodoo. Violet sent Caroline to the attic to get Caroline to witness the occurrence of the door rattling. This would cause Caroline to become curious and enter the room. Once Caroline saw the hoodoo artifacts, the idea of hoodoo becomes more real for her. They had to get her to believe in hoodoo in order for the magic to work.

Question: How can Nicholas Cage seeing a guy shooting two people in the casino if it's not going to happen? I know that he stopped the guy because he would shoot two people, but wouldn't he see some different future then?


Chosen answer: He doesn't just see THE future, he sees all possible futures.


Chosen answer: Brad is killed at the Club de la Lune, a club that is used by a society of werewolves to lure in victims. The werewolf that killed Brad was not identified, and is just one of the society members.


Question: Can somebody please tell me why there was a dog in the sky? I know it had something to do with the 'Grim'.


Chosen answer: That's it exactly. It's a bit of in-world foreshadowing. Divination isn't complete malarkey, as McGonagall makes it out to be; Trelawney just doesn't have a knack for it aside from Prophecy which she herself is ignorant of actually possessing. Whatever magic controls such things as tea leaves and the like caused the clouds to form into the shape of a Grim. Harry just misunderstood the warning.


Question: Does Bruce Wayne or Batcycle use EMP Burst or something similar to turn off all reporters cameras at the Charity Ball or Subway lights during the stock market chase and the aftermath?

Answer: Yes, it would seem that he carries some sort of device that produces that effect in a small area around him, plus the gun with the lights at the end of the "barrel" appears to have the same effect over a longer range, as he uses it to take out a motorcycle some distance ahead of him.


Question: After Laura and Steve leave to go out of town, Nicole calls David to come over. He's in the car with Logan and during this scene, while talking to Nicole, he's rubbing something in his lap, under his arm. What is he rubbing? Is it someone's head or his knee?

Answer: I always thought it was a girl giving him a blow job.

Me too! I've seen it more than once and it's not until I'm watching it just now that it shows up as a dog, I could have sworn it was a girl.

Answer: He is petting a dog that's sitting on his lap.

Question: What would happen if William would stand on the other side of the cage? Then needles wouldn't stuck into him. Needles would hit the cage and start sprinkle acid in direction of mother and son, most likely hurting them. We learn from previous movies that Jigsaw planned his traps very carefully ,so he wouldn't allow that mother and son would hurt in any case.


Chosen answer: The trap wouldn't have worked if William stood on the other side of the cage. When William walks towards the mother and son, you see a closeup of his feet stepping onto a pressure-pad that activates the trap. If William stood on the other side of the cage, the trap would never have turned on because the pressure-pad would not have been set off, and nobody would have died. Also, even though Jigsaw pre-plans his traps, there certainly are circumstances where the mother and son could have gotten hurt. One must remember, Jigsaw is insane, and it's shown repeatedly in the series that even though he intends to help people, he is not above sacrificing people or putting innocent people in harm's way to teach his subjects a lesson. (The most prominent examples being the mother and daughter from the original film and Joyce from "Saw 3D" who were innocent but placed in direct danger to be a motivation for the subjects).

Question: How come the surviving members of the Watchmen (with the exception of Rorshach) agreed to let Dr. Manhattan take the blame for the murders of so many people? Wouldn't it have been easier to just arrest Veidt and let everyone know who was truly responsible for everything?

Answer: The entire reason they don't arrest Veidt is because his actions, while evil and genocidal, did in fact cause the two warring nations to unite. Exposing Veidt would revert the world back to its chaotic state and the peace would end. The millions Veidt killed would've died in vain and the Watchmen can't have that. All of this is discussed in great detail.


Question: Is there any significance to why Ethan keeps using the word 'toast' on his sound equipment at the CIA HQ?

Answer: He's testing the microphone sensitivity. "Toast", like the more common word "test", has both percussive (the hard consonant "T") and sibilant (the hissing "S") sounds.

Also, they are "toast" if they speak too loudly.

Question: I heard that only one of all the prophecies is the correct one am I right? How is it they find it so fast?


Chosen answer: Yes, only one is the correct one, but they're all organized and marked (by subject, I believe) so it was relatively simple to track the proper one down.


Answer: Also remember that Neville saw the globe and it had Harry's name on it. They also knew what section it was in because of Harry's dreams. These are how they were found correctly.


Question: There are numerous instances where animals seem to like or be attracted to Theo, the dogs at the farm being the most prominent. Is this supposed to show or imply anything to us? Or is there any reason given for this phenomenon in the film?

Answer: Alfonso Cuaron compared the character of Theo to biblical characters like Moses, so I would assume that the animals' attraction to Theo is a reference to Noah and the Ark, which represents several themes in the film.


Question: In the scene near the end of the movie at the boat, there is a shot of a box and there is some 'Hitler' sign burning into it (this scene has some 'knocking' music). Does anyone knows what's the meaning of this scene?

Answer: Actually, the Hitler sign isn't being burned into the box, it's being burned off. The Ark of the Covenant would not allow Hitler's symbol to be placed on it, and as such burned it off.


Chosen answer: Roman Polanski has been a fugitive from the US Government since 1978 after fleeing to France to avoid a rape conviction. Marge probably told Homer this and he decided to punish "his little Roman Polanski" for the real one's crimes.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: They didn't know. Hermione's call distracted the werewolf when they first saw him, true enough, but that was before they had time jumped, so the Harry and Hermione that were scared of the werewolf were unaware that their future selves were around to save them.


Question: In the beginning only Lydia can see Adam and Barbra, but everyone can see Betelgeuse. How come the Deetze's can see Betelgeuse but not Adam and Barbra?


Chosen answer: He's got more experience interacting with the living. Adam and Barbara are capable of making themselves seen by the others, they just don't know how yet.


Answer: They could see him because Adam and Barbara's parlor display gave them reason to believe in supernatural entities.

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