
Trivia: Amanda Buckman is played by Mercedes McNab. McNab also briefly appeared in the first film as the girl scout who tries to sell Wednesday and Pugsley girl scout cookies.


Trivia: During the filming of the cenobite's death scene, Nicholas Vince, who plays Chatterer, accidentally had the top of his mouth punctured by the one the hanging chains and hooks.


Trivia: As originally intended, Julia was meant to become the new primary antagonist of the series after this film, with Pinhead and the other cenobites remaining dead. However, the Pinhead character became incredibly popular, and Julia's actress Clare Higgins decided she didn't want to do another sequel. So Pinhead was resurrected in the following movie and became the central figure of the series.


Trivia: This sequel was greenlit before the first movie was even released, as the studio suspected the first film would be a success.


Trivia: The film was originally meant to co-star Andrew Robinson as Larry Cotton, who would be found in hell and would accompany Kirsty and Tiffany throughout the remainder of the movie. However, Robinson turned down the chance to reprise his role for unknown reasons. This forced last-minute script rewrites as a great deal of the film had to be restructured due to his absence.


Trivia: Like several other entries in the series, this film was not originally written as a "Hellraiser" sequel. Rather, another script was rewritten to incorporate Pinhead, the puzzle box and Kirtsty Cotton.


Trivia: While he wasn't directly involved with the production, series creator Clive Barker was reportedly shown a rough cut of the film and gave the director notes on how to tweak it.


Trivia: Like several other entries in the series, this was originally not meant to be a "Hellraiser" film. The studio felt the script would be a good fit for the series, so it was rewritten to add in the cenobites and puzzle box.


2nd Oct 2020

Hellraiser (1987)

Trivia: The film was originally meant to be set in England, but this was changed during production when the studio decided it should take place in the US. In order to help sell this, a number of the English cast members were redubbed with American accents. However, as the decision was made after part of the film had already been shot, there are a few lines alluding to it being set in England still left in the finished movie. (They evidently couldn't be reshot or cut around).


Trivia: "Gremlins" star Zach Galligan has a "blink and you'll miss it" cameo as one of the dead bodies in the nightclub after the massacre. He's only on-screen for a second, but if you know where to look, you can see him. (He's impaled with a pool stick.) Evidently the director asked him to make a cameo as they had worked together before on the "Waxwork" films, and Galligan accepted.


Trivia: The original draft of the script was reportedly much bleaker in tone. It didn't have the pseudo-cenobites such as "Barbie" and "CD Head," and the ending of the film involved Joey willingly becoming Pinhead's "bride" in exchange for fortune and success.


Trivia: Peter Jackson was reportedly asked to direct, and while he entertained the notion, he ultimately turned down the opportunity as at the time he mainly worked on broad comedic horror films and felt he would not be a good fit for the material.


Trivia: The film was originally directed by Kevin Yagher. However, after filming was initially completed, Miramax demanded reshoots to restructure the film, give it a happier ending, introduce Pinhead earlier and alter the storyline to make it more mainstream. Yagher strongly disagreed with these changes and walked away from production. An uncredited Joe Chappelle stepped in to direct the reshoots, and the film was ultimately credited to "Alan Smithee," as Yagher felt the finished film strayed too far from his original vision.


Trivia: The puzzle-box from the "Hellraiser" movies can be seen on an end-table in Eugene's living room. It can easily be seen about 23 minutes into the film while Leslie is talking to Eugene. (In fact, Leslie puts his drink down right next to it).


Trivia: At the beginning of the film, Taylor is standing in front of a bar called "Rabbit in Red." This is a reference to the movie "Halloween," in which Dr. Loomis finds a matchbook for a lounge called the "Rabbit in Red."


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