Trivia: For Andy to get rid of the Teen Wolf look, actor Steve Carell's chest hair is really waxed by an actress, who is a non-professional waxer. Because there would only be one take of this disturbingly amusing scene, they set up five cameras - one on his 'friends', one over Andy, one on the waxer, one for wide shots, and one for close-ups of his chest. This scene was not scripted, so when the waxer laughs and Andy's friends are totally cracking up it was for real. Though it was strongly suggested to Steve to first trim his chest hair or to take a pain reliever before the taping, he refused, wanting to have the full cringe-effect caught on tape. In one close-up a bit of blood is actually seen bleeding up to the surface - it is not CGI. It took about seven weeks for his hair to grow back, much to chagrin of his wife, who wasn't crazy about his 'chest smiley'.
Trivia: The woman teaching the class at the clinic is Steve Carrels real wife. It seems that she is in a lot of things with him because also had a recurring part in Steve Carrel's show "The Office"
Chosen answer: The words translated are "When you clean my room, I can't find anything. Where are you going in a hurry? The football game." Even if you can't understand a foreign language, the last word of the love song is recognizably "football".