The Eighth Part of the Village - S3-E3
Audio problem: When Higgins' mail order bride (well, not really) bows deeply for Magnum and her hat falls off, she says "Thank you, Higgins san", but the actress, overwhelmed by her own abundant mane, is just grinning and her lips don't move. (00:11:15)

The Spores - S2-E7
Audio problem: When the flower delivery van flies off the asphalt road and into the dirt, a tires-screeching-on-asphalt sound is heard as it hits the dirt before rolling over.

Pay in Pain - S1-E7
Audio problem: When Mackey is interrogating Leon the camera is pointed at Mackey as he asks Leon "why are you and the other shop owners all telling the same lie?" The camera then switches over Mackey's right shoulder so we can see Leon's reaction to Mackey's question. Look closely at Mackey's mouth in this shot, you can see him mouthing the exact words that he just spoke.

The Accident - S1-E1
Audio problem: After school when Alex and Ray are walking the camera is far away but you can see that the sound of the person that is talking is different than who is seen talking.

Tall Woman in Red Wagon - S1-E6
Audio problem: When Rockford is having his no dill lunch with Sandra Turkel, the audio, in particular at the beginning of the scene, changes ambience noticeably when the camera angle changes - not quite justified, they are sitting at the same cafe table. (00:05:20)

The Thrilla' in Phila' - S2-E21
Audio problem: When Joey is saying "Frankie, tag me," his mouth movement is not synchronized with the dialogue.

Audio problem: The mechanical Simplex door locks make electronic bleeping noises when the buttons are pressed. As these are mechanical locks with no electronic components, the most you should hear is a click as each button is pressed.

Fold Equity - S2-E9
Audio problem: When Loker receives a video file from Lightman, the shot changes to face Loker and Ria. There are about nine more "dings" that indicate a new item has arrived, but after the final ding is heard, the shot goes back to face the monitor and there are only five items on the screen, with more coming in.

Audio problem: During the dramatic resolution of the conflict, Murzie follows Kojak, telling him, "I'm gonna blow you away," but his lips aren't moving. (00:46:40)

Audio problem: When Ryan is saying "Angela drafted me", the audio is spliced after the word Angela and his exhaling is audibly cut off. (00:02:50)

Audio problem: Angus is clearly not playing the mandolin and guitar at various places in the show.

Audio problem: In the final scene Danny executes the man who killed his brother. Danny is armed with a snub nosed revolver. When he pulls the trigger, the sound of a shell casing bouncing on the floor is heard. A revolver does not eject empty shell casings.

Audio problem: The officer is trying to force Bright to send out of the Gundam to break through the enemy forces. Kikka is singing, which makes him lose his temper. You can see though that when she supposedly sings her mouth is instead closed. (00:05:30)

Audio problem: When Blob is approaching the police car with Toad inside, the sound of his heavy footsteps is not in sync with his stride. (00:01:30)

Audio problem: When Miss Fisher is interrogating Stone and asks him "What's the matter Mr. Stone..." he's gulping down his liquor. She finishes the sentence ("cat got your tongue?") in a separate shot, and the sound of him just putting down the glass is heard. But if you look at the little bit of him that is poking in the foreground, he's puffing smoke instead. Kinda hard to do that with a mouthful of whiskey. (00:31:40)

Chapter 59 - S5-E7
Audio problem: Just before cutting to the shot of Claire, you can see Doug's lips moving even though he hasn't started talking yet. (00:22:35)

Another Song for Christmas - S1-E13
Audio problem: At the very beginning the audio track of the outside noise at the dealership seems to have been laid wrong. It runs into the next interior shot and abruptly stops.

Through the Valley of Shadows - S1-E2
Audio problem: After they discover the rogue planet that they can mine oxygen from, Niko tells Javier and Bernie to inspect the outside of the ship for damage. When the camera cuts to them, you can hear Javier respond in full with a sentence as the camera is focused on both of them, however their mouths aren't moving at all.

Audio problem: Paul uses a chainsaw to cut some metal on the stuck gate. He finishes, and you hear the chainsaw spin down as it stops. The chainsaw is not spinning at all, but it's still making noise.