Audio problem: When Demming writes "Stolen books" on the white board and says, "Killed for a fortune in stolen books, so I'll run the work crews and see if anybody has priors", his lips don't match what he's saying at all.

Audio problem: When detective Bryant gets rough while interrogating the suspect of the shooting he tells him to sit down. When we cut to a different angle we hear him repeat the last few words of his sentence.

Audio problem: In the second scene when Pete hits the sword wielding man with the shield, we hear the sound effect, but he misses by an incredible amount of distance.

Fold Equity - S2-E9
Audio problem: When Loker receives a video file from Lightman, the shot changes to face Loker and Ria. There are about nine more "dings" that indicate a new item has arrived, but after the final ding is heard, the shot goes back to face the monitor and there are only five items on the screen, with more coming in.

Audio problem: About 16 minutes into the episode, Wedeck is on the phone with his wife talking about how he hates DC. One of the Senators from the hearing walks up to Wedeck and asks, "Are you enjoying DC, Stanford?" Wedeck say (to his wife on the phone), "I'm gonna have to call you back," but his mouth doesn't move with the words. The actor flicks his tongue out while the audio of him saying "I'm gonna have to call you back" plays.