Audio problem: When Martha is talking to everyone on her laptop, we can see her mouth moving from the front view. Yet when the camera cuts behind her, she's still talking but we don't see her mouth move. (00:28:32)

Audio problem: When Reid and Morgan are walking up the stairs to the first victim's apartment they are talking, but their mouths aren't moving. (00:06:05)

Audio problem: In the pub with Andy, when Les is talking about Graham Norton and Les says "Ooooh, Jackie Collins!", his lips have no relation to what he's saying.

Provenance - S1-E19
Audio problem: When Sarah goes to touch Evelyn's shoulder, you hear Sam's voice telling her to stop, except his mouth isn't moving at the time the phrase is being uttered. (00:23:50)

Audio problem: In episode 1x08, "Swimming With Boyd", when Lucas is talking to Julie on the street, the audio looping as he says "Listen to me" is quite noticeable - his lips don't even come close to matching what we hear.

Audio problem: Bellick gets shot in the leg and screams but in the brief shot we see his face during the sound, he isn't screaming at all. (00:23:20)

How Titus Pullo Brought Down the Republic - S1-E2
Audio problem: In the scene where Mark Antony and his men are attacked by a mob on their way to the senate forum, Mark Antony says, "Rally to me" three times. The first time he says it, his lips do not move. The third time he says it, the movement of his lips do not match the words.

The Foot in the Foreclosure - S5-E8
Audio problem: In the beginning of the episode, Booth introduces his grandfather to Sweets and his grandfather asks, "Where did you get your M.D., in a Cracker Jack box?" You can hear Bones laugh, but her mouth remains closed.

What Have I Done To Deserve This? - S2-E20
Audio problem: When Alex pages Izzie and she comes outside, he presses her against the wall and then gives her a cupcake. When she takes it she goes "Oooh!" but her mouth is closed.

Audio problem: When Ryan is saying "Angela drafted me", the audio is spliced after the word Angela and his exhaling is audibly cut off. (00:02:50)