Audio problem: At the end of the episode, Buck comes home and crashes on his bed. He sees his girlfriend reporting on TV. Just before the shot cuts, the reporter mouths a word but nothing comes out. The shot changes to others watching the report, and she continues talking.

Episode #1.2 - S1-E2
Audio problem: When Dong-mae and his men leave after searching the house, Su-mi is still holding onto the baby after leaving. The baby is heard crying, but there is a brief moment where she shakes her to calm him down, and we can see the baby's eyes when she does so. In the brief instance where we see the baby's eyes, she does not appear to be crying, indicating that the crying sounds were dubbed in afterwards. (00:45:05)

Audio problem: The man Larusso neglects to sell his dealership to thinks he just got the deal before being punked. He turns around to talk to his assistant but the audio here is off enough to be noticeable. His mouth doesn't match briefly.

Audio problem: The outside shots of the C-130 flying have the sound of a piston plane and not a turboprop.

Episode #1.3 - S1-E3
Audio problem: When Julia Montague and her bodyguard David enter the elevator to go down, the pre-recorded elevator message says "going up." Subtitles show "going down." (00:22:15)